Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2059: Unfathomable ancestor of the speaker!

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"Yun Dao, help me ..." Yuan Hao looked at Yun Qingyan conditionedly.

His figure, even a teleportation, appeared behind Yun Qingyan.

Yuan Hao looked like a frightened child at this time, subconsciously walking towards his parents.

"You seduce the goods, and you have scared you into such a situation.

Yao Yuan vomited directly.

And after voicing, he deliberately didn't overdo it, and looked like Yuan Hao.

Yao Yuan naturally knew why Yuan Hao was so scared.

It is not difficult to hear from the linguistic ancestors full of hate, full of low voices ...

He already knew that Yuan Treasure was looted by Yuan Hao.

"Big brother, this is not my persuasion, but I can't do anything good!"

"The old thing of the Yan family, now I know I looted their treasure trove ..."

"This ... this is not the hatred of the heavens!" Yuan Hao said indignantly.

"Relax, I will stare." Yun Qingyan's calm voice sounded.

But it was this calm voice that suddenly stopped Yuan Hao's uneasy heart.


The void in the distance was torn apart at a speed visible to the naked eye.

One two three ... one hundred and eight, one hundred and nine ...

Five hundred and eighty-seven, five hundred and eighteen ...

In less than half a minute, nearly a thousand people stepped out of the torn space.

Each of these thousand people is emperor-level cultivation, and is generally nine-day emperor-level!

Immediately afterwards, there were more than two hundred, Supreme Supreme Realm stepped out of it.

Just when everyone thought that when the ancestors of the Yan family were about to appear, hey! Huh! Huh!

Ten and a half masters appeared!

In the end, the ancestors of the Yan family appeared!

The ancestor of the Yan family wore a gray fire coat. The reason why it is said to be a fire coat is that the gray clothes are burning with a gray flame all the time

Even Yun Qingyan, after seeing this fire coat, flashed a dignified color in his eyes.

This fire suit gave him a sense of inability to break through, as if facing the Aegis of Heaven.

"Buzz ..."

The Aegis Shield attached to Yun Qingyan's arm sounded a tremor.

"I can feel it!" Yun Qingyan said solemnly.

He's replying Aegis!

The Aegis of Heaven told Yun Qingyan just now that the defensive ability of that gray fire coat is not under it!

"Yuan Hai--"

The murderous voices of the patriarchs resounded again.

He actually ignored Yun Qingyan and directly locked Yuan Hao behind Yun Qingyan with his consciousness.

As a half-step creature, Yuan Hao was locked by the patriarch's ancestors ...

The whole body shuddered uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Yun Qingyan shot in time to block him, from the pressure of the ancestors of the Yan family.

"Give up everything, leave you a whole corpse!" The ancestor of the Yan family rang again.


Otherwise, the ancestor of the Yan family did not say anything more.

At his level, there are at least 10,000 ways for Yuan Hao to get a terrible end 10,000 times worse than death!

"Forget it so soon, did you end it recently? People who dare to threaten me in front of me."

Yun Qingyan's voice rang slowly.

And as Yun Qingyan's voice fell, the terrible coercion that shrouded the heavens and the earth ...

Instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Not so long ago?" The ancestor of the Yan family looked at Yun Qingyan with a calm face. "Is it just destroying the lone lone clone? Do you really think you will be an lone opponent?"

"Whether it is your opponent or not, whoever said that, it is better to see the real chapter under our hands." Yun Qingyan said in a fluttering tone.

"I don't know if I live or die!" The ancestor of the Yan family snorted coldly, using the power of the hybrid Yuan to disguise a palm and grabbed Yun Qingyan.

The vacuum was immediately oppressed, and numerous horrible winds emerged.

This big hand, as if not even time, arrived in front of Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan shot the first time and greeted the palm.

The imaginary big bang did not appear because the space centered on Yunqingyan directly twisted a piece of ...

When the vacuum returns to calm.

Although Yun Qingyan stood still, he felt a pain in his arm.

The level of creation is really unfathomable!

"The sword breaks the sky-"

Yun Qingyan used it almost even hesitantly, so he waved the Heavenly Sword to cast the true solution of the Emperor.

Facing the level of good fortune, Yun Qingyan will no longer have reservations. One shot is one of the strongest killing moves.

"All creatures are ants, no matter if you are an emperor, or even a mystery!"

"In front of the lone, you are all ants."

The ancestor of the Yan family was full of anger and Yun Qingyan was disdainful.

With his voice falling, he simply waved a big hand and removed Yun Qingyan's 'Sword Breaking Sky'.

"Stand up!"

Yun Qingyan didn't even hesitate, so he launched one of the formations.

Suddenly, countless skulls were lifted off into the sky, and the horrible suffocation rushed to the ancestor of the verbalist like a storm.

When the ancestor of the Yan family had just decided to take a shot, to dispel the suffocation ...

The radon suddenly broke through the space, and all the horses brought by the ancestors of the ancestors were suddenly enveloped.

"Ahhhhhh ..."

Suddenly, the emperor who was present kept up with the mystery and screamed screamingly.

These skulls, Yun Qingyan is not used to deal with the ancestors of the Yan family, but the soldiers and young men brought to him.

"you wanna die!"

When the ancestor of the Talker spoke, a direct thought dispelled the suffocation of the sky.

Immediately above, a pair of huge pupils appeared above the sky.

Threatening coercion, like Tianwei, swept down from inside these pupils.

Even Yunqingyan felt tremendous pressure in a very short period of time.

Yun Qingyan just came over, just about to hit the huge pupil above the sky ...

The two pupils burst into bursts of light, each of them bursting into Yun Qingyan.

"Aegis shield!"

Yun Qingyan didn't want to, so he released the shield Aegis.

Boom Boom Boom ...

Countless beams of light hit the Aegis shield.

It is also a loss because it is a shield against the sky. If it is replaced with other defensive magic weapons, I am afraid that these beams will have penetrated it.

"This shield is pretty good!"

The ancestor of the speaker said slightly, but in his opinion, it was just a good shield.

The huge pupils were just created by his thoughts.

At this time, Yun Qingyan would use a shield to defend, until he really shot ...

What should Yun Qingyan take to block?

At this time, Yuan Hao was tense again. As a master of half-step creation, how could he not see ...

Yun Qingyan is completely at a disadvantage now!

Even the resistance appears to be a difficult downside!

Just then, the ancestor of the Yan family shot again ...

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