Return of the Divine Emperor

Chapter 961: Pray for salvation

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0961 I Want To Be A Man: Lyrics

Yun Qingyan and Qi Ling went out of this space after half a day.

Half a day later, the sky of the star continent has come to night.

"Boss, I'm hungry!" Qi Ling, like a child, lingered on Yun Qingyan's shoulder.

The original prayer spirit was only the size of a slap. After being tortured by Xiao Xiaotian for several months, it was even thinner than a slap.

Qi Ling said that he was hungry, in addition to replenishing energy, because he was too long and too long ... he hadn't tasted the food.

Chaos ancient beast, but the famous food.

Many times, they devour material, not for ascension, purely to satisfy appetite.

"Well, I'll take you there and taste the best food of the Eternal Empire!" Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

From Xinyuan Inn, Yun Qingyan flew to the depths of the imperial city.

The best food of the Eternal Empire is naturally in the Imperial Palace ... In the Eternal Empire, is there anything better than the Imperial Palace?

"If Ruoyun, Lingtian ..." Yun Qingyan also used godly knowledge to contact Hua Ruoyun and Ling Tianzhenxian.

"Boss, are you taking me to the palace?" Qi Ling asked, his eyes flashing with biting fierce light.

Although Qi Ling tortured Xiao Xiaotian, the hatred in his heart did not completely dissipate.

In addition to Xiao Xiaotian, others in the eternal empire, Qi Ling did not want to let go.

Especially ... the people who captured him.

"Well, eat and drink, and stop destroying the eternal royal family." Yun Qingyan nodded slightly.

Even Xiao Xiaotian, a human-level practitioner, was killed by him. No one in the entire eternal empire can threaten Yun Qingyan.

On the sky outside the palace.

Hua Ruoyun and Ling Tianzhenxian are already waiting here.

"Meet Yundi!"

"Meet Yundi!"

Hua Ruoyun and Ling Tianzhenxian all met respectfully and respectfully when they saw Yun Qingyan.

After Ling Tianzhenxian obtained Yun Qingyan's permission, he has informed his wife Hua Ruoyun of the identity of the Emperor Yun Qingyan.

Ling Tianzhenxian's gaze towards Yun Qingyan was all respect, habitual respect.

In the eyes of Hua Ruoyun, in addition to respect ... there is uncontrolled fear!

Ling Tianzhenxian and Hua Ruoyun, both husband and wife are from fairyland.

As an immortal in the immortal world, how can there be people who are not afraid of Yundi.

"Lingtian Tianer, it's been a long time!" Qi Ling's faint voice sounded in Ling Tianzhenxian's ear.

At that time, Ling Tianzhenxian was still a horrible spirit, and when he lived in the King of Xiao ... he had an unpleasant incident with Qi Ling.

"Miscellaneous ... Chaos ancient beast!" Ling Tianzhenxian agitated, his voice shuddered.

"You ... You were rescued by Yundi?" Ling Tianzhenxian immediately smelled it after reacting.

At the beginning, he originally used ‘you’ to call out to pray for the spirit, but even changed his word to ‘you’.

"Well, not long after coming out, now I'm going to the palace as a guest." Qi Ling nodded slightly.

"This is your mother-in-law? True immortal soul, false immortal cultivation, not bad!" Qi Ling turned to look at Hua Ruoyun again.

As soon as I opened, I spotted the bottom of Hua Ruoyun.

During the heyday of praying for spirits, you can compare to Emperor Xian, and you can see the bottom of Huaruoyun at a glance.

"Pray, don't scare them, let's go!" Yun Qingyan said helplessly.

Praying was held for too long, and when he saw an acquaintance, he couldn't help but want to talk.

"Hua Ruoyun, have I brought everything you prepared?" Yun Qingyan asked.

When questioning, he was already in the air, walking slowly towards the palace.


"In the palace, flying is forbidden!"

Immediately, a team flew up from the ground. In their dress, we can see at a glance that they are all guards of the palace.

"Guo ... Guo, you ... how are you also!" The head of this team, after seeing Hua Ruoyun, could not help but reveal an accident.

It's night.

The state master never came to the palace at night.

"Come to Xiao Huang!" Hua Ruoyun said indifferently, waved his hands, and signaled that these people were leaving.

"Guo Shi, you are sure to go to your Majesty, but the two next to you ..." The guard chief, some with a bit of a bit.

"Go!" Yun Qingyan said only one word, but the cold atmosphere directly enveloped everyone in this team.

The next moment, the team fell from the air to the ground.

Hua Ruoyun saw this scene with a shock in her eyes ...

She found that Yun Qingyan's cultivation was compared with the last time ... have made a qualitative leap!

"It is indeed Emperor Yundi. The speed of restoration is really faster than ordinary people ..."

Hua Ruoyun murmured in his heart, "If there is no accident, now I ... is no longer Yundi's opponent!"

A few months ago, Yun Qingyan still looked like an ant in Hua Ruoyun's eyes.

At that time, Hua Ruoyun, if you wanted to kill Yun Qingyan ... it was just a matter of fingertips.

"Yu Shanfang is there ..." Yun Qingyan's consciousness had long covered the entire palace, including what Xiao Qingtian was doing at this time.

As if he didn't even need time, Yun Qingyan brought his prayer spirit and landed in the royal dining room.

"Yundi, leave this to me!" Hua Ruoyun volunteered.

She already knew what Yun Qingyan had come to the Royal Dining Room to do.

It is the royal chef who wants the royal dining room to make a table delicious for the chaos ancient beasts to taste.

Hua Ruoyun came forward, without even threatening, just a word, let all the royal chefs move away.

After commanding the imperial chef, Hua Ruoyun found a lot of treasures from the space ring.

Many of these herbs are older than 100,000 years.

There are herbs for improving cultivation, herbs for nourishing blood ...

This is what Yunqingyan brought Hua Ruoyun specially.

Praying was not polite, and he ate it the first time.

With his chaotic ancient beast's constitution, he does not need to deliberately refine it, the body will automatically absorb the healing power of these herbs.

In less than a few minutes, the imperial chef served the first dish.

It's a roasted whole pig. Just looking at it makes people appetite.

Qi Ling swallowed a saliva and tore off a piece of pig's leg and choked.

"It's delicious, boss, this pork leg is really delicious ..." Qi Ling said in a vague tone while biting.

A few hundred pounds of roasted whole pig was wiped out in just a few minutes by a slap-like prayer spirit.

Immediately after, it was the second, the flesh of a dead beast of the empty silence level.

The flesh of this leg exudes golden light, which contains full energy.

Not only delicious, but also nourishing repair!

After seeing this leg, Qi Ling couldn't move his eyes. He howled and rushed up.

In the process, Yun Qingyan said nothing.

But the careful Ling Tianzhenxian found that Yun Qingyan's two eyes narrowed into a line.

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