Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2068: More scary world!

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The ancestor of the dictator said at this time: "The Protoss was once the strongest race in the universe, and the Lord of the Gods is the deserved first master of this universe!"

"But have you ever thought about a question, will the Protoss also be a stronger existence ... a spokesperson for the launch?"

Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan both fixed their eyes slightly.

The ancestors of the speakers themselves said that the Protoss was the strongest race in the universe, and the Lord of the Gods was the first master of the universe ...

The Protoss and the Lord of the Gods have reached this level. What other people and what forces can push them to contemporary speakers?

"The weakest plane in the universe is the mortal world, which is one of countless small worlds!"

"On top of the mortal world, there are three thousand worlds headed by the fairy world!"

"And above the world of three thousand is the world of chaos!"

"The chaos world is the highest plane known to the universe. The masters of the chaos world are also the highest peak in this universe!"

"But does anyone think that there is a higher level above the chaos world?"

"It's as if there is a fairyland above the mortal realm. Will there be a higher world above the chaotic realm?"

The ancestor of the writer said, this is an astonishing endless remark!

And Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan both knew that this view was by no means conceived by their ancestors!

Not surprisingly, these messages ... the ancestor of the Yan family was derived from the ancient book he had read!

"I have been collecting information about the origin of the Protoss for a while after I read that ancient book!"

"As a result, I found that the Protoss appeared to appear out of thin air. Before they appeared ... there was no Protoss in the universe!"

"Also appearing out of thin air, there are nine heavenly roads. I always think that the protoss and heavenly roads are people at a higher level ... or spokespersons introduced by the forces!"

At this time, Yao Yuan interrupted the words of his ancestor, "You mean, there is a stronger world above the chaos world, right? The news is too scary. It is difficult for us to believe it by your words alone ! "

"It's like someone said eloquently that the sun sometimes rises from the west. At this time, if you want to be convinced and believe that the sun will really rise from the west ... you need to give evidence!"

Yun Qingyan did not speak, but agreed with Yao Yuan's point of view.

I think many people will, then they have believed the words of the ancestors ...

But evidence is needed!

"Evidence is in Hongfenglin like the magic weapon of Hongmeng class!" Said the ancestor of the Yan family.

"Brother Qingyan, the old guy has made a vow of poison, and will be loyal to you forever, so don't worry about the old guy daring to lie to us."

Yao Yuan sent a private message to Yunqingyan Road.

"Well!" Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

"Since the evidence is in Hongfenglin, when we go to the Sixth Realm, we will soon be able to get it." Yao Yuan said.

"But you mentioned the extinction, what happened?" Yao Yuan asked again.

"I even mentioned above the chaos world, and there is a higher plane ... You all want me to give evidence." The ancestor of the family said with a bitter smile. ... "

"But now, I can't produce any evidence at all."

"Then you talk about the evidence first, we will know when we reach Hongfenglin." Yao Yuan said immediately.

"The ancient book I have read mentioned an extremely scary message. There is more than one universe in the world!" The ancestor of the Yan family took a cold breath.

Hear the news.

Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan both became silent.

They have heard some legends about more than one universe ...

Some unfounded legends!

For example, creating the wind without aurora in the chaos world, in legend ... he left this universe!

But the reason why a legend is a legend is because the legend cannot be verified!

"There is also a scramble for resources between the universe, the extinction of the myth era ... it is the invasion of our universe by other universes!" The ancestor of the Yan family said.

"This is also mentioned in the ancient books you have read?" Yao Yuan asked immediately.

"Well ..." The ancestor of the Yan family nodded slightly.

Then he said: "Every universe has a peak plane. For our universe, the highest plane is the Divine Realm—"

"A world inhabited by gods!"

When the ancestors of the word said here, they could not help but look at Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan, "The gods in the **** world are different from the gods we understand!"

"Protoss in the era of mythology is more like a group, they are just called the protoss!"

"The gods who live in the divine realm have cultivated to the level of" God "!"

"It is said that they live with the universe, as long as this universe is still there, they can live forever!"

Yun Qingyan and Yao Yuan both became silent.

The information that the ancestors said was really horrifying and directly impacted ... their perception of the universe!

Above the chaos world, is there a **** world?

Every living **** lives with the universe?

And this **** is not the ethnic group, but the title of the realm.

Just like immortals, as long as they are adults, they are eligible to be called immortals.

"If I'm not mistaken, what those first generations are now pursuing is to ascend to the realm of God and become a life with the universe."

The writer's ancestor said again.

Having said that, the ancestors of the Yan family could not help looking at Yao Yuan, "You are the ancestor of the Rock Clan, should you know the reason for your Rock Clan's extermination?"

This time, Yun Qingyan grabbed the topic, "Isn't the Rock tribe destroyed? Isn't it because of the talents of the Rock tribe that they threatened those first generations?"

The ancestor of the Yan family said, "At the peak of the Rock Clan, it really wasn't one or two early generations that could provoke it!"

"But neither the Rock clan nor the first generation is a fool. Who will provoke each other when everyone is almost the same?"

Yun Qingyan heard the words and could not help but fall into a brief silence.

He thought of a problem, the first generation and the first generation are not monolithic!

The peak period of the Rock Clan was just the existence of the first generation ...

To the early generations, they also regarded the Rock Clan as a level of existence with themselves!

In the absence of deep hatred, who will take the risk of hurting the enemy one thousand and eighty to deal with the Rock family?

As for getting all the first generations together, the difficulty is even more difficult!

Without enough benefits, how could the first generations join hands!

"I ... I don't know!" Yao Yuan screamed suddenly at this time, his hands clenching his head tightly.

Yao Yuan was desperately thinking about this memory, but his head came with the pain of heartbreaking.

It was as if something was going to explode his head.

"The Rock Clan was destroyed together because some people of the Rock Clan ..."

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