Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 109: If I want to do this again, I will give you ten sons!

"It's Yan Yihan! It's Yan Yihan!!"

Someone exclaimed!

When the smoke and dust rolled up by the terrifying force dissipated, everyone found that Yan Yihan, who was standing in the center of Wutai, didn't even lose a hair!

Lin Haoran's originally smiling face instantly collapsed.

How can it be! !

The one who died turned out to be Shen Qing Leng.

There was a cold anger in his eyes.

And Shen Qingqiu under the stage, like a wooden fish at the moment, stood still.

"Sister, you're not dead, that's great."

Han Qingqing's tears couldn't stop flowing down, it was just too thrilling.

At this moment, Gong Mingye held Yan Yihan tightly in his arms, and he almost felt a sense of parting from life and death.

The speed between the two was too fast. No one could react at that terrifying speed.

"Shen Family!!"

Gong Mingye's eyes showed a monstrous killing intent.

He strongly controlled his body, hugged Yan Yihan tightly and walked down the stage step by step, without a trace of vitality in his eyes.

Although Yan Yihan was injured, he enjoyed being held by a princess like him.

Across his body, he could feel how heavy his breathing was and how every cell in his body was shaking.

She could feel that Gong Mingye was very scared, deeply afraid of losing her! !

If Yan Yihan died in front of her, Gong Mingye couldn't guarantee what kind of madness he would do! !

At the moment when the terrifying force that was comparable to a missile swept down, he really regretted it, regretting that he was soft-hearted and did not kill Shen Qing Leng.

Gong Mingye didn't say a word, he just held her in his arms and walked forward step by step. When passing by Shen Qingqiu, a sharp voice suddenly sounded!

"Yan Yihan, you pay my sister's life back!"

However, before making any move, Gong Mingye stepped on her face without raising his eyelids.


Shen Qingqiu died on the spot! !

Everyone was horrified.

Shen Qingqiu could be regarded as Gong Mingye's cousin.

He was actually trampled to death! !

As random as stepping on an ant.

The audience was deadly silent, and there was a deep sense of fear in everyone's eyes.

Is this still the Yushu Linfeng, the gentle-spoken Gong Mingye they knew!

At this moment, it seems like a different person.

His body was filled with a terrifying murderous aura at the moment, and those drooping eyes seemed to come from an endless purgatory, **** and terrifying.

Everyone squeezed their own breath.

For fear that the sound of his own breathing would invite surprises to himself.

No one dared to challenge Gong Mingye, who was already in a state of extreme madness at the moment!

Lin Haoran took a deep breath, and there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes.

He walked slowly to Gong Mingye and said coldly, "Shen Qing Leng can't die in vain! Yan Yihan must lose his life!!"

When he said this, Yan Yihan obviously felt that Gong Mingye's body was shaking more violently!

Seeing that Gong Mingye did not speak, Lin Haoran continued, "I am the organization of the Imperial Academy..."


Gong Mingye punched him directly with one punch! !

Lin Haoran's whole body turned into a cloud of white ashes.

All over the place! !


Everyone froze in place.


Everyone felt a deep fear.

What a terrifying strength that is, even someone like Lin Haoran was smashed with a single punch!

At this time, everyone truly realized how terrifying Gong Mingye was.

The Gong family has always been the existence that makes countless people tremble.

It wasn't until the figures of the two people disappeared from everyone's sight that everyone in the Imperial Academy breathed a sigh of relief.

Gong Mingye hugged her and went back to his villa.

"Baby, calm down."

Yan Yihan took the initiative to wrap his arms around his waist and leaned against him. There was tenderness in his eyes.

Gong Mingye didn't speak, and his eyes were always dull.

Yan Yihan felt how turbulent his emotions were. He seemed to want to vent out, but he was trying to suppress it.

"I'll make you something to eat!!" Yan Yihan suddenly thought of something and comforted.

Gong Mingye raised his eyebrows, gave her a cold look, walked into the clothing room alone, took out a red nightdress, and put it on Yan Yihan.

Before she could speak, Gong Mingye started to take off her clothes.

"Don't, don't, I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself!" Yan Yihan ran to the bathroom with her clothes in her arms, looking very embarrassed.

Half an hour later, when Yan Yihan came out of the bathroom, Gong Mingye had already prepared lunch.

It was Yan Yihan's favorite beef stew and beef stew soup.

The two never spoke, Yan Yihan sat obediently next to Gong Mingye, like a little girl who had done something wrong. Eyes blinked at him.

"Baby, I got it wrong, I will never put myself in that dangerous situation next time."

Seeing that Gong Mingye didn't respond, Yan Yihan raised her small hand, "I swear, if I dare to do this again, I will give you ten sons!!"

Yan Yihan felt that her oath had been poisonous enough.

Gong Mingye knew that what she was most afraid of was having children.

Six years ago, on that night when the stars were covered with snow. Gong Mingye said that Yan Yihan would give him a baby. Both were approaching the final step.

Yan Yihan flicked him fiercely, packed his clothes the next day, and fled to the frontier alone.

For this reason, Gong Mingye has been looking for her for six years.

For this matter, Yan Yihan still feels a little sorry.

Gong Mingye was stunned for a moment, this sentence reminded him of the time six years ago.

After a long time, there was finally a touch of tenderness in his frosty eyes.

Then, he took her to his lap, squeezed her chin, and kissed her fiercely.


Yan Yihan's eyes widened, caught off guard by his sudden attack.

She wants to push Gong Mingye away hard!

However, the battle just now almost exhausted her stamina.

Only a master can really understand how terrifying the opponent she just faced is boundless, and if anyone is present, there is only one result, and that is death!


Gong Mingye tore her clothes fiercely.

His eyes stared at her fiercely like a beast.

Yan Yihan was stunned!

"Ming Ye, Ming Ye! Don't do this, wait until we get married."

However, Gong Mingye didn't seem to hear, and ignored her request at all, his body pressed forward step by step.

"Okay, okay! I'll give it to you, I'll give it to you!"

A sly look flashed in Yan Yihan's eyes. He quickly attached to Gong Mingye's ear and let out a soft breath.

The expression on my face that I am 100% willing to give you is absolutely innocent! And she took the initiative to wrap her arms around his neck with a look of grievance.

"Baby, people are really tired!"

"I have to be on it!"

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