Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 122: Then do you know the fate of offending the chief assistant of the cabinet?

"Clap" sound.

King Beiliang hung up the phone directly!

In the cabinet, above the main seat of the conference room, a haggard-faced old man glanced at Gu Lingyan coldly.

"whats the matter?"

He was as motionless as a mountain, as if everything was under his control.

Gu Lingyan hurriedly bowed and said, "Zhang Shoufu, Yan Xiang was taken away by the patrol police in Jiangnan."

Zhang Jujin's eyes suddenly opened!

"Call the Jiangnan Patrol Superintendent to see what's going on."

He continued, "I will retire in half a year. After all, Yan Xiang has the final say in the cabinet. Gu Lingyan, I think you should resign from the cabinet!"

"What... what?"

Gu Lingyan couldn't believe it, "Master Shoufu, you are in your prime, why are you retiring!"


Zhang Jujin sneered, "Have you ever seen a ninety-nine-year-old man?"

"Today, this world is no longer ours. Don't you understand? If you want military power, there is no military power, and if you want political power, there is no political power!"

"If it weren't for me still holding the cabinet, and even the financial power would be left aside. Now that Yan Xiang is building a new city in the south of the Yangtze River, we old guys have become her stumbling blocks."

Gu Lingyan's face was moved, as if he had aged a lot in an instant.

Unexpectedly, he really wants to go back to the countryside to farm!

"Okay, I will resign now." Gu Lingyan bowed and said.

"That's it!"

Zhang Jujin nodded, then looked at everyone in the conference room, "What do you think?"

Everyone was silent.

Each of them has the supreme power of the Xia Kingdom!

However, as the Dragon Lord's Mansion and the War Department continued to seize power.

The cabinet is almost dead in name only.

Before leaving, Gu Lingyan couldn't help but ask, "Who do you think will win the Dragon Lord's Mansion and the Cabinet this time?"

Zhang Jujin was dumbfounded.

After a long silence, "When I used the name of the Dragon Lord to promote Yan Xiang to the cabinet, I wanted her to lead the cabinet to resist the Dragon Lord's Mansion. Although the Dragon Lord resented me a lot, he didn't dare to tear his face directly."

Gu Lingyan felt his scalp numb!

He always thought that the person who instigated him to put Yan Yihan into the cabinet was the Dragon Lord.

What I couldn't figure out before was why the Dragon Lord's Mansion continued to suppress the cabinet, why should Yan Yihan be promoted.

Now, he finally figured out that it was not the Dragon Lord who promoted Yan Yihan, but the cabinet chief who had been in control of the cabinet for more than half a century!

In this way, everything can be said.

"Do you know what I meant by letting you leave the cabinet?"

Zhang Jujin looked at him coldly.

"Grow the land!"

Gu Lingyan blurted out, "Master Shoufu wants me to farm."


Zhang Jujin snorted coldly, "Is there a shortage of people in my Xia country?"

"You are entangled with the Dragon Lord's Mansion, and you will definitely become the thorn in the flesh of the War Department in the future. You will be stabbed in the eyes. You go to Jiangnan immediately.

"Remember, the higher the key, the better, and the bigger the scene, the better!"

"To mobilize all the relationships you can mobilize, as well as all the power and connections, you must show your loyalty to Yan Xiang in front of the world, otherwise no one can save you!"

Gu Lingyan was very moved.

He stared at those deep eyes, unwilling to move away for a long time.

At this moment, he finally understood why a physically disabled person could rule the Xia Kingdom for half a century!

Xia Guo, after entering a new era, now has nine dragon masters.

The cabinet chief and assistant, but has not changed.

His mental methods can be called the top.

If it wasn't because he was too old to handle government affairs, the current Dragon Lord's Mansion would not be his opponent, but it's a pity that no one has to obey the old.

"Master Shoufu, why do you think Yan Xiang will win?" Gu Lingyan asked again.

The doubts in his heart were incomprehensible.

Zhang Jujin let out a long sigh, "Today's Dragon Lord's Mansion, colluding with aristocratic families, has long since become a monolith. Their interests are too closely linked. Among the wealthy families, only Gong, Jun, Murong, and the three families have not been involved!"

"They cut off the people's ascending channel and want to raise the people as pigs and dogs. Master Yan has achieved success step by step from the north. She was born in the commoner class, and she was born incompatible with the wealthy and aristocratic family."

"And precisely because of that, I believe her!"

Gu Lingyan's face was moved, "So you chose her as your heir?"

"Do I have any other options?"

Zhang Jujin let out a long sigh. "As long as there is a possibility of change, why should I put such a cruel and difficult burden on her, don't forget, she is only nineteen years old now!"

"We can't let a nineteen-year-old girl endure the most unbearable thing in the world. We should support her. The power of the Xia family has been in operation for thousands of years. Even if she is strong, it will be difficult to resist!"

Afterwards, Zhang Jujin took out a delicate box from his arms and handed it to Gu Lingyan, "This is the seal of the cabinet, you take it to Jiangnan and hand it over to Yan Xiang in person, the burden of the cabinet, the survival of the Xia Kingdom. , can only be completely entrusted to her hands."

"Lord Shoufu!"

Gu Lingyan knelt down on both knees and burst into tears.

"Could it be that the relationship between you and the Dragon Lord has reached a situation where your face is not torn apart?"

"If it wasn't for your support, how could he be the Dragon Lord, this ungrateful thing."

The more Gu Lingyan spoke, the more excited he became!

His most admiration for this is the Lord Zhang Jujin in front of him. Yan Xiang can be said to be promoted step by step in secret, if not for him to overcome all opinions!

In the current environment where the wealthy and wealthy in the Xia Kingdom are supreme, it is very difficult for Yan Yihan to be a top official at this age.

It's a pity that he has devoted all his life for the Xia Kingdom, but the Zhang family is still only a small family, and almost no one touches his light.

On the Internet, the names of all political figures cannot be searched or even typed!

It's all hidden words.

But only Zhang Shoufu! His name can be seen in any corner, because he is magnanimous, and everyone in the Xia Kingdom respects him.

There are hardly any flaws in personal morality,

Even the King of Northern Liang, who had the most explosive temper in the Xia Kingdom, respected him.

On the other hand,

In Beishan, thousands of terrifying auras suddenly appeared!


In an instant, the landslides and the ground cracked, and the rocks flew up.

From a distance, thousands of masters covered the entire area!

Every breath is very scary!

If anyone is here, they will be surprised by their terrifying strength.

On the other hand, Liang Yuxuan couldn't bear the boiling of thousands of breaths at all! Was directly stunned.

Yang Yuanyuan was very moved, "Even the world's No. 1 killer can't bear the aura of thousands of horrors, my dad must be here!"

She hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Dad, save me, kill this bitch." Yang Yuanyuan struggled desperately.


A very terrifying aura fell from the top of the mountain.

Thousands of masters knelt in unison: "Congratulations to the Patriarch!"

Yan Yihan's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked away lightly. I saw a middle-aged man wearing a black robe looking at each other.

"What a terrifying killing intent!"

Yang Jianxiong was shocked.

The killing intent in the girl's eyes was the richest he had ever seen in his life.

And Yan Yihan also made waves in his heart!

The Yang family is probably more than ten times stronger than what Yang Yuanyuan portrayed.

With these thousands of terrifying auras, no ordinary super clan can possess it!


He stepped forward, his eyes full of confidence, "Immediately, cut the head to apologize!"

"Otherwise I will slaughter your ten clans!"

After finishing the sentence, there seemed to be a strong sense of chill in the air.

"I cut."

Yan Yihan sneered and picked up a knife! Stepping on Yang Yuanyuan's back, she cut off her head cleanly.

Then, he threw it out like a chamber pot.


Yang Jianxiong's breath soared, "Aaaaaah! I'm going to kill you bitch, I'll make your life worse than death."

Yan Yihan's eyes met, "Is this sentence again? Can I choose to die directly?"

"You want to die, can you die? You don't deserve to die, you only deserve to live rather than die." Yang Jianxiong gritted his teeth, wishing to tear her apart immediately!

"I'll let you taste what it's like to be pierced by thousands of arrows! You bastard, **** bastard, I will slaughter ten of your clans!! I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!! I will make you regret coming into this world. !!"

"I want you to know what it's like to offend the Yang family!!!"

Yang Jianxiong was furious!

Suddenly, a terrifying breath came from the sky!

Then, a deafening voice came.

"Then do you know the fate of offending the chief assistant of the cabinet!!!"

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