Return of the Former Hero

Chapter 2. Former hero ・ First contact

Chapter 2. Former hero ? First contact

I landed right in the middle of the plains.

Only a pleasant wind is blowing without any signs of people as far as my eyes can see.

As the transfer formation started safely and served it’s function, my body could feel the substantial magical power that was not felt at all on earth.

Gathering magical power in my right hand, an image of burning flames was imagined in my palms.

And then, Pop, and a small fireball appears.

As I did not intend to burn anything particularly, the fireball was extinguished by stopping my magical supply.

“Yes!! I came back!”

Savoring the feeling of actually returning Andalugia and magic for the first time in 3 months, I firmly grasp both hands.

Even if I enjoy the delight for a period of time, I have to think about the future.

Firstly, where in Andalugia is this?

As I did not designate a place to arrive at in the transfer formation drawn, where I was thrown out was left entirely to luck.

There was even possibility to appear in the den of demons, right in the middle of the ocean, on the snowy mountain in deep winter or in the middle of a volcano.

Given so, I’m pretty lucky to be in the plains where the wind blows peacefully.

Though it would be better to be in a place with human habitations nearby, there was nothing in my surroundings in the present condition.

A village or a town, I have to look for people to verify my current location and then earn some money.

Since the capital for the journey was paid for at the kingdom’s expenses when I was a hero, there was no need for me to earn an income concretely.

Still, considering that even Andalugia is no exception and has an adventurer’s guild, I think money will be taken care of if I head there.

While doing so and earning money, having an adventure, getting to know girls, a harem party is made.

Un Un, I saw my future prospects. (TN: Sound of agreement/ nodding head)

“Well, at any rate let’s look for a person. Search.”

My magic, a magic to sense the terrain and people, is discharged and I could feel the decrease in magical power.

It is possible to grasp the vicinity with a feeling similar to an indication map function displayed at the top right corner of the screen if it’s said to be a game.

Although the search distance varies by person, in my case as a former hero, I can cover a radius of about 5km when I put in all my power.

As a royal magician will be left wheezing at around 500m, I’m amazing to be 10 times of that.

However, there was not a single sign of people within range.

Since the possibility being transferred to a destination without people has been considered, sleeping bag and preserved food has been stuffed into my backpack.

I decided to search for someone while wandering for a while and begun walking in a suitable direction.


On the 3rd night of coming to Andalugia,

I was roaming about in a forest.

Far from finding people, I could not even discover a highway.

Without a concrete aim, because I kept wandering this way and that way, it might be justified to say that it’s natural.

Halfheartedly, I was tired of wandering aimlessly alone without someone to talk to.

I was beginning to think if I should fly up to the sky with magic to look for a town or something.

I understand that it will be fast if I had done so in the beginning, but I wanted to enjoy the pointless matters.

Well, and yet I got tired as a result.

Because the sun has already set today, tomorrow, let’s do so when it’s bright.

I sat down and cast the magic for searching which was perform periodically while thinking so.

“AH! There is a person.”

Approximately about 4km from here, probably to the east? There was a person that way.

The number of people is approximately 6.

It’s probably a merchant party?

I began to run in that direction in high spirits.


“Stop! Who are you?”

The first line utter when I drew near to the base camp of the merchant party is probably this.

Mr. Guard is performing his duty diligently, isn’t he?

“Oh, excuse me. I’m just child who is a little lost.

Or rather, could you tell me the way to the nearest town?”

I hold the conversation while raising both my hands up to my head to show the lack of hostility.

“A lost child…? At such a place…?”

“He is fairly young.”

Two of the guards inquired this way while raising the weapons in their hands.

There is a doubt to the possibility of me being a thief.

By the way, the language I am speaking currently is Japanese.

As I the intended to place words by using magic, the other party should hear it as if we are talking in an understandable language.

Conversely, I hear words from the other party in Japanese.

“Err, I do not intend to do anything. However, could you tell me the direction and distance of the town?”

“……The town of Torres is around 2 days south.”

After worrying briefly, a person of the guards taught me the direction to the town while pointing.

The town of Torres.

I’ve never heard of it.

“I see. Thank you very much.”

I give thanks and leave.

As long as the distance and direction to the town is heard, it isn’t necessary to approach unreasonably.

If it’s 2 days by a carriage, I should barely be able to arrive by the end of tomorrow.

However, the sun has completely set already.

Let’s sleep in the open here today.

Since it will only burden the guards with useless anxiety to be here,

I decided to take a rest somewhere approximately 1km away from the merchant party.

At night, eating canned meal, wiping my body with water produce from magic and after drying the washed undergarment, I now check the area nearby with search magic as I intend to sleep.

I’m surprised.

The number of people of the merchant party at the north has tripled.

No it’s different, it did not increase particularly.

This is, however, an attack by thieves.

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