Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2015: Fahua is not a monk!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

"Brother mighty!"

Yao Yuan directly gave Fahua a thumbs up. "Speaking of which, I also had a black hand on individual early generations, alas, that's fat and oily!"

"Ha ha ha, it seems that my brother is also a fellow in the same circle! When the brother's storm is over, how about you and me to form a group, grab the chaos?

Fahua proposed, saying nothing but another big sip.

"That feeling is good, but I have to pull in my brother Qingyan, who is also an expert in this area. He had done these things before he got off!"

Yao Yuan laughed immediately.

Yun Qingyan aside, twitched his mouth, but didn't say anything to refute.

Although Yao Yuan was nonsense, he really made him right.

Before Yun Qingyan had reached the emperor level, he had indeed done plunder.

It's just that he has a pirate and only does black things.

"By my brother, my brother wants to ask something. I don't know if his brother Fang is inconvenient to answer?" Yao Yuan Youyou said.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as the answer is convenient, my brother knows everything!" Fa Hua said with arrogance.

However, he is a hero, but he insists on emphasizing the ‘as long as it ’s easy to answer’.

"Hey, then I'll ask you politely." Yao Yuan revered with another cup, and then said, "Brother is really a monk?"

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

One of Fa Hua's hands had reached into the girl's clothes on her left leg, and she was about to rub a few hands. As a result, Yao Yuan asked this question.

Fa Hua withdrew his hand naturally, and then said solemnly, "Brother ... Of course not a monk!"

"Surely brother, if someone asks this question, I must think he is an idiot, who has seen drinking and eating meat, looking for flowers to ask the monk of Liu?"

Yao Yuan kept rolling his eyes.

It ’s your own self-proclaimed monk, is n’t it? I do n’t think you ’re a monk from the moment you first see you!

"That brother is hostile to the monk?" Yao Yuan asked again.

Fa Hua has been doing alcohol and meat, looking for flowers and asking Liu, and at the same time arrogating ‘poor monks’ to others, it is hard not to doubt that he is discrediting the Buddhist world.

"No revenge!" Fahua shook his head directly. "Not only is he not revenge, they have great gratitude to me!"

"Uh, that brother is still discrediting them outside?" Yao Yuan was puzzled.

The feeling that Fa Hua gave him was not like the one who avenged revenge. There was no need to use the monk's banner and do the things that the monk would not do.

"Don't I want them to die for me ..." Fa Hua grinned bitterly. "Although I'm not a monk, the bald donkeys in the Buddhist world have always wanted to make me a Buddha."

"They have great gratitude to me, so I can't shoot at them, but I can't stand it. They can't stop it in my ears all day long, so I can only do it, and they are not allowed to act!"

Yao Yuan and Yun Qingyan only realized this. It turned out that they still had this inside story.

Then Yao Yuan asked again, "Why are they obsessed and want to cross his brother to Buddha?"

"Oh, my brother, this question is not convenient to answer for the time being." Fa Hua embarrassed.

"However, when the bald donkeys treat the poor monks ... alas, after giving up on me, I will tell you why."

Fa Hua said so, naturally Yao Yuan would not ask again.

"Bright brother ..." Fahua seemed to think of something, and suddenly said, "Yuanwu world speakers, you have to be careful, they have their backs ..."

When Fahua spoke of the word "where", he pointed his finger to heaven.

"Nine heavens?" Yao Yuan immediately raised an eyebrow.

"Well, the speakers of the nine heavenly families!" Fa Hua nodded slightly.

"Of course, my brother just lets you be careful of them, but don't worry, you should take this token first. If Tiandao Jiujia really comes, show them this token!"

Fahua said, he took out a token, which had no pattern on it, simple and unpretentious, as if polished with charcoal.

However, when Yao Yuan and Yun Qingyan saw the token, their complexions changed slightly.

The breath of word on the token is beyond what they can understand ...

They just looked and felt the whole soul tremble.

"Brother, this gift is very heavy, but my brother really needs it and will not be polite to you."

Yao Yuan looked solemnly.

Of course, his hand was not polite, took the token directly from Fa Hua and put it into the space ring.

"When the younger brother rises, what do you need? Don't be polite with your younger brother!"

Yao Yuan said earnestly, he gave Fahua a promise.

"Hahaha, with the potential of my brother and Brother Yun, my brother will definitely need you in the future."

"When you arrive, don't pretend that you don't know your brother!" Fa Hua quipped with a bit of tone.

"Drop of grace, Yongquan reported!"

Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan spoke at the same time.

None of them was a fool. At this time, they all understood that Fahua did not come for the people of Anyang City at all.

He came here just to send love to Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan.

It was only at the beginning that Fahua's favor was just a ray of energy.

After talking to Yao Yuan speculatively, he sent another promise to him, so that when Yao Yuan could not solve the problem, he crushed Yu Jian and notified him.

This promise seems to have been effective, but Yu Jian can only be crushed once.

To put it plainly, I can ask Fahua to take a shot.

Now he is talking more speculatively. Fa Hua likes Yao Yuan and Yun Qingyan's temperament very much, so he gave him an extra love.

It is the token that Yao Yuan just put into the space ring, exuding the flavor of Tao.

In Yun Qingyan's and Yao Yuan's opinion, the value of this token even exceeded the sum of the previous two.

The reason is simple, this token can be used an unlimited number of times.

Anyone who sees this token will jealous of the creator of the token.

After all, just the breath of the Tao enclosed in the token has exuded terrible coercion.

How frightening is the person who made it?

"The two brothers are all happy, don't let my brother take a lot of hard work, come and come, our three brothers have a drink!"

Fa Hua laughed directly after hearing ‘Drop of Water, Yongquan Xiangbao’.

Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan both picked up the wine glasses and collided with Fa Hua before pouring in.

"Brother Yun ..." Fa Hua suddenly looked at Yun Qingyan. "Although it is a great blessing to have three Jiao wives, it can be handled properly. It is better to have a fire in the backyard."

When Yun Qingyan heard this, it seemed that he had a hunch and looked at Fa Hua.

Fahua didn't look at Yun Qingyan, but said, "You three big wives, don't necessarily know each other's existence, the Yun brothers still think of a solution early."

* The author Feng Wu Aurora has something to say: It would not be a monk's job to reveal Fa Hua so quickly, but many readers have developed uncomfortable feelings and misunderstood Aurora in black Buddhism, so they can only be unlocked in advance. Aurora parents believe in Buddhism, Aurora is unlikely to be black Buddhist.

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