Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2021: He appeared again!

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At this moment, Yun Qingyan suddenly felt that there was a very light and light shaking on the white ground.

If you don't sense it carefully, you won't find it.

Yun Qingyan could not help but release his consciousness, but he found that his consciousness did not extend into the ground at all.

Yun Qingyan seemed to think of something, the figure could not help but lift off, and flew to an altitude of millions of meters in an instant.

From the perspective of such a high altitude, the whole world is blank.

The world is too big to see its margins even at millions of meters.

Yun Qingyan's thoughts instantly teleported to an altitude of tens of millions of meters.

Under normal circumstances, this altitude has long been outside the starry sky.

But there is a special rule in this world that has caused Yun Qingyan to rise tens of millions of meters, and none have left the world.

But after flying to an altitude of tens of millions of meters, Yun Qingyan faintly saw five mountains close together.

These five mountains vary in thickness and size.

The thinnest one is on the far left, the thickest one is on the far right, and the longest is the middle one.

Yun Qingyan seemed to want to verify something and could not help but fly to the source of the five mountains.

Soon, Yun Qingyan saw that the five mountains are a vast plain with a vast expanse at its source.

Even if you look down at tens of millions of meters, you can't see the margins of this plain.

Yun Qingyan spent some time, after determining the direction of the source, began to fly to the source ...

In a blink of an eye, the day and night passed.

Yun Qingyan seemed to have got the answer he wanted.

There were shocks in his eyes, fear, dignity ... and a bit of fear.

The five mountains that he discovered first were most likely the five fingers of a person.

The vast plain is the back of a person's hand.

Then he found a vast, continuous arm.

The chill wind that filled the ground below came out of two caves with a diameter of billions of meters.

That's the nostril.

The chill wind that swept through it was an airflow created by one person exhaling and inhaling.

"People in this world have been infinitely small, or those in this world are standing on a ... infinite giant!"

Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice.

If it wasn't for his physical body, consciousness, being infinitely small, then this giant would be too scary.

I am afraid that it is an ordinary big world, and he will not have his physical size.

Yun Qingyan could hardly imagine how strong such a huge creature would be.

How much cultivation resources are consumed by such a huge creature every day.

If such a huge creature were to go crazy, would this universe still exist?


At a distance of tens of millions of meters, Yun Qingyan saw the horrific fire rising from below.

Someone is fighting!

The snow-white world was reflected in a fire-colored world in a very short time.

At this moment, Yun Qingyan saw the back of the cave that created the chill wind ...

Suddenly two huge mirrors appeared.

Those two mirrors are shining brilliantly, even if they are so terrible in distance ...

Yun Qingyan can see the light on the mirror.

As Yun Qingyan guessed, the giant is still alive, otherwise Yun Qingyan will not find that the ground of the whole world is trembling when he first enters this world.

The giant mirrors opened the eyes when the giant sensed that someone was fighting on him.

Yun Qingyan felt the disgust on the two crystal mirrors.

Yun Qingyan's hair was upside down and felt an unprecedented crisis.

At this moment, a very humble feeling was born in his heart.

He knew that as long as the other party was willing, an idea could destroy him.

But what made Yun Qingyan loose is that the two huge mirrors just opened for a moment ... and then closed again.

"He is not interested in ants fighting!" Yun Qingyan said in his heart, relieved at the same time.

Just like a person, although he does not like ants, he may not deliberately step on an ant.


Just then, Yun Qingyan's mind suddenly buzzed.

Yun Qingyan immediately felt that he was being summoned by the sealed magic monument in the sea.

Yun Qingyan's consciousness could not help entering the sea of ​​knowledge.

"Divine flesh--"

As soon as Yun Qingyan's consciousness entered the sea of ​​knowledge, he got this information.

Yun Qingyan's first reaction was shock!

Heavenly body? Providence also has a body?

Providence in the world it controls is omnipotent.

If it had a physical body, how much more terrifying would it be?

And Yun Qingyan also thought of one thing.

If Providence has a physical body, can it be understood as a living person?

That lives in it ... No, strictly speaking, it should be 'he'!

Can the living beings of the world under his control be understood as his people?

Or, is he a pet?

"It's alien and almost endless years, it gave birth to self-awareness."

"It's not just God's providence."

Feng Mobei suddenly sent a message to Yun Qingyan again, "but its self-awareness is still weak, and it will take some years to accumulate!"

"So, this flesh, most of the time, is in deep sleep."

Yun Qingyan took a deep breath, and his eyes were dignified to the extreme. "Can I understand that as long as he is given enough time, he can become a complete person."


A voice full of avenue sounded suddenly.

Along with this voice, a figure of a mighty shore appeared to Yun Qingyan's mind out of thin air.

Around the figure, there are worlds. These worlds are not static, but are constantly changing, changing in the birth and destruction.

"Yundi, we meet again!" Wei An's figure looked at Yunqingyan Road.

It's just that his face is covered by a layer of mist-like energy, even today's Yun Qingyan cannot break through this layer of energy to see his true face.

"Time Traveler!" Yun Qingyan groaned.

Yun Qingyan remembers seeing him for the first time.

It was Weizhou on the continent of Stars. At that time, he had just obtained a seal of magic.

When he appeared, he introduced himself like this:

"I am a traveler of time, walking in the long river of time, I have regrets forever, and linger in the past and future."

"Yundi, the time we met this time was much later than I expected." Wei An's figure suddenly sighed.

This sigh made Yun Qingyan's heart give birth to an inexplicable sadness.

That sadness is like losing something more important than his life.

The author Feng Wu Aurora has something to say: This chapter is difficult to write, so it took so long to appear. Pay attention to the prestige public number of Aurora: fwjg1234

Regarding who the time traveler is and what regrets are, Aurora will tell you there.

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