Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2046: Expose swallowing sky!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

"Yun Qingyan, you have no excuses, you are so brave, you can't even see the patriarch, and you will be led to arrest you!"

"If you are acquainted with the truth, you will be obedient, or you will be arrested by the patriarch, and all those who are related to you will be connected!"

"Yun Qingyan, whether it is for your own sake or for the people around you, we advise you to take it!"

Those thirty supreme realms came out brazenly.

None of them dared to take the lead, and one by one could only condemn Yun Qingyan verbally.

And many of them are very skillful in speaking, knowing that they threaten Yun Qingyan from the side.

It is implied that if Yun Qingyan captures without restraint, everyone around him will be strained.

Yun Qingyan's eyes cooled down, he hated being threatened!

Especially threaten him with people around!

"Do you know? You are really sad! You are so humble that you nodded your head, and they were treated as cannon fodder!"

"But there is an old saying that poor people must be hateful. I have let you off once, and this time, I will not show mercy."

Yun Qingyan's words fell and he took the lead.

He was like a tiger, rushing into the flock.

More than thirty paradise, such as the frightened bow birds fled, but they have been hit hard by Yun Qingyan before flying a few hundred meters away.

In less than half a cup of tea, more than thirty Supreme Secrets were swallowed by Yun Qingyan, and at the same time the flesh was burned.

The smoke of smoke in the air made countless people tremble with fear.

This ... this is the smoke of gunpowder created by the more than thirty Supreme Mysteries that were burned down.

"Heaven doesn't choose a road, but **** has nowhere to go. I should say you are sad ... still stupid."

Yun Qingyan's gaze swept over nearly two hundred and a half steps.

These were the words before, crying and begging Yun Qingyan to give them a chance to stay away!

As soon as he stepped out of the Shangguan family, he chose to be the enemy of Yun Qingyan and turned to the verbalist!

"Yan ... Yan patriarch helps!"

"All of us ... have all worked for the ambassadors, and also asked the patriarch to save them!"

"Yun ... Yun Qingyan is crazy, my magic is so strong, I ... we can't stop him at all, and ... I also ask the patriarch to rescue him!"

Nearly two hundred and a half steps were taken, all of them called for help from the verbalist.

But neither the patriarch of Long Yan's family, nor the family of horses standing outside, were indifferent.

No one showed signs of rescue.

"It's pathetic, pathetic, and hateful that it's so mean to be a dog, that people don't even look at you straight."

Yun Qingyan sneered and killed the crowd directly.

These people are indeed pathetic, but more hateful, Yun Qingyan can no longer show mercy to them.

After six and a half steps to Yun Qingyan, all of them were grateful for their choice.

"The higher you stand, the less likely you are to be treated as a person!"

"Speakers are used to being so lofty, how could they treat the people who trust them!"

"It's ridiculous, these people are actually trying to rely on the verbalist to make peace!"

The six patriarchs of Aijia, Lejia, Renjia, Kejia, Lanjia, and Yijia who relied on Yun Qingyan all sneered in a low voice.

They also have no pity for those who died in Yun Qingyan's hands.

In their view, these people are totally responsible for their own faults.

Yun Qingyan gave them the opportunity to stay out of the matter, because these people did not cherish themselves, they chose to speak against Yun Qingyan!

It's not hard to imagine.

If Yun Qingyan declines now, then Yun Qingyan, and everyone around Yun Qingyan ...

Will die in the hands of these people.


Nearly two hundred and a half steps were taken, and they all died in Yun Qingyan's hands.

"The power of the fifteen rules is complete!" Yun Qingyan muttered in his heart.

Everyone who died in his hands was devoured by him at least 70% of the energy.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth!

Wind, ice, thunder, darkness, light!

Death, decay, decay, destruction, destruction!

The power of these 15 rules has been fully fulfilled!

Only the moral, order, and benevolence, which represent the origin of the universe, remain unsatisfactory.

"call out--"

A burst of air slammed loudly, and a dragon robe rushed out from inside the dragonfly.

Along with it, there is a terrifying half-step coercion.

Yun Qingyan not only did not retreat, but greeted him, and immediately fought against each other.

"It's only half a step to make things happen. Really think you're a good thing?" Yun Qingyan sneered suddenly.

Because the opponent shot him, he wanted to kill him with one stroke.

As a result, for a moment, Yun Qingyan had resisted him no less than a hundred moves.

"Let other people follow suit, too, lest I have to kill them one by one!"

Yun Qingyan also said that the celestial sword Sword sheds its sheath ‘锵’, and one face to face forces the other to withdraw.

The Yan family is extremely gloomy.

He put his feet on the shelf and utterly despised Yun Qingyan with his attitude.

But Yun Qingyan's strength was far beyond his expectations, and actually overwhelmed him!

Yes, it's over him!

Rather, the fanfare is equal, not similar!


Suddenly, the four beasts roared loudly.

Four roaring monsters in the mysterious clan yelled at the clan leader Yan.

Each one opened his fangs and saw toward Yun Qingyan.

"Some people don't have to, let the four beasts help each other ..." When Yun Qingyan sneered, his big hand grabbed directly.

The nearest monster to Yun Qingyan was imprisoned by Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan secretly started to swallow the sky and devour the opponent's Qicheng energy at the fastest speed, and then burned his flesh with the Xuanyin Thunderfire!

Yun Qingyan did not stagnate, and his figure flashed again. This time, he imprisoned a monster with both hands!

Along with these two monsters, Qi Qingyan was devoured by Qi Qingyan with energy, and he also faced the end of being burned by the fire of Xuanyin.

There was a monster left, and he was about to flee. Yun Qingyan immediately teleported behind him and ended it.

What outsiders did not see was that while Yun Qingyan had settled it, it also devoured more than 70% of its energy.

Yun Qingyan didn't stop, and the figure rushed into the Yan family. He quickly used the devouring tactics, and sometimes he had to kill.

In the sixth form of Immortal Emperor's true solution, one face-to-face slayed the Yan family for nearly thirty and a half steps.

There are also two Supreme Realms. After being wiped by the Heavenly Sword, the human head flew to the sky.

"Still hiding?"

Yun Qingyan suddenly looked at the side of the void. "It seems that the patriarch's ability to hide his head and show his tail is inherited by the writers."

"Hiding your head and showing your tail?" In the void, a sound of emptiness sounded, "Just be ..."

"But if you don't hide for a long time, how can you see that you have cultivated the" Swallowing Heaven and Earth "."

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