Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 119: I'm not really an international killer!

His dark circles were the most serious in the audience. In the previous few nights, he had just stayed up late for a few nights of surgery, and he was busy for another night today.

Yan Yihan blushed.

"Brother, take a look at your work time and school time are coming soon?"

"Ah, it's really going to be late!"

Murong Yan was very funny, so he dragged Han Junan and ran out, Qin Yue and Junze also followed.

Now only Xia Xiao and Liang Yuxuan are left!

"Third brother? What about you, you don't go to work?" Yan Yihan asked suspiciously.

Xia Xiao shook his head, "Today is a day off, let's go."

"Then my fifth brother and I will say goodbye first. I have to go to Qingqing's company's annual meeting. I have already asked the head teacher for leave."

After Yan Yihan finished speaking, he took Liang Yuxuan and walked out.

At the door, there are only a few tire marks left!

"This... where is the car?" Liang Yuxuan was a little speechless.

Yan Yihan was also stunned, how many people were looking for Qingqing last night, and all the cars were driven away.

Yan Yihan spread her hands and shrugged, "What should I do, take a taxi?"

Liang Yuxuan sighed, "That's the only way to do it. There are still several important surgeries today, and I didn't even have time to change my white coat."

Yan Yihan glanced at his clothes, the white coat was indeed covered in blood.

Fortunately, the third brother would help him to wash the clothes inside him occasionally, otherwise he would not have clean clothes to wear when he went out today, so he would have to wear the rest of her clothes like when he was a child.

Now that he is older and taller, he is no longer the same as when he was a child. He can wear it casually. Now he is 1.9 meters tall, but Yan Yihan is only 1.7 meters tall, a head difference.


The Didi driver came over.


A Volkswagen stopped beside Yan Yihan and honked the horn, which immediately caught their attention.

"Brother, the car is here."

Yan Yihan looked at the license plate number and determined that it was the driver he was looking for, and the two got into the car.

Soon, the car started and disappeared beside the villa.

Yan Yihan sat next to the driver, while Liang Yuxuan sat behind.

He turned the medicine box on his body to the side, and suddenly found that there was another person beside him.

The other person looked about forty years old, with tattoos on his face, a sharp face, wearing a black sweater, and his head was stern.

He kept his head down, Liang Yuxuan looked at him several times, but couldn't see the specific mask clearly, but the gloomy aura emanating from his body made Liang Yuxuan feel a little cold on his back.

Liang Yuxuan was stunned for a moment and tried to say hello, "Hello!"

The man in the sweater didn't speak, and kept his eyes down.

However, Liang Yuxuan kept staring at him like this.

Because Yan Yihan was in the car, he was afraid of any accident.

The man in the sweater was stared at for a long time, and he finally turned around and looked at Liang Yuxuan with a gloomy smile.

Liang Yuxuan was shocked!

Cold sweat suddenly appeared on his forehead.

He wanted to get out of the car, but he didn't know if the driver was with this man.

At this time, don't act rashly.

The driver driving in front seemed to have noticed something was wrong with the atmosphere. He glanced at the two of them through the rearview mirror, and the man in the sweater was showing a weird smile at him.

At this moment, he was almost scared to death on the spot.

To relieve the pressure, he turned on the radio function.

A piece of news came from the radio.

"Recently, Subei City, Jiangnan Province received an alarm that several taxi drivers and Didi drivers disappeared at night."

"The police are vigorously searching for the whereabouts of the missing. Inspector Xia has dispatched an important police force to search the whole city. Please pay special attention to the general public."

After the driver turned on the radio, he heard something on the radio.

He said to me a little wistfully, "Have you heard the report just now? I have a friend who disappeared just two days ago. He is also a Didi driver."

"I don't know why, someone would attack Didi drivers, it's really perverted..."

As the driver talked, he couldn't help shaking his head.

at this time!

He found that Yan Yihan had fallen asleep on the car.

But the radio was still playing.

"According to the clues provided by the police, the man is about forty years old, wearing a black sweater, with tattoos on his face, and always likes to stare at people and smile grimly. Once you find this person, please report it immediately..."

While dictating, the driver wanted to liven up the atmosphere, but suddenly he was stunned!

He vaguely felt that the description of the broadcast just now was somewhat familiar.

But he didn't react at once!

And Liang Yuxuan, his face turned pale at this moment!

Isn't the one next to him described in this special news?

Thinking of this, suddenly a cold air streaks from the soles of the feet to the top of the head!

But because Yan Yihan was still sleeping, he didn't dare to act rashly at all, he could only keep calm.

He didn't want to startle this murderer right now!

Therefore, he just opened his medicine box secretly, and at the same time Liang Yuxuan put his hands in the medicine box, ready to be ready to work hard at any time.

The driver was still driving, thinking about the description in the broadcast just now.

Soon, he suddenly remembered!

Isn't the person described in the broadcast just now a passenger sitting behind his taxi?

He subconsciously glanced in the rearview mirror.

The man in the black sweater, who had been keeping his head down, seemed to realize that he had been discovered, so he raised his head and looked at the driver's face in the rearview mirror.

"Hey Hey……"

He gave the driver a brutal **** smile and let out a few low, gloomy laughter.

Liang Yuxuan and the driver suddenly felt a chill on their backs!

Although the legs of the two of them are frightened and weak!

The Volkswagen driver's heart was beating wildly, and a chill came out.

The smile in the rearview mirror is getting more and more terrifying!

He slammed on the brakes suddenly.


The car braked suddenly, and Liang Yuxuan and the perverted criminal who were sitting in the back both slammed into the backrest in front of them because of the impact of the car.

This impact made Liang Yuxuan not hold the medicine box in his hand, so the medicine box was thrown out.

next second!


The contents of the medicine chest were all unloaded and fell in the middle of the back seat.

Yan Yihan changed his movements and continued to fall asleep.

And the driver and the murderer in the sweater saw an unforgettable scene in their lives!

In the medicine box, all are some very ferocious props.

Sparkling skulls, gleaming scalpels, heavy hammers, slender silver needles, blue and faint poison-like bottles...

And an ID card!

The driver and the perverted murderer were petrified when they looked at these things!

They all looked at the ID card on the ground and fell silent.

When the driver faced these murderous tools, he was stunned!

He looked at Liang Yuxuan with horror in his eyes!

He seems to have met someone even more murderous than a **** killer.

"Sorry, I picked up something."

Liang Yuxuan was a little embarrassed, and quickly showed what he thought was a gentle smile.

The perverted murderer was directly frightened by his pale smile!

His eyes instantly changed from sinister to fear, and his whole body was trembling.

In particular, the name on the ID card was the international killer that was widely circulated on the Internet yesterday! And his pale face, exactly as described above.

Think about the killing weapons that just fell out!

Immediately, he was so frightened that he lost his mind and took a deep breath.

"Country, International Killer, Liang..."

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