Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 153: With all due respect, the medical department of the Imperial Academy is full of rubbis

Yan Yihan stretched out her hands, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she showed a sneer, "Teacher, it's not that I don't want to go, you see everyone's nose and face, don't I feel bad if I don't clean up her?"

Xu Wei's face was ashen, she glanced at Jiang Le'er coldly, she kept Yan Yihan behind her, "A student from the medical department deserves to make me kowtow? I'll let you know what it takes to be a medical genius, even at your age. Show off your strength in school!"

"What do you mean? You mean you found someone better than me?" Jiang Le'er showed a sneer, and was about to die of laughter, "I am a medical genius, how many people under the age of 30 are better than me? "

"You also deserve to be called a medical genius?" Xu Wei directly snorted, "It happens that all of my more than 100 ex-boyfriends are medical students. I will let you know what a medical genius is!!"

"If you don't kowtow two hundred times today, you can't leave school."

Originally, she didn't want Yan Yihan to be involved in this kind of thing, but Jiang Leer's attitude made Xu Wei very angry. She directly opened the chat group of the communication tool and pulled a group voice directly.

Yan Yihan glanced, and the group name was "Fairy Xu Wei's waste ex-boyfriends."

Jiang Le'er froze in place, she didn't know what Xu Wei meant.

However, the next moment, she was immediately stunned.

I saw Xu Wei pull up a voice in the group, and soon more than a hundred avatars were displayed.

"Weier, isn't today our breakup anniversary?"

"Weier, is there a new member joining us?"

"Weier, do you want to play mahjong again? I'll rush over here."


As soon as the voice was turned on, all kinds of ambiguous voices in the group came out, causing Xu Wei's ears to turn red for a while.

"What nonsense, I'm being bullied now, use all your relationships immediately, I need the most advanced medical equipment, you all come here in person."

"Remember, I was bullied, and I was still a wild girl. She said that I was a waste. If you don't come, I will be bullied to death!!"

Xu Wei said straight to the point that all of her more than 100 ex-boyfriends studied medicine, and each of them was a famous figure all over the country!

Liang Yuxuan on the side was stunned.

What kind of magical (strange) fairy (pa) woman is this.

There are more than 100 ex-boyfriends alone, and all of them are medical students. Wouldn't they like to play special hobbies?

He was a little afraid to think about it.

But Xu Wei's appearance is really against the sky, even standing in front of Yan Yihan, she doesn't feel like she's being compared at all. Coupled with her age in her twenties, Liang Yuxuan couldn't help but take a second look.

Soon, there was confusion in the voice.

"Who dares to bully you, Wei'er, I'll come here!"

"Brothers, bring the guys and go straight to Imperial College."

"The luxury car fleet is ready, Wei Er is waiting for me, we are already on our way!"

"Bullying Wei Er, I'll come and let her die in minutes!!!"

Jiang Le'er was stunned. What the **** was this? She felt like she had stabbed a hornet's nest.

Several people looked at Xu Wei blankly, waiting for her to say a few words of thanks.

Xu Wei said with a sullen face, "Don't talk nonsense, come here within 20 minutes, or I'll kick you all. Humph!!"

"Come on, come now, I have used all the power of the family to come as fast as possible."

Inside the group, all kinds of mourning continued, begging Xu Wei not to kick them out.

After Xu Wei hung up the phone, she turned to look at Jiang Le'er coldly, and snorted, "Trash, my students are also yours to bully? Let Ma Qingyuan come over, you are not qualified to speak to me."

She changed from the gentleness of the past, and her face was full of domineering colors.

Jiang Le'er couldn't help shivering. She didn't understand how she could provoke such a monster, but she remained calm. She didn't believe Xu Wei could be so exaggerated.

In the distance, Ma Qingyuan saw that the situation was not good, and walked over with a sullen face.

"What's the situation?" He frowned and looked at Jiang Le'er.

Jiang Le'er lowered her head and put her **** together, unable to speak for a long time, "Xu... Teacher Xu's ex-boyfriend..."

Ma Qingyuan's face instantly collapsed.

Although I don't understand the specific situation, when I heard the words of my ex-boyfriend, I secretly said in my heart, "Oops."

Xu Wei's ex-boyfriends are well-known in Xia, and they are all geniuses in the medical field. Everyone in the family is rich, and almost all of them are the second generation of a group of local tyrants.

"Don't mess with Han Junan for men, and don't mess with Xu Wei for women. Are you taking this on a deaf ear? I have told you since the day the school started that these two must not be messed with."

Ma Qingyuan was so angry that he was going to have some trouble.

With a smile, he nodded towards Xu Wei, "Mr. Xu, I'm an ignorant student, please don't get to know her in the same way. Let's have dinner together at night, and I'll apologize to you."

Ma Qingyuan showed a standard smile.

"Yan Yihan, this child, I have always regarded her as a daughter, a teacher for one day and a father for the rest of my life. Although I am not a few years older than her, if anyone bullies my heart, I will definitely make her regret it!!"

Xu Wei looked at Jiang Le'er with cold eyes, "Don't talk nonsense, either kowtow now, or wait until you admit defeat and kowtow."

She was too lazy to take a chance on this bitch.

"Do you think anyone who can teach in the Imperial Academy is an ordinary person?" Ma Qingyuan roared directly. "I can't save you this time."

Most of the teachers recruited by the Imperial Academy are bizarre and geniuses.

Jiang Le'er froze in place!

She showed a ruthless look, "Teacher, you are a professor in the medical department, do the students in our medical department allow her to bully like this?"

"I don't believe her ex-boyfriend can resist the entire medical department!"

Jiang Le'er's voice became louder and louder and became the focus of the audience. Everyone in Shenyuan sat down. Their purpose was Yaoshan. This level of debate was not suitable for mixing.

"Students in the medical department, do we just let them bully them like this?" Her words were very inspiring.

The people below couldn't sit still.

"Our medical department naturally cannot be looked down upon."

"Whoever bullies my classmates, we will naturally bully them back."

"Yes, do you really think that the medical department of our Imperial Academy is a soft persimmon?"

Off the field, hundreds of students from the medical department were drinking in unison.

Looking at the hundreds of assistants around, Jiang Le'er became more confident.

She glanced at Xu Wei and Yan Yihan lightly, and said sarcastically, "Mr. Xu, let your ex-boyfriends go back, so as not to lose your people."

"They are facing hundreds of professional medical students."


The voice fell, and various sounds suddenly appeared in all directions of the Imperial Court. Everyone felt a violent vibration under their feet, like a magnitude 5 earthquake!

In the distance, a voice came first!

"With all due respect, the medical students in the Imperial Academy are all rubbish!"

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