Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 912: Emperor's Palace

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Chapter 0912 The Emperor's Palace

Among the remaining four, two are the warriors of the star holy land, and two are the people of the Xingming tribe.

Two human warriors in the Holy Land of the Star, one is the repair of the eighth floor of Dongtianjing, and the other is the repair of the nineth floor of Dongtianjing.

The two members of the Xingming clan are both on the ninth floor of Dongtianjing.

A team of four such people, looking at the entire Fun Fairy Valley, is enough to sweep the heroes.

But at this time facing the face of Yun Qingyan, the faces of the four people and eyes appeared with fear.

Yun Qingyan has not even shot yet, just standing in front of them makes them feel heavy pressure.

"Yun ... Yun Qingyan, since you like it, then ... let it be for you!" The two human warriors in the Holy Land of the Star have already retreated.

But in their eyes, the coldness that was not easy to detect flashed.

"Yun Qingyan, are you sure you want to be against our Chinese family in Tianduzhou?" Although the two caves of the Xingming clan are on the ninth floor, they are reluctant to fall behind in words.

Yun Qingyan shook his head slightly, too lazy to talk nonsense with them, and said directly, "Let's go together!"

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The four figures instantly turned into lightning and directly attacked Yun Qingyan.

Three cave heavens have nine floors, and one cave heaven has eight floors.

In a short period of time, the entire sky was discolored, and numerous space cracks burst out like bamboo shoots after a rain.

Yun Qingyan stayed still, watching the four attacks explode ... until after the attack was completely approached, a cave sky suddenly appeared behind Yun Qingyan.

This cave day appears from time to time, but its diameter is more than ten meters.

One of the four figures attacking Yun Qingyan was one of the eighth floor of the cave heaven. He was directly photographed by the momentum, and his body was sulking in the air, almost planted on the ground.

Yun Qingyan took a slap shot, carrying the power of extinction, and the momentum alone couldn't hold everyone up.


The eighth floor of Dongtianjing, the weakest cave, was turned into a fog of blood when one faced.

The remaining three were all in the ninth floor of Dongtianjing. Although the figure had not been captured yet, Yun Qingyan's big palm shot ... but all of them were affected by the momentum and spit a big blood.

Yun Qingyan's palm was seemingly casual, but he didn't leave anything at all. Wei Neng no longer had a fake palm.


The deafening roar sounded, and the next moment, most of the sky was shrouded in black swirls.

There are three cave heavens and nine floors, and two of them are Xingming cave caves .... One face was shot into the black vortex.

On the side of Gui Guzi and Yan Hai, they looked silly.

At the moment Yun Qingyan shot, their consciousness both sensed Yun Qingyan's specific repairs as ... just half a step!

But it is just a half-step, seemingly random palm ... It has a combat power comparable to that of a pseudo-immortal!

"It is indeed Emperor Yun ..." said Liu Yanhan, the magic brake girl.

"No wonder to kill the **** ancestors, let me make Yun Qingyan at all costs ..." Wu Hai also murmured in his heart.

After the flies were resolved, Yun Qingyan turned around and looked at the magic brake girl Liu Yanhan. "Yanhan, then you will stay here to absorb the fairy."

Liu Yanhan originally wanted to move, and when Yun Qingyan said this, he naturally agreed.

"Brother Xi, do you stay here or go with me to Huatiandu?" Yun Qingyan asked Xiang Hai again.

"Look at Huatiandu!" Said Hai Hai.

Before Yun Qingyan left, dozens of arrays were deployed here.

As long as someone is trying to break the battle with brute force, Yun Qingyan can get there as soon as possible.

"Brother Xi, let's go!" Yun Qingyan said, waving his hand to roll out a force of the sky, and took Yan Hai, flying to the depths of the buried fairy valley.

The two flew less than twenty minutes before seeing a huge, vast palace.

This palace, like it was born from deep underground, is full of coldness and loneliness.

Even with the sense of Yun Qingyan, only one corner of the entire palace can be covered.

But when Yun Qingyan saw the palace, he opened his eyes and said, "This ... isn't this Futian Temple of Fudi?"

Among the top ten immortal emperors, in addition to Yun Qingyan's close relationship with the Emperor Chi Yao, the rest of them had the best relationship.

Emperor Fu Di, the previous life of Mud Bodhisattva.

Each immortal emperor has his own unique imperial palace, such as Yun Qingyan, he has a dedicated imperial palace, magnificent and magnificent.

Located on nine days, the area is vast and covered by countless arrays.

Fudi ’s ‘Futian Palace’ was also directly established in the nine days. It was mysterious and unpredictable, and the killings were everywhere. Even the immortal, did not dare to break into ‘Futian Palace’.

When Yun Qingyan was still in Fairyland, it was exactly a regular visitor to Futian Temple, the longest time ... even staying in Futian Temple for three years.

It is conceivable how familiar Yun Qingyan is with 'Futian Temple'.

In Yun Qingyan's mind, a lot of doubts emerged, "How can Futian Palace run to the star continent? Especially, it has arrived, in the burial fairy valley of the star continent?"

"Fu Di's reincarnation. Does the mud Buddha know the existence of Fu Tian Gong?"

In addition to many doubts, Yun Qingyan faintly felt that there was something in Futian Temple calling him.

This call is always hidden, and it is very thin ... But it can be said that Yun Qingyan can clearly feel the call.

"Brother Xi, the entrance where Hua Tiandu is stationed, where is it?" Yun Qingyan pointed in a direction.

"Yes!" Wu Hai nodded.

"Then let's go!" Yun Qingyan said, tearing open the space in front of him, and then stepping in with Luo Hai.

The torn space had just healed. At the same time, a crack appeared in a space ten million meters away, and two figures emerged from it.

It is Yun Qingyan and Luo Hai.

"Haihai, how dare you come?"

As soon as Yun Qingyan and Yun Hai came out, a burst of drinking rang out in their ears.

"Yi Hai, we young master said that it is not easy for you to practice, only to spare you a horse. Have you been delivered so soon? Good, let me chop you!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a voice full of murder.

After the words ended, a big hand grabbed at them both.

The shot was an eight-layered Xingming tribe.

Luo Hai was severely damaged, and the combat power of the Xingming clan is also stronger than the human warriors of the same level ... Therefore, the Xingming clan on the eighth floor of the cave heaven dare to shoot at Xuanhai.

"Go!" At this moment, Yun Qingyan only wanted to enter Futian Temple.

Seeing that someone shot, between the eyebrows, a flash of coldness flashed.

The backhand was shot with a single palm, only to hear the rumble, and hit a piece with their hands grabbing them.

Above mid-air, a terrifying black vortex appeared instantly.

But this black vortex appeared less than a breath away and was scattered by Yun Qingyan's finger.

The eighth-level Xingming clan who shot at them before ...

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