Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2027: Night Corrosion!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

Yun Qingyan's speed is very fast. After resisting all the palms, the figure has already reached the master of the Yan family.

Not waiting for the master to respond, a dragon yell that broke the sky has sounded.

With the heavy fist of the dragon's shadow, he banged on the master of the Yan family.

"Ye--" Master Yan Jiao vomited big blood, and the figure was directly taken out by Zhen Fei.

Being blasted by the "Nielong Roaring Fist" in such a short distance, the master of the house is even skinny and thick, and he must be seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, the ancestors of Ann and Lin flashed their eyes in fear.

However, they are afraid that they will not be able to reconcile with Yun Qingyan.

In this case, it is better to fight with him.

And they all think that the master of the Yan family was bombarded, to a large extent because he underestimated the enemy.

The law of smelting and the law of earthquakes both appeared behind them.


The power of the two rules slammed into Yun Qingyan.

"Too weak!" Yun Qingyan looked at the ancestors of An and Lin. "Not even Chang soul, how can you hurt me!"

Hearing Yun Qingyan's words, the ancestors of An and Lin suddenly changed.

A horrible thought came directly to their minds, "On ... was the last soul of the last master, died in your hands?"

"It's not just him!" Yun Qingyan bluntly said, "Jin Wuhuan, the master of the green world, died in my hands."

As soon as Yun Qingyan said this, let alone the ancestors of An and Lin.

Those who dare to kill the Lord of One Realm are all brave!

Although the Master Yan was shocked by Yun Qingyan's combat power, he was not worried that he would be in trouble.

At a critical moment, he had no choice but to move out of the speaker, and move out of the Supreme speaker behind the speaker.

But now he was hesitant!

All the people who dare to kill even the world's masters are daredevil.

Yun Qingyan may not be worried, Yan Jia settles accounts after the autumn ...

And the Yan Family may not know that the Young Master died in the hands of Yun Qingyan.

After all, this is a small world, and the outside world has no idea what happened here.

After Yun Qingyan was subjected to the laws of Anjia and Lin's ancestors at the same time, he could not see any injuries.

He grabbed both of his big hands at the same time, carrying the horrible sucking force, and one face-to-face sucked the two ancestors.

"You ... what do you want to do!" The ancestors of An and Lin both looked at Yun Qingyan in fear.

"Nothing, just take back what you owe me." Yun Qingyan said lightly.

The lives of Anjia and Lin's ancestors were originally saved by him from the blood soul old man.

Not only did they not be grateful to Yun Qingyan, they also committed revenge.

How could Yun Qingyan spare them lightly.

"The law of smelting and the law of earthquakes, although not the power of the orthodox law, can also be used by me ..." Yun Qingyan Youyou said, and then started to swallow the sky.



Two screams screamed loudly. Both the Anjia ancestor and the Lin family ancestors felt the loss of the power of the Yuanyuan and the power of the law.

In Yunqingyan Xintian, those buds that have just sprouted seem to have the most nutritious nutrients ...

In a very short period of time, they have grown a lot.

The rules of thunder and gold that have become small saplings seem to have grown to the end at this stage, so nothing can be seen.

Yun Qingyan has the deepest feelings.

Now he can use more power, if now meet Chang soul ...

Yun Qingyan could do it, crushing him with one finger.

"Ann ... the ancestors of the two Anlins, actually ... were swallowed up by him!"

The young master said with horror in his eyes.

"Now it's your turn!" Yun Qingyan looked coldly at Master Yan.

"Don't threaten me with words, I know your speakers are a branch of the Supreme Speaker."

Before Yun Qingyan waited for the master to speak, he said what he wanted to say.

Master Yan said his breathing was delayed.

A horror of fear he had never experienced before came out of his heart.

However, he is also stubborn.

Now that Yun Qingyan knows that his background still wants him to die, he is too lazy to say anything more threatening.

"Since you know that I am a speaker, you should know that I cannot provoke you!"

The master of arrogance sneered, and a terrifying flame ignited.

The clothes worn by Master Yan Jia, also transformed into a fire-colored armor at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Eh?" Yun Qingyan's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw the fire-colored armor.

He could feel that even if he punched hard, he couldn't break the fire-colored armor.

"The spirit of the fire element, come out to me!" Master Yan Jiao burst into tears again.

The fire-colored armor on his body flew out of a fire elf.

When Yun Qingyan was in the fairy realm, he also contacted the elves. They were short in stature, but their proportions were extremely coordinated, and they represented holiness and sacredness!

In fairyland, elves are considered a symbol of beauty.

Yun Qingyan's wedding with Jiang Ruoxian not only invited the Phoenix family, but also the elves who symbolized beauty.

However, the fire elf in front of him felt Yun Qingyan's feeling full of suffocation, and the whole body was filled with extremely uncomfortable filth.

"You can drive me to this step, you are dead, and you are all proud of it!" Said Master Yanjia with a sneer and a sneer.

The Fire Element Armor is forged by the X-Men of Fortune!

Its instrumental spirit, the spirit of the fire element, is also a supreme being at the level of creation.

The dark fire elf has the highest peak of cultivation in itself!

After being refined into an instrumental spirit, although the flesh is gone, after thousands of years of cultivation, it has long been capable of surpassing the Supreme Secret.

This armor was obtained by the patriarch of the young family, where his patriarch's father came from an ancestor who had been retreating for several times!

At the beginning, Master Yan did not intend to use it, because in Master Young's opinion, if he used this armor ...

Even if he succeeded in winning the title of Yuanwu Realm in the end, the evaluation in that ancestor's heart would be much lower.

"The spirit of the fire element uses the night's corrosion!" Master Yan Jia burst into a loud voice.

With the sound of his popping drink falling, the sky with a radius of 10 million meters was instantly enveloped by darkness.

Innumerable calls filled the whole world.

In Yun Qingyan's mind, countless negative emotions emerged. These negative emotions eroded him like a nightmare.

Yun Qingyan shook her head slightly, disappointed, and expelled all negative emotions.

They are all adults, and they also play superficial tricks like fantasy.

"Well? How is it possible?" Yun Qingyan stared sharply, because he found that 'Dark Night Corrosion' was not a fantasy.

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