Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 954: Goodbye

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0954 Goodbye

The person Yun Qingyan didn't stay at Tianjianzong again. After the undefeated Nanfeng woke up, he took him to the Eternal Empire.

As for Weizhou, Yun Qingyan wanted to stay for a while, to meet the one of the Yi family ... who won from the last era!

But think about it, Prayer Spirit is still suffering at this time ... and this idea is withdrawn.

Anyway, visit Yinghuang, come to Japan, and some time!

Yun Qingyan tore space all the way to hurry!

With his current fighting power, even in ancient battlefields, he can hurry through the ripped space.

"Nanfeng, I still have something to do when I go to the imperial city. For your safety, don't go with me."

Yun Qingyan rushed on with an undefeated southerly wind. With more than ten million miles left from the imperial city, Yun Qingyan let go of the undefeated southerly wind.

The undefeated Nanfeng family is in the Imperial City of the Eternal Empire.

But when Yun Qingyan went to the imperial city, he went directly to the eternal royal family ... Yun Qingyan was not 100% sure.

In order not to implicate the unbeaten Nanfeng, his best practice is to go alone.

"Good!" Undefeated Nanfeng directly agreed.

Although he did not spend too much time with Yun Qingyan, he also knew Yun Qingyan's character.

Yun Qingyan said that it is not suitable for peers, then it must not be suitable for peers.

The distance of millions of miles is only a few minutes for Yun Qingyan, which can tear up space.

A few minutes later, Yun Qingyan appeared over the imperial city.

"According to Xiao Wuji's memory, the entrance to the space where the spirits are held is in a room at" Xinyuan Inn "..."

Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice and flew from the sky above the imperial city. After a while, he came to the sky above the 'Xinyuan Inn'.

Xinyuan Inn is a small humble inn in Huangcheng.

People with a little identity will not choose to live in such a small inn.

"It's really unexpected, no wonder that as the master of Hua Ruoyun, I can't find the entrance to that space ..."

Yun Qingyan murmured, the consciousness had been covered.

Xinyuan Inn has only three floors, and rooms above the nineth floor have already had residents.

There is only one, a utility room located on the third floor, without a figure.

The spirit of Yun Qingyan sensed the breath of another space in this utility room.

Yun Qingyan did not act lightly, but in that space, there was the fairy spirit of Da Luo Jinxian.

In particular, this immortal spirit has been cultivated to the realm of human immortality.

Yun Qingyan's figure landed. He didn't change his appearance or make a makeover. Instead, he naturally walked into Xinyuan Inn.

"Treasurer, I want a room!" Yun Qingyan came to the counter and said, after entering the inn.

Yun Qingyan's consciousness has been observed that the upper rooms are on the third floor.

On the third floor, there is just one room left.

"Wait a minute, this is for you ..." said the shopkeeper with a professional smile on his face.

He was only born innate, and in the Imperial City of the Eternal Empire, the born is the lowest civilian.

Not surprisingly, he didn't even know that there was an entrance to another space inside the inn.

Soon, Yun Qingyan checked in.

After arriving at the third-floor box room, Yun Qingyan closed the door, and the consciousness extended to the utility room.

"According to the Prince's memory, that space is completely in the hands of the fairy Luo Jinxian ..."

"Whether it is he or Xiao Huang, if you want to enter, you must open the door to the space through the other party ..."

Yun Qingyan muttered in a low voice. Of course he couldn't. He called out and asked the other party to open the door.

What Yun Qingyan has to do now is to find a gap and then enter the space through this gap.

This is not difficult for Yun Qingyan.

Don't forget, Yun Qingyan's godly knowledge is the godly god's knowledge.

"It turned out that the space traction array was used ..." Within a few minutes, Yun Qingyan had gained something.

"Originally, I wanted to enter through the gap, but the entrance was just a formation ..."

After knowing the formation, Yun Qingyan's confidence became more and more surging.

In the star continent, Yun Qingyan said that he was an ancestor of the formation law.

Yun Qingyan's consciousness gradually eroded the entire 'space traction array'.

And the control principle of the "space traction array" is to rely on godly knowledge.

Xiao Wuxia and Xiao Qingtian entered the space, and the reason why they had to deal with it was to open the door ... It was because they did n’t know how to deal with it.

Although the immortal spirit of Da Luo Jin Xian is not the main body of Da Luo Jin Xian, its deity is not comparable to that of pseudo immortals.

"It's a lot smoother than I thought ..." Yun Qingyan murmured, and the figure disappeared into the room out of thin air.

The next moment, Yun Qingyan appeared in the utility room.

Yun Qingyan didn't stay in the debris room any more. After only a few breaths, the figure disappeared again.

This time I haven't seen it, I really haven't seen it, the kind that has disappeared from the star continent.


As soon as he entered this space, Yun Qingyan's ears heard the scream of heartbreaking lungs.

Yun Qingyan was shocked physically and mentally. This voice was too familiar and familiar to him. This ... this is the voice of prayer!

At the same time, Yun Qingyan's soul also established a connection with Qi Ling at this moment.

"Boss ... Boss, you, are you here?" Praying spirit was full of surprises, and even a cry of joy, sounded in Yun Qingyan's heart.

Pray for the voice through the soul contact between the two.

Yun Qingyan did not answer immediately, and his consciousness had covered the entire space.

A **** young cat was imprisoned in a cage, with several iron chains running through its thin body.

To be precise, it is six iron chains!

Four of his limbs were locked, and two piercing bones penetrated from both sides of his forelegs.

On him, he didn't feel a little bit of blood, as if he had been let out of blood.

The body is small and skinny, leaving only skinny.

A tube was also inserted on his back, and as soon as new blood was created on him, he would be taken away by this tube.


Yun Qingyan's breathing became uncontrollably heavy, and the icy coldness extended from him.

This space was dark, and no fingers were visible.

The cold radiated from Yun Qingyan's body, after being incorporated into this space, made the surrounding atmosphere more gloomy and depressed.

"Boss, ohh ... you're here, Xiaoye has never suffered this kind of life!"

Praying for the next voice, he cried directly in Yun Qingyan's heart.

These days, he really is, tortured to death.

Being treated as an animal, blood is drawn every day, and from time to time, I still have to be beaten with whip ... and even other torture.

What makes Despair most desperate is that he doesn't feel Yun Qingyan's existence in this space ...

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