Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 131: The war is raging, and the goods are all sold out!

A silent war ignited the whole country in an instant.

Su Mimi's fans are still skyrocketing. At this moment, all the stars are helping her, rushing to publicize and find sources of goods.

At this moment, Su Mimi has begun to answer calls from major businesses.

"Hey, is that Miss Mimi? All the goods of Chanel are ready, as long as you need, you can have as much as you want."

"I am Nike, and we keep all the new shoes you need, and we will never give them to your competitors."

"I am a German car company, and all the cars in our company are prepared for Miss Mimi!"

"Black toothpaste says hello to Miss Mimi..."

In just a few minutes, Su Mier directly answered dozens of calls!

At this moment, she is completely overwhelmed, all the stars have become her starters, and they began to mobilize their own studios, and a service team of thousands of people was set up in an instant.

Such a terrifying influence shocked all the senior management of Tianwu Media Company. The queen of goods and the 1000-person star group have been blessed by all the Internet celebrities in the entire network. This terrifying execution force, Wu Yanran felt scalp hair. numb!

Is this the terrifying power of the stars!

Simply indestructible!

She even began to suspect that it was a wrong policy for her to sign S for Han Qingqing.

And the star next to Su Mimi was already smiling at this moment, deliberately watching Han Qingqing's various provocations.

"Mimi, we have won all the company's Internet celebrity product vendors, and then we will watch your performance."

"Hehe, Han Qingqing, this slut, has no supply. I see what she compares with us."

"What's the use of having fans, there is no stock to sell, she is dead today, hahahahahaha!"

Su Mimi's nostrils were raised to the sky at this time, and sneered, "Han Qingqing, now kneel down and admit defeat, and then get out of here, I won't care about you anymore."

"Otherwise I'll let you remember this unforgettable day for the rest of your life."

"Little slut, even if your fans haven't fallen out yet, but there is no supply, what are you selling?"

Han Qingqing's face instantly collapsed, her heart beating wildly, "Don't deceive people too much, who said I have no supply?"

She stayed where she was, silent for a long time!

Finally, she mustered up the courage to pick up the phone and called Lin Yazhi, "Mom, immediately prepare all the vegetables and fruits of all the uncles of the farmers in the village. The more the better, as much as you have."

Han Qingqing held back her tears and said calmly.

"Qing'er, Mom has already mobilized all the uncles, aunts and uncles in the village."

Lin Yazhi said excitedly, "Come on Qing'er, all the uncles and aunts in the town are watching you on TV, they won't let you be bullied!"

"Don't worry, Qingqing, I am the mayor of your uncle Lin. I have mobilized the whole city to concentrate all the specialties of the peasant uncles in all the villages and towns. As long as you need it, speak up and let them know that there is no one behind you to support you!"

"Thank you Uncle Lin." Han Qingqing burst into tears with excitement.

Mayor Lin had a firm expression, "It's okay Qingqing, we all support you. If you have time, go back to the countryside to have a look. The family will miss you."

"Thank you, thank you, I will definitely sell your products well." Han Qingqing's tears kept falling.

She is like a dam that is about to collapse at the moment, so much pressure has made her reach the limit.

Yan Yihan's eyes showed a hint of intolerance, but if she didn't push her to the limit, she would never be able to grow up, and she would never be able to resist the mountain that was pressing her down.

"Three million!"

I don't know who exclaimed, and everyone was attracted.

Sumimi didn't even have time to introduce. As soon as her product was unveiled, it was immediately sold out!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Wu Yanran doesn't even care about the image of a lady!


Even Xia Xiao was shocked. It's not that he hasn't brought any goods, but he has seen such a terrifying speed as Su Mimi for the first time in his life.

And the number of people in Su Mimi's live broadcast room has now exceeded 100 million!

Almost everyone who is online is watching this battle in her live broadcast room!

"five million!"

"Ten million!"

"Twenty million!"

In Su Mimi's live broadcast room, all the stars kept exclaiming, starting from today, she will enter the ranks of superstars!

"Mimi, you are so terrifying, you may become the closest person to Xia Xiao's status in the history of the entertainment industry!"

As the amount of goods brought by the live broadcast increased, the sound of flattery around her continued to sound.

"Qingqing, open the live broadcast room!" Yan Yihan patted her on the shoulder, "Everyone is looking at you, don't be afraid, I believe there must be fans supporting you!"

"it is good!"

Han Qingqing gritted her teeth, "I'll open it now."

At this moment, her number of fans has dropped to only 10 million.

When she opened the live broadcast room, the number of fans in the live broadcast room was less than one million, and most of them came from the opposite side to ridicule.

"Hehe, I forgot to clear the customs, bye bye sisters."

"This is the female anchor that even Xia Xiao hates? Bye."

"I'll just sit and watch the show and see if you can sell it?"

All kinds of mocking voices came one after another, but there were still voices supporting her.

Soon, Han Qingqing put all the local products in the shopping cart.

"Five million!"

"three million!"

"five million!"

In just one minute, all the local specialties were sold out.

The world has seen the terrifying spending power of one million people!

"too horrible!!"

Wu Yanran was about to be scared crazy, what kind of monsters are these?

And Su Mimi's side was also shocked.

what happened?

One million fans, and the shopping speed is so fast.

As the agricultural products continue to be sold, the smile on Han Qingqing's face is getting stronger and stronger.

At this time, the reporter finally noticed them.


Immediately, all the reporters began to shoot Han Qingqing's side wildly, but Yan Yihan had no time to avoid her, and her face was finally exposed.

A beautiful picture, exposed on the Internet.

It was a very beautiful beauty, very ladylike, sitting on a chair, giving advice to Han Qingqing.

"What a beautiful girl, really beautiful."

"I've never seen such a good-looking girl, my brothers are fans."

"Is it really too beautiful? Really?"

"My sweetheart, love love!"

With Yan Yihan's photos exposed on the Internet. Suddenly, Han Qingqing's fans in the live broadcast room began to increase.

The number of simultaneous online users in her live broadcast room instantly exceeded 5 million.

But something more serious came.

This incident almost caught Han Qingqing by surprise!

Han Qingqing looked at Yan Yihan solemnly.

"Cousin, it's out of stock!"

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