Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2023: Stop Chi Yao's death!

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What position does Chi Yao occupy in Yunqingyan's heart?

Yun Qingyan almost answered without thinking, she was more important than his life!

As for praying!

That is his brother Yun Qingyan, who has experienced countless lives and deaths together!

Even in the most dangerous danger, Yun Qingyan can give his back to him without hesitation.

If prayer is needed, he can also give his life for prayer!

Before Yun Qingyan married Jiang Ruoxian, she changed her name to ‘Xianer’.

When the time traveler talked about the word "xianer", Yun Qingyan affirmed his identity more and more.

Yun Qingyan never measured the weight of the person who occupied the position in his mind.

However, Jiang Ruoxian is different. Compared to others, Jiang Ruoxian is Yun Qingyan's true wife.

Chi Yao and Qi Ling have more weight in Yun Qingyan's heart than Yun Qingyan's own life.

Jiang Ruoxian, not to mention.

If Chi Yao, Qi Ling, Jiang Ruoxian, something really happened ...

You do n’t have to wait for Yun Qingyan to care about other people, Yun Qingyan will already collapse.

Putting ten swords in one's heart will make one die so much that he can't die.

It doesn't prove that I can't kill this person with the sword.

In fact, for this person, there are no substantial differences in the three swords or ten swords.

Because, you can kill him.

"All of this cannot be changed!" Yun Qingyan whispered.

"If it is really an established fact, there is no need for the person in the future to go back and try to change ..."

"He would think that I was slow to collect the demon monuments, and I would think that I was slow to increase my repairs because I would follow the established trajectory, and everything that would happen to him later would happen.

"But if I practice fast enough, now it is the level of creation, that is, the existence of invincibility to the universe, and the sealed magic monument has been assembled, then the subsequent series of tragedies will not appear!

"Right now, for me, the most important thing is to promote cultivation at all costs, and at the same time, to find Qi Feng's monuments as quickly as possible."

"And only if it is strong enough to prevent the will of the chaos world from becoming a complete person!"

"Only strong enough to be able to protect everyone I care about!"

Yun Qingyan murmured, his eyes were solemn.

These words, he will never just talk in his heart.

From now on, he will do what he says at all costs!

The first is to stop Chi Yao from dying!



At a height of tens of millions of meters, Yun Qingyan stayed for nearly half a day.

Fighting on the giant's body has continued, destroying the sky and earth, enough to destroy Xinghe and collapse the star field.

But such a terrible battle still cannot destroy the giant's physical body.

Except when the giant opened his eyes once, he stayed asleep with his eyes closed for the next time.

"It seems that he will be awake for a short while," Yun Qingyan whispered.

His figure flew directly in the direction of the battle.

After approaching the battlefield, Yun Qingyan saw the **** rain, and Li Lili, dyed the white world into a blood red.

In the battlefield, a red-haired old man in a blood coat was permeated with red blood, standing in the air, facing two old men with Tong Yanhefa.

Yun Qingyan recognized one of them, a blood soul old man from another world.

The blood soul old man Zao Yun Qingyan stepped into the small world.

"If nothing unexpected, the old man who confronted the blood soul elderly should be An and Lin."

Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice.

"Give up the God of Heaven jade card, the old man will save you from death." Although the blood soul old man was covered with blood, he was also wearing a blood coat.

But he was not injured at all.

The two Tong Yanhefa elders opposite the Bloodsoul Elder were extremely ugly.

"Yuanwu Realm's realm of hegemony is Yuanwu's own business. If you come here as a person from another world, you are not afraid to cause anger in the whole Yuanwu realm?" People in the world participate in the realm of hegemony, but there has been a hidden rule in the chaos world since ancient times. Only the souls of this world can compete for the position of the world's master. Your doing this has violated the rules.

!! "

The two old men with Yanyan Hefa said calmly.

"The Yuanwu Realm is just one of the small outer nine realms. What about the old man who just angered the entire Yuanwu realm? How can they help the old man?"

"As for breaking the rules, it is even more nonsense. Since Providence has not explicitly forbidden it, where is the hidden rule?"

The blood soul old man sneered sneerly, and didn't take their words seriously.

He didn't say a word in his heart. This time he came to Yuanmu World to find fish, not only his old soul.

Of course, only the souls of the world can contest the hidden rules of the world's masters.

It's just that there has been a big chaos in the Sixth and Sixth Realms, and all the major forces are fighting for that thing.

Not at all, there are people or forces they fear, and they are concerned about the little Yuanwu world.

"Well, my husband has limited patience. Finally, I will give you ten breaths to surrender God's Token, otherwise, die!"

The blood soul old man was impatient, and he immediately set a deadline.

The old man with two young children, Yan Hehe, opposite the Blood Soul Elder, turned green and yellow, somewhat unwilling, but more fearful.

Although the same is the highest peak.

However, the fighting ability of the old soul of the blood soul is much higher than theirs. Even if the two of them join forces, they will not be rivals of the old soul of the blood soul.

With long delays, their defeat will only be a matter of time.

At that time, the old soul of blood soul will not lighten them.

"If we surrender the God of Heaven token, wouldn't you really kill us?" Said the old man with two Tong Yanhefa.

"Of course not. The whole world of Tianyuan. Whoever doesn't know the old man's blood and soul is always the same person!"

The old blood soul snorted softly.

The murderous look in his eyes had faded away. From the questioning of the other party, it was obvious that he was going to give in to him.

"What, you old blood soul—"

The two old men with Tong Yanhe made their eyes shrink when they heard the name.

Although they are in two worlds, they have heard of the fierce name of the blood soul old man.

The blood soul old man likes it most, and he is made into a blood slave for him to drive.

"In addition to not killing us, you ... you have to let us go safely!"

The two old men with Tong Yanhefa immediately changed their words.

They are worried that the old man with blood soul will not play with text. Do not kill them, but will make them into blood slaves.

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