Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 2078: Yun Qingyan's towering fury (middle)

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Hearing this news, Yun Qingyan's heart suddenly appeared a monstrous murder!

Don't say that he is now the master of the Yuanwu world. He is responsible for the trillions of souls in the whole Yuanwu world!

Even if he is not the master of the Yuanwu world, even if he is just an irrelevant person ... He will be filled with indignation after hearing this news!

"In order to lead me to take the initiative, did you even use this trick?"

Yun Qingyan whispered, his eyes were completely narrowed into a line.

"You and Liday, take everyone to hide." Yun Qingyan looked at Shangguanbai Road.

He is telling the funeral!

As for himself, after disappearing, the figure disappeared.

Yunqingyan of Hubei County knows that the realm hegemony of the Yuanwu Realm is held in Zhitishan of Hubei County.

In the impression of Yun Qingyan, at least Hundreds of billions of souls live in Hubei County!

More than half of them are people of Chaos!

"Playing with fire is okay, but playing with fire in front of Yunqingyan, I should say you are looking for death, or are you looking for death--"

Yun Qingyan continued to tear the space along the way.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted that he did not leave the coordinates of the space storm in Hubei County.

Otherwise, he can enter the space of the space storm to hurry.

Fortunately, today Yunqingyan has reached the peak of supremacy, even if it is an ordinary way of rushing ...

It took only about five minutes to rush to Hubei County from Anyang City.

Yun Qingyan's sight is inside.

The sky, which has a radius of tens of millions of miles, is shrouded in black smoke.

Countless pungent smoke continued to permeate from that space.

The outside vegetation directly turns into black smoke after coming into contact with these gunpowder smoke ...

It's like being burned by fire.

The earth has turned into a dead land, and no grass can survive. Even the immortals of the heavens and the ancestors cannot live on this land.

As for the space within tens of millions of miles shrouded in black smoke, it is even the purgatory on earth ...

There were screams and screams inside!

Even if it is an imperial class, it is only a matter of time in this space to be refined.


After seeing this scene, Yun Qingyan could not help but take a breath.

Even with Yun Qingyan's experience and experience, it was the first time I saw such a terrible scene!

In this world, there are really people who dare to do and refine tens of billions of souls!

Yun Qingyan just felt that his heart was bleeding, and he felt a tingling pain in the liver and bowels!

"If this scene is caused by someone targeting me at Yunqingyan ..."

"Then Yun Qingyan, how can I atone for sin?"

"Why am Yun Qingyan atonement!"

Yun Qingyan whispered, his eyes were completely narrowed into a line.

The terrifying murderousness swept out of him at this moment!

This murderous gas is the actual murderous gas. The black smoke within a thousand miles of Yunqingyan was drowned by the murderous gas instantly.


Yun Qingyan stepped out suddenly, the space under his feet collapsed, and numerous winds swept out of it!

boom! boom!

Yun Qingyan took another two steps!

At each step, there are hundreds of millions of miles. After two steps, he has come to the central area of ​​Hubei County.

At this moment, a man in a black robe, carrying nine flags behind him, countless dark energy, swept out of these nine flags.

At the same time, the man in the black robe continued to inhale the energy produced by the refined creatures in Hubei County toward a huge magnet.

Realizing that someone was coming, the man in the black robe opened his eyes and smiled evilly, "Yun Qingyan, I can wait here for a long time!"

"It's supreme, and dare to do such a heinous thing ..."

Yun Qingyan looked at the man in the black robe with undisguised murderous power in his eyes.

"Yun Qingyan, I'm just a little shrimp, and it's the order of the masters of our Haige world!"

The man in the black robe said that when faced with Yun Qingyan, there was no slight stage fright.

However, he directly explained that he was only a soldier, and he was ordered by the Lord behind him to do so.

His subtext is that if you Yun Qingyan is really capable, go to the lord of the sea world.

"Rest assured, your lord, will come down to accompany you soon!" When Yun Qingyan spoke, he caught the black robe man directly.

Even if the man in the black robe really acted on his orders, Yun Qingyan could not let go of the other party.

"Hey, since the owner of the cloud world is interested in playing with the villain, that villain will play a few tricks with the cloud world master!"

The man in the black robe said, directly facing Yun Qingyan's attack.

The nine flags behind him released black lightning directly at this moment, and instantly exploded on Yun Qingyan's palm.

"Master Yunjie, isn't this good?" The man in the black robe smiled grimly.

It is impossible for him to digest the tens of billions of souls of Hubei County in such a short time.

All the remaining energy was stored in the nine flags behind him.

The lightning just now came out with the help of nine flags, even if it was a half-step creation ...

After this blow, you may have severe vomiting.

"According to the information I have received in the Yuanwu world these days, Yun Qingyan is at best half a step ..."

"It may even be the ultimate peak of combat effectiveness equivalent to half-step creation!"

"This blow is enough for him!" Thought the man in the black robe.

What surprised him.

After Yun Qingyan was struck by him, he was not affected at all, and the big hand grabbing at him still galloped.

"How is it possible?" The man in the black robe widened his eyes.

At this time, he could not escape Yun Qingyan's big hand, so he could only meet it.

Yun Qingyan naturally changed the offensive, and caught it again!


As soon as he was face to face, the man in the black robe was blown out, spraying horrible blood in his mouth, and suffered serious internal injuries directly.

The man in the black robe was shocked, and Yun Qingyan's combat strength completely exceeded his expectations.

He originally thought that Yun Qingyan was only half a step away!

But now it seems that Yun Qingyan's combat power has surpassed the ordinary half-step creation!

It may even be a level of good fortune!

If this is the case, then this fishing lure is dangerous!

Thinking of this, the man in the black robe directly crushed a piece of jade Jane, "The Lord of the World saves lives, Yun Qingyan is here with me ..."

Before the voice of the man in the black robe asked for help, a new wave of attacks on Yun Qingyan had been reduced.


The man in the black robe flew out again, only to feel that the sky was spinning, and his whole head was rattling.

In a space uncovered by black smoke in Hubei County, the master of the Haige world, who was practicing, opened his eyes sharply.

The pupils were filled with horrific killings and looked at the area where Yun Qingyan was.

"I didn't go to you, you took the initiative to come to the door, and you started to attack the lonely-"

The lord of the Haige world whispered, the figure had flew towards Yun Qingyan.

Yun Qingyan prepares for the final blow to end the man in the black robe, but his final blow is blocked by the sudden appearance of the master of the Haige world!

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