Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 910: It's you, Yun Qingyan

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0910 It's You, Yun Qingyan

Yun Qingyan's doubts are not without reason.

Others do not know the details of the family, but he generally knows the strength of the family.

Inherited from the last era.

Not to mention the head of the family, the ancestor of the family of the gods, is only an elder-level figure in the family.

But even elder-level characters can talk to Minghe ancestors on an equal footing.

It is no exaggeration to say that in Yun Qingyan's heart, the Qiang family has been placed to the point where it can be compared with the Holy Land of the Star and the Hermitage.

Wu Hai heard the words and was silent for a moment before shaking his head slightly.

Luo Hai groaned: "This time I entered Funeral Valley, it was a test for me ... without the help of my family."

"So it is ..." Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

The repair on the surface of Luo Hai looks like only the ninth floor of the cave heaven, but the understanding of Yun Qingyan has seen through the bottom of Luo Hai.

In the heyday of the Qing Dynasty, it was ... Zhenxian!

"Brother Xi, I have an imperative for Xiandan. I now intend to seize the entrance controlled by Huatian. I don't know Brother Xi, are you interested in going with me?"

Yun Qingyan said slowly.

Yun Qingyan's remarks revealed two pieces of information.

One is that he is inevitable to get the elixir, and the other is that Yun Qingyan said that he intends to seize the entrance that Huatian has control ... In other words, he is sure to kill and kill ... or drive Huatian All.

"I came to buried Xiangu just for experience. Xiandan is not the main purpose. Since Brother Yun is bound to get Xiandan, I will certainly not win people." He Hai said.

He Hai is just not good at speaking and communicating with others, but this does not mean that he has no emotional intelligence.

Yun Qingyan's remarks were indeed inviting him sincerely, but Yun Qingyan also named, and he was bound to win the elixir.

Therefore, the first sentence that Xi Hai spoke was to clarify her own position and not to compete with Yun Qingyan for elixir.

"I have always been gracious and revengeful. I almost died in the hands of Huatiandu. Since Brother Yun is confident that I can go to Huatiandu, I am naturally willing to go with Brother Yun!" Then said.

He Hai speaks in a clear-cut manner, and he doesn't meander.

He said this in disguised form. He is not Hua Tiandu's opponent. He will now go with Yun Qingyan because Yun Qingyan has the confidence to deal with Hua Tiandu.

Yun Qingyan smiled a little, and had to say that Hao Hai's character was really to his appetite.

You don't need to make any rounds to communicate with such people.

Yun Qingyan's mind could not help but think of a person, Mo Huang ...

Mo Huang also has this character.

"Let's go!" Yun Qingyan said, using the power of the cave directly to wrap Liu Yanhan and Luo Hai.

"Yan Han, your cultivation, how can you be in the realm of the imperial realm?" On the way, Yun Qingyan asked Liu Yanhan.

The magic brake girl Liu Yanhan, before entering the burial fairy valley, was repaired at the peak of the imperial realm.

After half a month, Xiu Wei was actually only promoted from the peak of Emperor Realm to the extreme state of Emperor Realm.

Liu Yanhan smiled bitterly and said, "I went all the way, all the fairy tidal waves I encountered were controlled by everyone ... Thanks to my cultivation, I couldn't take a cup from them."

Looking at all the people who entered the Fun Fairy Valley, there were only two people who had not yet reached the cave heaven.

One is Yun Qingyan, and the other is Liu Yanhan, the magic brake girl.

Yun Qingyan has many means and powerful fighting power. Although it was built by the emperor's realm, it is enough to counteract the cave heaven warriors.

The resources encountered by Yun Qingyan are all directly grabbed or scrambled!

But Liu Yanhan can't, she doesn't have this ability, in other words ... Liu Yanhan can absorb not enough fairy gas to form a fairy tide.

In fact, Liu Yanhan can rely on the meager immortality, in just half a month, from the peak of the emperor's realm, into the extreme state of the emperor's realm ... It is not easy.

"From now on, you will follow me." Yun Qingyan said directly.

The magic brake girl Liu Yanhan nodded directly. Of course, she knew what Yun Qingyan meant. Next, Yun Qingyan would provide her with a fairy tide.

The three of Yunqingyan flew for less than half an hour before encountering a fairy tide.

Yun Qingyan showed a slight accident. This fairy tide was bigger than every fairy tide he had encountered before.

The diameter exceeds ten million meters.

Yun Qingyan swept away, and found three human races, one cave heaven and nine floors, and two cave heaven and eight floors.

In addition to three human races, there are five Xingming races, two cave heavens with nine floors, and three cave heavens with eight floors.

In Yun Qingyan's eyes, a strange color appeared, "The human race and the Xingming race can coexist peacefully ..."

"Especially when the Xingming clan has the advantage!"

Liu Yanhan on the side immediately said: "My son, these three human races are not ordinary human races, but human races from the Holy Land of the Star. Moreover, they are the first Holy Son in the Holy Land of the Star."

Yun Qingyan knew this.

The skin of the human shadow tree, no matter how cruel and overbearing the Xingming clan is, it is impossible to dare to move the first holy son in the burial fairy valley.

After all, the first holy son is now in the burial fairy valley.

Before waiting for Yun Qingyan to speak, Liu Yanhan went on to say: "The other five Xingming clan are all from the Tianduzhou Hua family. If there is no accident, these five people should be Huatiandu's confidants."

Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

Looking at it, the three human races in the fairy tide and the five Xingming races.

"Yan Han, what do you think of this fairy tide?" Yun Qingyan looked at Liu Yanhan.

"My son, you want to ..." Liu Yanhan's breathing became heavy, and he looked at Yun Qingyan with shock.

"If you are satisfied, I will take this fairy tide to you." Yun Qingyan said.

"But my son, their strength ..." Liu Yanhan said, but before he finished speaking, Yun Qingyan was interrupted.

"The three cave heavens are nine floors, the five cave heavens are eight floors, and there are no big waves!" Yun Qingyan waved his hand.

On the side of the side, Hai Hai didn't say a word, but just watched the scene quietly.

But in Hai Hai's eyes, there was a shock that was not easy to detect.

Now, Hai Hai is just a ninth-level cultivation of Dongtianjing, but he was a true immortal in his heyday ... in other words, he possessed divine knowledge.

Now that he possesses divine knowledge, he can naturally see that the three human races are the same as those of the five Xingming races.


The three of Yun Qingyan had been found in the fairy tide by a pause.

"This is a private land, so you don't want to die!" Then, impatient voice came out.


Suddenly, in the immortal tide, three human races, five Xingming races, and all eyebrows sank.

They all talked and let Yun Qingyan get away.

However, several people in Yun Qingyan not only did not roll, but flew towards them.

"It's you, Yun Qingyan--"

When several people in Yunqingyan approached, the people in the three star holy places immediately recognized Yunqingyan.

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