Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2005: Not being a big man for many years!

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It's not just the look of the Emperor.

Even Yun Qingyan looked at Yao Yuan with an unexpected look.

Yun Qingyan knows something about Yao Yuan. Yao Yuan was one of the strongest among the Rock clan, because the curse was too long, which caused his original consciousness to die.

Today, Yao Yuan awakens from hereditary memories, no matter what she sees or remembers.

What Yun Qingyan didn't expect is that Yao Yuan casually came up with a work method, which is the supreme magic book, which can make people step into the level of good fortune.

Now Yun Qingyan, but knows the level of creation ... is the state of Supreme Secret Up!

Even in the chaos world, the level of creation is a rare existence, and it can exist on an equal footing with those of the first generation.

And Yao Yuan casually took out a book, which can let the Litian Emperor step into the level of creation ...

"Yao Yuan, what is the existence of Wei An ..." Yun Qingyan couldn't help but murmured in his heart.

"Thanks a lot ... Thank you, Brother!" Li De said tremblingly.

Yao Yiwen waved his hand, not caring: "You are my younger brother, I should take care of you. But I don't like the name of big brother, just call me big brother."

"Yes, big brother!" Li Mo said without thinking.

"Ah ..." Yao Yuan sighed, revealing a bit of memory, with both hands on his back. "Imagine the glory of the past. Today, I have not been a big brother for many years."

"..." Yun Qingyan was speechless, how could there be such a stinky person in this world.

However, the demon emperor, at this time did not feel Yao Yuan smelling fart, but looked at Yao Yuan with admiration.

Just casually, I gave him a supreme magic book, such a person ... there must be an extremely glorious past.

Seeing the appearance of Litian Demon Emperor, Yun Qingyan became even more speechless. Li Detian's hospitality was also a demon emperor of both circles.

At this time in front of Yao Yuan, more docile than sheep.

"Let's go, we'll meet Lin Yu!" Yun Qingyan said, then took the lead in teleporting and left.

next moment!

Yun Qingyan has appeared in the vacuum on the edge of Anyang City, and confronted with a team of thousands.

"Unfortunately, just another Shangguanbai."

After seeing the Supreme Secret in the Thousands Team, Yun Qingyan shook his head in disappointment.

The current Yun Qingyan has reached the peak of the Da Luodi class, let alone a supreme peak like Chang Hun comes to one ...

Only the supreme mystery of Jin Wuhuan's level can help him step into the emperor level of Jiutian.

However, the Lin Que in front of him is only equivalent to the level of Shang Guanxun, and belongs to the weakest Supreme Realm.

"Oh? A little emperor can stand alone under the pressure of solitude!"

The head of the 1,000-member team Lin Lin, looked at Yun Qingyan unexpectedly.

"Little emperor?"

Yun Qingyan touched his nose and looked at Lin Yu's gaze.

I'll know later when Lin Yu finds out that he is even less than his own little emperor ... What would he think?

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Shangguanbai, Prajna, Yao Yuan, and the four demon emperors of the past, followed immediately after Yun Qingyan.

"You are Lin Yu?"

Yao Yuan, who was standing next to Shangguanbai, looked at Lin Yu's gaze, with a little appreciation, "It's not bad, really a talented person, no wonder he can step into the Supreme Secret."

Not far away, Lin Chi stood up in the sky, and Lin Qi exuding a sense of heights, took a stun for a moment.

A young boy with a milky smell, in the public eye, praised him in public as the elders appreciated the younger ones?

Before waiting for Lin Que to speak, Yao Yuan has continued to say: "Not only a talent, but also a noble character, free from low-level tastes, and even doing good things like sending thousands of miles away, your glory, chasing the moon in the sky!"

Lin Yu's eyebrows suddenly sank.

At this point, if he hadn't heard it yet, Yao Yuan was joking about him and joking about him, then there was a problem with IQ.

"Thousands of miles give people a head, these are what Shangguan Bai told you to say?" Lin Yu said with a calm face.

He really regarded Yao Yuan as a six- or seven-year-old child. All the ridicules just now were taught by Shangguanbai.

"Shangguanbai, is this your means?" Lin Yu said with a calm face.

"What do I do?"

Shangguan Bai stunned for a moment, and he was stunned by Lin Yu's words.

He hasn't even said a word since he appeared, and he hasn't even done an action.

"Intentionally letting a little Mao child irritate the loneliness, trying to disturb the loneliness of the loneliness, there is a chance when you and I fight."

Lin Ju looked at Shangguanbai with a calm face, "As you wish, Gu was indeed angered, but Gu's anger will not only let you have a chance, but will only destroy Shangguan's family faster and more tragic!"

"Really, then the old man will take a look. How can you make Shangguan's house more quickly when you are new and incomparable!"

Shangguanbai's face also exulted.

Lin Yu first blamed him for some reason, and then threatened to destroy his Shangguan family.

Lin Yu is really a bully in Shangguan. When he is in Guanbai is a kneading persimmon?

"Shangguanbai, why bother with a dead man." Yao Yuan lifted his heels and patted Shangbai's shoulder.

He said earnestly: "You look at me and never hold your breath with the dead. It's not worth it. He patted his **** and died. After a hundred, we still have to live well, and how bad our body is when we are angry.

"Little beast, you're trying to die, offending again and again to our elders!"

Behind Lin Yu, a Da Luodi class, even without asking Lin Yu, he grabbed Yao Yuan in a murderous manner.

"You are a small animal, your whole family is a small animal, and the Lin family is full of animals that are not as good as pigs and dogs!"

When Yao Yuan heard the word ‘little beast’, it exploded on the spot. Without thinking, he responded to the entire three-character scripture.

Lin Yu, and the thousands of people behind Lin Yu, became even more ugly.

As soon as Yao Yuan spoke, he scolded the entire Lin family.

"Shoot in front of loneliness, are you supremely solitary?"

Shang Guanbai's deep voice sounded, but he didn't see how he shot ... He grabbed Yao Yuan's Da Luodi class, and his flesh turned directly into powder.

"Shangguanbai, if you don't destroy your entire family in Shangguan today, I swear I won't be human!"

Lin Yu was so angry that he shot on the spot, carrying the power of the terrible rules, and blasted to Shangguanbai.

Immediately after Lin Shou, more than a thousand of the elites of the Lin family also followed suit, and fierce blood flew from them.

"I didn't know if you were human before, but I know you're dead soon!" Yao Yuan's voice sounded again.

Lin Yu's heart moved, and a sharp arrow transformed by the power of the law shot at Yao Yuan sharply. Yao Yuan didn't care, and before the sharp arrow approached him, Yun Qingyan appeared in front of him out of nowhere and grabbed the sharp arrow.

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