Return of the Former Hero

Chapter 53. Former hero・undress the elf

Chapter 53. Former hero?undress the elf

I stood up among the scattered debris.

The wound is light for the time being as I defended with magical power.

It’s to the extent of having some scratches.

It seems that that wasn’t much power.

But even if I say so, the floor of the labyrinth fell out and has fallen into the lower floor.

Looking up, it seems to be about 2 floors down.

Because there is a hole, it’ll be easy to jump to the 20th floor.

Apart from that, I have to look for the elf youth first.

At that time, I had move until just in front of him.

I don’t think he received a direct hit from the self-destruction.

But, it’s a fact that he was involved in this collapse.

Though it would be good if he is safe.


I check the surrounding with magic.

The search that was indistinct under normal circumstance is all the more incomprehensible due to disruption of the labyrinth’s magical power and the numerous debris from the golem’s self-destruction.

Even if he moves a little……

I think so, but there is no sign of someone moving in the surrounding.


It can’t be……

No, wait, don’t give up so easily.

I change my mind, and keeps on directing search, going slowly and checking.




In a spot a little away, the figure of a person was discovered.

Although I do not grasp the figure clearly, there is surely a person.

I move the debris in a hurry.

And, I discover the elf youth under the rubble.

That’s good.

He’s not dead for the time being.

But, it’s bad.

A fist-sized piece of splinter is piercing his right shoulder, and there is considerable bleeding.

If left alone, he will surely die.

I extract the elf youth from the rubble and sit him down.

I must stop the bleeding.

Fortunately, my backpack which I left with him was buried nearby.

Although I’m worried if the smartphone is broken, it’s not the time for it now.

I take out emergency tool from the backpack.

Errrm, at such a time, what should I do?

When treating the teacher a while ago, he wasn’t bleeding this much.

If it was bleeding from hand or leg, I can tie it up at the base, but what should I do when it comes to the shoulder?

If I’m not mistaken, I should keep the article stuck intact as the bleeding will become worse if I pull it out?

In the first place, was it bad to raise the body?

Aaaah, regrettable, I’m in a panic.

Calm down.

Calm down.

As I had depended on recovery magic previously, I have much knowledge in detail.

I cannot use recovery magic.

I have to treat it calmly.

For treatment, I have no choice but to return to the ground somehow and ask someone who can use recovery magic.

For the time being, even if I don’t pull out this splinter, it’s stuck deeply and doesn’t seem to come out, should I prevent it from moving?

To stop the bleeding of the shoulder, I think that I should apply pressure around the area of the collarbone.

Anyway, I cannot see the state of bleeding and the wound.

While my thoughts are going round and round in my head, I was able to undress the clothing of the youth.

So as not to touch the wound, the part where the splinter is sticking out is broken.

Then, there are two lovely round swelling .


I was surprised.

Although I thought he was male, it’s shocking that his chest is swelling out.

Thanks to that, I raised an extremely wild noise even though it was such a situation.

T, this fellow, was a girl after all?

Because he was saying boku, I thought he was nothing but a guy if that’s the case…..

Ah, but when I think back upon it, he did not say a word about being a guy.

Is she a boku girl?

That idea did not exist.

I want to think that I would have been able to notice it if it’s usually.

and, leaving that aside now.

Even if it’s me, to the blood stained girl in front of my eyes, I know that it’s not the situation to be taking perverted actions.

I have to stop the bleeding quickly.

Forcing a rolled up cloth tightly into the cavity of the collarbone, I push it around the nape of the neck.

The girl gives a light groan, but I do not release the pressure.

After a while, the bleeding has lessen a little.

Good, seems like I managed somehow.

I fix it with a bandage so that the pressure there remains.

At the same time, I fixed it suspended from the neck so that the right arm doesn’t move too.

In midst of doing that, as the bandage was used up, I tore the robe of the uniform which I borrowed as a substitute.

Afterwards, I clean the scratches around her body with antiseptic solution.

For now, is such a thing the first aid that can be done by me currently?

Afterwards, in order to cover those lovely breast that was exposed currently, the remaining robe was used as a haori.

When thinking so, the girl awakens.

Ah. Crap.

“u……. Here is…….?……..tsk!?”

She tries to ascertain the situation with hollow eyes, but grimace with the pain.

It’s goof that she woke up.

However, I feel that the exposed chest might be bad.

Wouldn’t it cause a strange misunderstanding?

At least, I want you to wake up after the robe was worn.

W, W, What should I do.

“E, Erm……”

What should I say? I can’t give an answer.

First of all, I took off your clothing for the sake of first-aid treatment, and there is no other intention.

Is it okay with such a feeling?

While thinking of such thing, the elf girl notices that her chest is exposed.


I was slower by a step.


…….O, Oniisan is giving treatment right.

Thank you……very much.”

The girl seemed to understand the situation calmly.

U, Un Un.

Well, it’s understood.

That’s good.

“T, That…… I’m thankful for that.

T, Therefore, if possible, could you lend me the robe Oniisan is holding in his hand?”

That girl says so while hiding her chest with her left hand.

“Eeh? Ah! Oh, S, sorry.”

I apologized and handed the robe to the girl.

“Thank you very much.”

Although her face isn’t uplifted because of the bleeding, she receives and puts on the robe shyly as expected.

And, I was surprised again.

Because she pulled out with her left hand, the stuck piece I had left intact as I thought it will worsen her bleeding.


She pulled it out!?

Sure enough, the bleeding becomes worse.

“Eh? W, Wait, why are you pulling it out?”

I thought that my precious efforts had become useless in an instant.

No, that is good separately, but when the bleeding becomes worse, she can survive until the surface.


S, Sorry……Although you took the trouble to treat me.

But, I cannot do treatment if I do not do it this way.”



What do you mean?

Before my understanding catches up, she starts taking action.

“Spirit of the atmosphere, cure with that power.”

She chants that, and her wound shines faintly, and her injury heals.


It’s recovery magic!

Moreover, the effect is fast!

A wound of around 5cm.

And although that was pierced in about the same place, it was healed before my eyes.

She treats other scratches generally the same way.

And regained her beautiful fair skin in no time.

“R, recovery magic huh. Amazing!”

I gave a voice of admiration frankly.

Actually, it’s difficult ti imagine recovery.

I had practiced too, but wasn’t able to imagine it at all.

It isn’t that there is no magician who can use recovery magic, but it is relatively rare.

“N No, as for me……

Oniisan was much more amazing.”

I receive a gentle smile in return.

No way, cute.

Wait, is it this again?

Think about the situation.

“No, well, we are equal in this regard.

Other than that, are your injuries all right already?

If it seems all right, let’s return to the top after resting a little.”

I suggest so and point to the top.

She looks up according to that too.

“That’s right. My injury is already all right.

Thank you very much.”

I do not know what she is thanking me for.

For being worried, is it that?

“I see. I mean, you don’t have to express your gratitude for every single thing.

For now, it’s a party until we return to the ground.”

“Y, Yes! Thank………..Ah! S, Sorry……”

A smile spill out over that somewhat cute appearance.

That reminds me, a similar exchange was done when I met Sharon for the first time too.

Was it honorific at that time?

“Um, then, please treat me well until the ground.

I am Celes. Celestia?Olugo.”

“I am Amagi Haruto. Although I do various things, I’m basically an adventurer for now. My best regards.”

We introduce ourselves mutually, and shake hands.

Celestia…..I remembered a thing with the touch of Cele’s soft hands.

“Ah, that’s right.

Which reminds me, I’m sorry to call you a man just now.

Because you say boku, I misunderstood it.”

“Eh?……Faa!? E, Erm, th, that is……yes……”

For some reason, this time Celes’s face reddens, and she fidgets.

What is this reaction?



Although I thought she was a man, I found out that she’s a woman.

In other words, it would be because her chest was seen a while ago.

D, Damn.

I seem to have said an insensitive thing without thinking.

How did I follow up, at that time.

Sounding from my back, BAGON! A black shadow appeared from under the debris.

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