Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 144: I know how your son died!

Without a word, Liang Yuxuan drove in the direction of Xuanhan.

Time passed slowly.

The entrance of Xuanhan Hospital.

A large crowd gathered in front.

"whats the matter?"

The crowd grew more and more, Liang Yuxuan got out of the car and looked at the scene, "What's going on?"

"I'm the director of Xuanhan Hospital, what happened, please let me go."

Liang Yuxuan opened his mouth and tried to squeeze in.

But there were so many people that they struggled to squeeze in.

Soon, Liang Yuxuan and Yan Yihan saw that there was a mat on the floor at the entrance of the hospital, and walked in to see a boy with dull eyes lying on it.

His complexion turned yellow, and the whole person twitched.

And beside the boy, sat a middle-aged man and a woman.

Apparently, it was the child's parents.

In addition, there are a few older men who are a little older, pulling a **** white cloth with a few large characters written in blood, "Xuanhan Hospital, selling poison to harm others, and my grandson's life!"

"what happened?"

Liang Yuxuan's heart was shocked, and there was a faint feeling of badness. He squatted down quickly and stretched out his hand to take the pulse of the boy lying on the ground.

People lying at the door of the hospital, he could not be indifferent.

"It's you, it's you bastard, if it wasn't for you to prescribe drugs randomly, my son would not die, get out of my way and don't touch my son!"

The middle-aged woman was pulling on Liang Yuxuan's clothes, roaring frantically, and suddenly violently, she pushed Liang Yuxuan away.

Liang Yuxuan accidentally fell and stumbled.

Fortunately, Yan Yihan supported him in time, so he didn't fall.

She glanced at the woman coldly and pushed her to the ground.

"You want to make trouble at the door of the hospital?"

With her here, no one can bully Liang Yuxuan.

"Han, don't be impulsive!"

Liang Yuxuan held Yan Yihan, now at the door of the hospital, he hadn't figured out the situation yet, so he couldn't involve Yan Yihan.

He naturally understood in his heart that Yan Yihan did this to protect him.

"Qingqing, you take her up first, and I'll come up immediately after I handle the matter." Liang Yuxuan ordered.

"No, I'll stay." Yan Yihan refused directly.

Liang Yuxuan wanted to say something, but Yan Yihan looked at him firmly, "If I stay, I might be able to help you out."

Liang Yuxuan then turned around, pulled up the woman on the ground and asked, "What happened to the child? Why is he lying here?"

The top priority is to stabilize the patient's emotions.

"You still have the face to ask?"

The middle-aged woman tugged at Liang Yuxuan's clothes like crazy, and stared at him, "My son is fine, it's just a common cold, it's not the new drug your hospital keeps saying that it's developed, and it works well, otherwise my son is fine. If you eat it, how could you be killed on the spot!"

"It's you bastard, ordered by the black-hearted doctor, to use my son as a test product in order to sell new drugs."

"People like you don't deserve to be a doctor, let alone open a hospital. A young man in his twenties, where did he get the qualifications to open a hospital, I will sue you at every level until you are killed!"

"Why didn't you die, you bastard, why put my son's life in it!"

The more the middle-aged woman spoke, the more excited she became, and she was about to start pulling his clothes.

"Do you dare to touch him?"

Yan Yihan stepped forward directly, stopped in front of Liang Yuxuan, and looked at her indifferently.

"Sister, don't get excited, I'll handle it."

Liang Yuxuan pulled Yan Yihan away directly and looked straight at her, "This lady, what is the specific reason, please tell me in detail, so that I can come up with a solution."

At this time, he can't take the lead, and he must handle the hospital's affairs with absolute calmness, because this matter is related to the reputation of the hospital, and even to himself.

You have to deal with it today!

"Didn't I tell you? The one who died after taking the new medicine prescribed by your nurse, do you want me to say it again?" The middle-aged woman was almost crazy.

"Ma'am, calm down, I can understand your mood."

Liang Yuxuan tried his best to soften his tone, "If you are like this, we cannot find a solution quickly."

"May I ask if you can recognize the nurse who prescribed the medicine for you? I want to find her."

"I personally developed this new drug, and many seniors from Yaoshan assisted in the research and development. The drug efficacy has been tested dozens of times, and there are absolutely no negative problems."

"I vouch for my life, if there is a problem with the efficacy of the medicine, I would rather die for your son!"

"As long as you take the medicine according to the doctor's prescription, it is impossible to eat the problem, and even if there is a problem, it is unlikely to cause death immediately."


"Unless what?"

The crowd gathered around and glared at him.

"Unless the nurse prescribing the wrong medicine, there is absolutely no chance of a problem."

"So can you find out the nurse who prescribed the medicine, and I'll ask myself?"

Liang Yuxuan's words were straightforward and very serious.

The middle-aged woman snorted coldly, "There are so many nurses in your hospital? How can I remember which nurse prescribed the medicine? I don't care. You have to kill my son now. If you don't admit it, I will directly call the police to arrest you."

"You wait."

Liang Yuxuan calmed her down, and then gathered all the doctors and nurses in the hospital together.

"Who of you gave this child the medicine today?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, you look at me, I look at you, and finally all shook their heads, and no one stood up.

"Isn't the medicine you prescribed?"

Liang Yuxuan froze in place. For a while he was at a loss, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

It is very likely that a ghost has entered the hospital, and someone wants to frame him.

"Don't worry, I will find out the whole story as soon as possible and give you an explanation." Liang Yuxuan once again comforted the family.

"You clearly want to escape your responsibility, how could I give you another chance to commit a crime!" The family immediately disagreed, and took his hand directly to prevent him from moving.

A group of people can't wait to swallow him alive.

"Wait a minute, who gave you the medicine at that time, think about it carefully, look at them, who do you have an impression of?" Liang Yuxuan pointed to the people in the hospital who were waiting.

The woman glanced at her casually and responded directly, "They all wear the same thing. I can't remember it at all. No matter what, this is the responsibility of your dean. Don't worry about misfortune."

"There is definitely something wrong with the new drug!"

"Yes, there is definitely something wrong with this new drug." The child's father also stood up, his eyes widened, and he looked at Liang Yuxuan viciously.

"We're going to check new drugs!"

At this time, Yan Yihan noticed that these people didn't look like ordinary people at all. On the contrary, the killing intent on their bodies was very strong.

She looked slightly cold, and squinted her eyes.

"I know how your son died!"

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