Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 931: Blackening

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0931 I'm Going To Live: Lyrics

The star continent is a mysterious area. This area is so mysterious that almost no one knows. It is located in which corner of the continent.

Inside this mysterious area is a towering, majestic palace.

I don't know how wide the palace is, how long it is, how high it is, but when I look at it with my naked eyes, I just feel that there is no end.

It seems to the naked eye that it is not like a palace, but more like a vast and endless wasteland.

The reason why it is known that it is a palace is because there are hundreds of huge stone pillars inside.

And on the plaque at the entrance, the word 'Sky Star Hall' is hung.

"Ahhhh ..."

"Is this true, is it true ..."

"Because you don't plan on the edge, this seat now ... even the heirs are sacrificed!"

Inside the palace, there was a loud noise and a loud drinking.

It can suddenly make people feel that the people who burst into drink are extremely angry.

Inside the palace, a towering coercion overwhelmed the entire palace, and the empty palace suddenly became extremely depressed ... as if the sky had fallen.

"What? The divine Lord of the divine star holy land, do you still care about the life and death of the two sons and daughters? But this palace knows that you have more than a hundred sons and daughters." Inside the empty palace, there was a pleasant female voice.

Merely the sound gives a feeling of empty valley orchids.

However, this voice is full of indifference, indifferent to the bones, without a trace of emotion.

After the melodious female voice sounded, the palace quieted for a short time.

The overwhelming coercion disappeared.

"I don't understand this question!"

After a moment of silence, the voice of the pleasant female voice, known as the Lord of the Stars, sounded again: "With your strength, there is no need to use the hand of Yun Qingyan to make a god."

"Why go around so many unnecessary roads, refining and building Shendan with the help of Yun Qingyan, and then wait for the opportunity to **** from him?"

"Because of the refining and building of Shen Dan, the most important adjuvant is not Long Jin, but ... the blood of the Emperor Emperor!" The sweet female voice rang again.

In the large palace, there is a woman in a white suit, holding a long ink worker, and carrying a bucket of ink arrows.

The woman stood quietly.

Holding black arrows, long black hair, quietly pressed against her back.

A breath that was dusty, holy, and nobler than the gods countless times, permeated from her.

She is beautiful. Any adjective that is beautiful will look pale on her.

It can be said that it is such a beautiful existence, but it does not make people think of a little bit of blasphemy.

Even if the wind of the Holy Land of the Star Holy Land is light, when facing him, the heart will be awed by itself.

"This seat can see his affection for you."

"You don't have to go around so much ... as long as you are willing, in just one sentence, you can let him give you the emperor's essence and blood!"

"Even after he has been made into a building **** spirit, you don't need to **** it, because there is no need ... you will willingly give it to you in a word!"

In the Holy Land of the Star, the wind is light, and when talking, he looks at the woman in white.

"Yeah, as long as the main palace said a word, he would even die for the main palace ..." The woman in white did not deny, but nodded.

After a pause, she said, "But don't forget, there is something in this world ... causality!"

The word "cause and effect ..." gave Feng Yang a slight glance.

Afterwards, Feng Qingyang looked at the woman in white, and flashed her dreads and strong dreads.

She is more terrible than Feng Qingyang imagined.

One thing, all the people in the star continent were blinded ... that is, in Mozhou City that day, he was ordered by others against Yun Qingyan.

The person who ordered him was not someone else. It was the one who later rescued Yun Qingyan ... that person!

"Because you want to use Yun Qingyan, but you don't want to be causal with him, why did you choose this way?" Feng Qingyang took a deep breath and asked.

The wind was light and even shuddered.

With a light and windy experience, how are unfeeling, cold people never seen?

But the ruthless and cold-hearted man he has met in the past is far worse than the one in front of him ...

Strictly speaking, her current approach to Yun Qingyan ... is not so cold and heartless.

"The wind is light, and this palace wants you to recognize your identity. There are some things ... no, you have the right to know!" The white woman's indifferent tone added a little coldness.

"Lianyun Qingyan, you can treat it so cruelly ... How can you guarantee that this seat is now working with you, not trying to make a hide with the tiger?" Feng Qingyang took a deep, uncontrollable breath.

The woman in white didn't answer immediately, but was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "The era of opening up is about to come ... there is not much time left for this palace!"

"The first generations, the first generations of the dragon, the first generation of the phoenix, the first generation of the naga, the first generation of the peng, the first generation of the puppet, the first generation of the puppet ... will all wake up one after another!"

"If you practice step by step, it will not be possible for this palace to recover to the highest secret state before the advent of the Kaijiang era."

"What this palace is going to do is not only revenge, nor is it the resurrection people, but also to carry on the mission left over from the myth era!"

The wind was quiet and silent.

What the Kaijiang era is, Feng Qingyang knows, because the secret book of the heavenly holy land has records about the Kaijiang era.

It was a real flourishing age, a real age, and everyone was like a dragon.

Every reincarnation of the universe will experience an era of Kaijiang.

The ancestors, the first dragons, the first phoenixes, the first naga, the first puppets, the first puppets, and the first puppets in her mouth all know the same.

In the last Kaijiang era, these people have stepped into the realm of immortal emperors ... but, for some reason, they have chosen to sleep, waiting for the next reincarnation, the next Kaijiang era.

As for her revenge, Feng Qingyang has also seen detailed records in the secret book of the Holy Land of Stars.

When the last annihilation came, she led a hundred thousand deities, a universal universe, to resist the advent of the annihilation.

But afterwards, she, and her 100,000 people, were betrayed by the 10,000 people of the universe ...

As a mythological age, the protoss who survived ... at that time were destroyed.

One hundred thousand gods, she is the only one left to survive in the form of a ray of obsession.

At that time, the universe heads that destroyed the Protoss, led by ...

The first generations, the first generations of dragons, the first generations of phoenixes, the first generations of Naga, the first generations of Peng, the first generations of puppets, the first generations of puppets ... these people!

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