Return of the Former Hero

Chapter 38. Former hero・is set sight upon

Chapter 38. Former hero?is set sight upon

Several goblins springing on me simultaneously were cut down with a sideways sweep.

From my side is a demonic beast, because I’m paying attention, the wolf is no issue.

Dodging the wolf that came flying from the side, I sent it flying with a kick to its flank when we passed each other.

Repelling a downwards swing of the club from a troll with my sword, I slipped into its arms and cut it off.

However, I am surrounded once again there when the goblins enclose me.

I restrain the goblin with Binding of the Earth.

The immobile goblins have their head and body separated.

It’s hectic.

Although the demons themselves are not enough to be scary, their numbers are numerous unfortunately.

They seem to be springing out one after another.

While Laurier takes a distance with magic, she approaches at a dash and blows of the demon’s head in a blow.

Yup. She looks like she is having fun.

Sharon is fighting properly too, finishes off the demons I had damage, surpassing the speed of the wolves going around and heading to the rear.

She doesn’t seem to have the mental composure yet, but her combat ability is more than enough.

Both of them are coping and there wasn’t any particular injuries.

If it’s this rhythm, it’s hectic but it’s just a matter of time afterwards.

The bodies of the demons are scattered around the area.

It’s a terrible smell of blood.

Even though I had gotten used to it sufficiently, as I still feel disgusted too if I look carefully, let’s not be too conscious about it.

We do not get closer to the fort, and rather, retreat slowly with a feeling of being pressured.

Have the number that I defeated reached 3 figures?

The attack of the demons stopped at the point where the second wave is almost defeated.

The third wave of demons coming out in groups stops in the middle of us and the fort, without coming towards us.

And, I sense the situation of that fellow with search.

That fellow, probably the demon race leading these demons, shows up on top of the fort’s wall.

Because there is a distance, I could not distinguish its appearance clearly, but I saw that large build that is yet one size bigger than other demons.

“Laurier! The demon race appeared. It’s coming!”

“I understand. Leave it to me, Haruto.”

Conveying that to her, I switched place with Laurier.

At the same time, the magical power from the fort is increases.

The demon race is using magic.

And, some rocks wrapped in scorching flames comes flying from the fort.

Although I do not know how to what to name the magic, it’s meteor when liken to an image.

Even if that is said, meteorites does not really fall from the space though.

Applying magic to the rocks prepared on the fort, those blazing rocks are then fling towards here.

It’s a single person catapult.

The rocks are pretty big.

It’s about an adult who curls up.

Because such things are thrown for several hundred of meters, is such result expected of the demon race?

In the different world where magic exist, if there is just 1 person holding powerful ability like this, it can often use ranged magic.

In that case, it’s difficult to choose the strategy of attacking in numbers.

Actually, even against us, the number of demons are not much of a problem.

Ultimately, although one wouldn’t need to be pushed to the limit of not taking a rest and attacking continuously, the price paid for obtaining victory would not be balanced.

In the different world, the pivot of the battle is only the selected few with strength.

Those are recognized as the most important war potential.

Similar to the last attack on the fort, the main role of soldiers without that much power is to suppress the demon mob and maintain order in town.

Therefore during the last fort attack, they are unable to do anything to the meteor attack from this demon race and was annihilated.

The flaming rocks are approaching.

“Hmph. Protect us, shield of expanding air!”

Laurier who stepped in front recites the magic.

It’s basically a shield of air, but rather than Laurier alone, an extensive barrier forms.

It’s a magic I had Laurier do image practice on, after it has been decided that we will do the feint operation by ourselves.

Laurier is good at manipulating the wind, such as shield of air and shock wave.

This magic is an application of the shield of air too, and it seems easy imagining it, to the extent of having no trouble.

Furthermore, the chanting is also shorten too if she says it.

The shield of air before,

There was an introduction similar to ‘The atmosphere filling the world!’, but this time it’s ‘Protect us’ to activate it.

Good, Good.

The result of training has come out.

Let’s give her a reward when we return.

The rock bullet which approached until in front of our eyes was repelled by an invisible barrier.

The shock wave from the impact of the rock bullets before us was stopped by the shield of air too.

Hmm. It’s cool when I see it in actual combat.

It seems that Laurier alone can destroy a small country or so.

At any rate, the attack doesn’t reach us.

From the beginning of the fight, it will be 30 minutes soon.

If its as planned, Leon’s group should break in before long.

If that happens, Leon’s group will keep that meteor demon race company.

Once the meteor disappears, we will advance too and simply clean up the remaining demons.


Laurier. Sharon.

We were able to defend against the magical attack of the demon race as planned.

To match Leon’s group breaking in, shall we ad——”

It was when I was going to give out the next instruction.


A terribly loud voice echos.

Uoo…! I was super-surprised!

W, What the heck!?

Sharon was surprised too, going ‘What’s the matter?’

The voice came from Gauge Fort.

Then, this now, could it be the voice of the demon race by any chance?



That is……

“O, Oi, Laurier.

It was shouting Steinhart just now right?

You, if I remember correctly…….”

I ask Laurier.

That’s right, the name of this fellow, I’m positive it’s Steinhart.


That’s right. I am certainly Steinhart huh?”

Laurier is looking at the fort with a face of not understanding well.

This fellow, by any chance, really……

When I was thinking so, the first unexpected event occurred in this battle.

The demon race who had taken up position on top of the fort, jumps down from the fort and heads this way as if there is something.

“O, Oi Oi, the demon race is coming here.”

“Fufun. Isn’t that interesting!”

Laurier says happily.

It’s not fun at all.

That demon race is coming over while the earth trembles with [dosu dosu].

This is bad.

It’s out of my expectation.

At this rate it will not be Leon’s group fighting the demon race, but us.

In a sense, it seems that Rithina’s side will be pleased, but Leon’s group’s achievement and experience lost are wasteful.

No, since it has become this situation, it cannot be helped.

Let’s leave the subjugation of the remaining demons to Leon.

Leaving that aside too, it’s to focus on the matter of defeating the demon race.

Sharon, fall back.

Absolutely, do not go out ahead forcibly.

I leave the support to you.”

“U, Un! I understand.”

I instructed Sharon.

Though I’m slightly overprotective, but the opponent is a demon race.

I do not want to let her do something dangerous if possible.

Meanwhile, the demon race turn up before our eyes.


The demon race growls again.

This fellow, it can’t be that he roar in a way that goes ‘steinhart’?

*Flash! I’d like to see it.

“Hmph. Indeed!

I am Steinhart, but who are you?”

Laurier arrogantly asks.

I do not know why you are looking self-important.

“Nuuuuuu! You bastard! Do you say you do not remember this Gaulband!?”

The demon race, Gaulband’s snorting becomes rough.

That’s good. It was not his cry.

Gaulband is turning his mustache, it’s like a huge muscular daruma doll. (TN: )

His height is about twice of mine.

Horns extending backwards from his forehead and sharp long claws.

His legs were covered in fur like a beast below his knees.

“Nnnn?? Gaulband……Gaulband……

I don’t know?”

Laurier folds her arms and think, but says a provocative thing.

I get it.

This fellow probably has some relation to Gaulband.

But, the person truly doesn’t remember.


About 1 year ago, you came to my castle within the large forest and destroyed everything.

For revenge, I chased after you till here!

Do you say that you don’t remember it!!”

Gaulband flips out.

Wait, this fellow came all the way here and occupied the fort, sending out demons to the Imperial Capital, isn’t everything caused by Laurier!


I, during the strategy meeting, didn’t I ask you whether you had some idea?

You, told me you don’t know right?


No, Laurier is a fellow like this.

It can’t be help saying it now.

“I did such a thing?”

“Y, You bastard…….”

Laurier is seriously growing senile quickly.

Gaulband, I’ll believe you.


Regardless whether you remember, it doesn’t matter!

I will beat you up here, and take you as my slave, and will violate you till the end and torture you to death!”

Thirst for blood is overflowing from Gaulband,

“Fufun. You, to me?

I have been the property of Haruto over there for a long time.

If you want me, you had better defeat Haruto face to face.”

Laurier uses her chin and points me out.

Gaulband looks at me with a glance.


Laurier-chan, what are you proposing?

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