Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2038: Messengers from the first generation!

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"People at the funeral home can break up the small world and send people in to ambush Brother Qingyan."

Yao Yuan looked at Yun Qingyan and asked, "Could Qingyan's body use the same method to help another body?"

"Yes!" Yun Qingyan nodded slightly. "The funeral is using a supreme magic weapon to forcibly open the gap in the small world. Now this gap has not been closed. I can enter the small world just by rushing over before the gap is closed."


Yun Qingyan paused for a moment, "There are other things right now, waiting for my body to deal with them, so I will not go to the Qing Cang world to blend in!"

Yun Qingyan has absolute confidence in another body.

Although half-step good fortune, but the order is not Yun Qingyan's opponent.

As long as Yun Qingyan successfully differentiated them, they could disintegrate one by one and break them one by one.

And as Yun Qingyan said, there are still many things waiting for him in Yuanwu World!

There is no doubt that Yan Yan will give up.

If Yun Qingyan is not in the city of Anyang, Yao Yuan and others will not be opponents of the rhetoric.

As for what Fahua gives, it belongs to the hole cards that can be used without being used!

After returning to Anyang City, Yun Qingyan began to exercise the authority of the realm and began to mobilize the resources of the entire Yuanwu realm.

The original Yun Qingyan also planned to split the resources between the two bodies equally!

It now appears that the other body is no longer available.

The body of the beast of the starry sky, as long as it successfully swallows the burial house, is enough to step into the Supreme Secret.

In other words, the person Yun Qingyan can freely use the resources of the two circles.

Only half a day later, Shangguanbai collected a large number of natural treasures and elixir.

Yun Qingyan took these materials and entered the mixed Yuan tower to refine.

After half a day of outside time, Yun Qingyan has come out of the mixed tower, and the rules of light and wood have also come to an end.

"Just using a part of the resources of the Yuanwu world has already made the power of the two rules of light and wood complete."

"The resources of a single unit in the Wu world are enough for me to step into the top secret."

Yun Qingyan said in his heart, a flash of excitement flashed in his eyes.

It seems that the time to go to Chi Yao does not even need half a year.

As soon as one month, as slow as three months, you can leave for Beihe World.

At this point, it has been a day since Yun Qingyan returned from Zhiti Mountain in Hubei County.

Although Yun Qingyan let the great forces of the Yuanwu world come to see him two days later ...

But more than half of the big forces reached Anyang City just one day later.

The remaining forces did not come early because of the high shelf or because they did not put Yun Qingyan in their eyes ...

Purely from their old nest, it takes some time to get to Anyang City.

"Little calendar days, is there someone from the Yan family?"

After a few people got together, Yao Yuan looked at the emperor of the days.

After Li Tian Mo Di became Yao Yuan's younger brother, Yao Yuan changed his name to Li Tian Mo Di ‘Little Li Tian’.

"No!" Li Tian Mo Emperor shook his head. "According to my analysis, Yanjia's people should come tomorrow!"

"After all, the Yan family has suffered a big loss in Yun Dayou's hands, and their faces are completely lost. In addition to revenge, they also want to save their faces!

"Tomorrow is the day when all major forces in the Yuanwu world meet with Yun Daoyou, and they will probably come tomorrow!"

The others nodded slightly. If they were the decision makers of the speakers, they would indeed come again tomorrow.

"Son, do you need to meet the head of the big power that has come?" Shang Guanbai looked at Yun Qingyan for instructions.

After Yun Qingyan became the lord, Shang Guanbai changed his name to Yun Yunyan.

At the same time, subordinate gifts are also available.

"No!" Yun Qingyan waved his hand. "However, all the gifts they sent are counted, and the materials that can be upgraded are sent to my closed room."

"Yes, son!" Shangguan Bai Zuozhu said.

"Yan Han, Yan Qing, and the **** soul old man, are the four of Ao Qing still obedient?" Yun Qingyan asked again.

All four of them, Yun Qingyan saved their lives.

Although the four of them are gone, their memories, insights and insights on Xiandao are still there!

Keeping them teaching people to cultivate will no doubt be the best teacher.

"Children Qiqi are very obedient for the time being!" Shangguanbai replied, except for his respect, a little more grateful.

Each of these four people is the highest peak, and his accomplishments along the way of cultivation are higher than that of Shangguanbai.

Now Yun Qingyan rewarded them to Shangguan's family, and let them teach the children of Shangguan's family ... It's a great gift to Shangguan's family!

With the teaching of these four people, within a century, the overall strength of the Shangguan family will be even higher!

"Eh?" Shangguan Bai Meiyu suddenly froze, then took out the letter of jade from her arms.

"Son, someone who claims to be the messenger of the Beastmaster comes to see you!" Shangguanbai said solemnly.

"Beastmaster Messenger?"

Prajna, Yao Yuan, and the three demon emperors all changed dramatically.

They thought of the last soul, Chang Hun!

There is a very pale bloodline of the first-generation Beastmaster on Chang Hun.

But strictly speaking, they can be regarded as the descendants of the first Beastmaster!

"Things are a little tricky!" Prajna Shen said, "Although there are mysterious people, he took a delay of three days before the death of Chang Soul's blood ...

"But the three-day delay in blood rain just gave us proof of our absence."

"Because we are not strong on the surface, having an absence proves to be a clear connection between us and the death of Chang soul."

"But now that the Lord of the Realm has fallen into us, it is tantamount to telling others in disguise that we have the ability to kill the constant soul."

Yao Yuan said at this time: "I know a little bit about the Beastmaster of the first generation. Although he is very cruel and extremely short-handed."

"But at the same time, he is also a face-loving person. As a hegemon of the Central World, he cannot come to a barren land like Outer Nine Realms to avenge his descendants."

"And ..." Yun Qingyan also said at this time, "We are only one of the suspects who killed Chang Hun now, and there is no substantial proof that the person killed me."

Yun Qingyan said, and looked at Shangguanbai again, "Shangguanbai, you take people to the banquet room first, and I will meet this messenger."

"Yes, son!" Shang Guanbai immediately resigned.

"Yun Daoyou, the messenger of the Beastmaster, the attitude is not low, are you going to swallow it, or ..."

The emperor Li said in the beginning, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Yao Yuan.

"Little calendar days, how do you say that, Brother Qingyan is like someone who can swallow his voice?"

"And is it not a messenger, nor is the Beastmaster himself coming!"

"A little messenger, if the acquaintance is all right, if he really comes here to set the scene, then destroy him!"

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