Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 164: The palace banquet was very grand.

"Since you've already told my mother, get up quickly." Gong Mingye took the skirt, walked to Yan Yihan, and looked at her tenderly, "Let's change the skirt."

"I don't want to move." Yan Yihan pulled the quilt tightly, not wanting to get up at all.

Gong Mingye leaned down and pinched her little face gently, "Baby, what do you mean by not moving. If you don't get up, it will be too late."

"Stand up your hand obediently, and I'll dress you." Gong Mingye said in a low voice.

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows slightly, her sleepy eyes dimmed, and looked at him slowly, "Okay then, close your eyes."

Gong Mingye simply closed one eye and opened the other. "Is that all right?"

Yan Yihan's face softened a lot, and then he took off his clothes.

Gong Mingye smiled, and then slowly put the skirt on Yan Yihan's body.

Afterwards, he ran back and forth to wash and make up Yan Yihan himself.

Yan Yihan looked at herself in the mirror and was obviously very satisfied. She turned around and smiled at him slightly, "Gong Mingye, your skills are so good, don't you give others a lot?"

"Yes, I often...." Gong Mingye blurted out, but when he realized that something was wrong, he quickly changed his words, "I often do my mother's makeup."

"You're quite filial." Yan Yihan smiled and bent over, put her hands on his shoulders, and looked at her madly, "In the future, you can only transform your daughter-in-law into me."

Gong Mingye was stunned for a moment, and said casually, "What about my mother?"

"Your mother?" Yan Yihan shook her head coquettishly, "No, do you want me to be your aunt or your wife?"

The corners of Gong Mingye's mouth twitched slightly, "The sky and the earth are big, of course the daughter-in-law is the biggest."

As he spoke, he stared at Yan Yihan's face carefully, and he was relieved when he saw that she had not changed.

Yan Yihan smiled and lifted his chin, "Then my mother and I fell into the water at the same time, who do you save first?"

The smile on Gong Mingye's face stopped abruptly.

"If I am guilty, please let the law punish me, instead of killing me with this kind of problem."

Yan Yihan pretended to be unhappy and said, "I have to choose one, or I won't get out of bed today."

After a long silence, Gong Mingye finally said, "Save the water."

"Save the water?" Yan Yihan was exasperated, "Am I that scary? Need to save the water?"

In the room, the two were playing and fighting, Yan Yihan cleaned up Gong Mingye upside down, and then let him go.

However, Gong Mingye didn't know that during this process, strawberries had been quietly planted on his neck and face. Especially the lipstick marks on my face are still there.

"Young master, it's ready, when will you leave?" Outside the door, the people of the Gong family have been waiting for a long time.

Gong Mingye's eyes lowered slightly, "Come on."

After he finished speaking, after tidying up, he went out with Yan Yihan in his arms. Yan Yihan fell into a deep sleep while hanging in his arms.

Gong Mingye's private plane was parked behind the imperial courtyard villa area, and was looked after by a special person.

"Master, are you taking off now?" On the plane, the special flight attendant of the Gong family smiled slightly.

Gong Mingye nodded, "Let's go."

Soon, a luxury private jet departed from the Imperial Court to the capital.


The palace's private castle.

The news of Gong Jiannan's birthday spread all over the capital, but this time he only invited some relatives and friends, and no other family members were invited.

In order to welcome the return of his future granddaughter-in-law, Gong Jiannan, who has always been extremely stingy, is now extravagant and wasteful like never before.

The whole castle is also very ornately decorated, and it is still the forest style that Yan Yihan likes.

Shen Shumin had specifically inquired about Yan Yihan's hobbies before, and Gong Jiannan said, as long as the granddaughter-in-law is coaxed, everyone in the Gong family will reward her.

If the granddaughter-in-law is not satisfied, she will immediately drive out of the house.

However, what puzzles outsiders is that Gong Jiannan's birthday is not just today.

At the palace's castle, all the family and friends of the Fan Gong family were present at the scene, and all kinds of luxury cars were dazzling at the entrance, but the temperament of the palace's friends was unusual.

The old man didn't like too much luxury, so many people chose to do what they liked and drove an ordinary car to show their simplicity.

At the door, countless people lined up in a long line. Qin Shanhai, the housekeeper of the palace, went out to greet him in person, and the rest of the management staff stayed on the outermost side.

"Miss Murong, you are here, welcome."

As soon as Murong Yan stepped into the door, Qin Shanhai greeted him with a smile, "I heard that you went to the Imperial Court recently, is the Imperial Court okay?"

Murong Yan blushed, "Uncle Qin is joking, the Imperial Academy is naturally good, it is the strongest university in the Xia Kingdom."

Qin Shanhai shook his head, noncommittal, "With your strength, it is enough to be the deputy dean of a department in the Imperial Academy. I am afraid that you have no plans to be a student, right?"

"When will you bring your boyfriend back to the capital to show Uncle?"

Murong Yan's face was shy, "Well, I'll definitely bring it back to you next time."

"Yo, really?" Qin Shanhai was surprised, "What kind of outstanding talents are worthy of you? Besides my young master and King Beiliang, which young man in this Xia country is worthy of you?"

Qin Shanhai was puzzled. Although the Jun family was powerful, in terms of personal strength, Jun Ze was still a long way from Murong Yan. After all, this person was the one who took over King Beiliang's Banjian.

He couldn't figure out, except for King Beiliang and Gong Mingye, who would have the guts to fall in love with her?

Murong Yan nodded, "He is just an ordinary student of the Imperial Academy. Next time I bring it back, Uncle Qin, you will naturally know."

"Miss Murong, why don't you come to visit the little sisters when you have time to go back to the capital?"

Along with a voice, a group of Yingyingyanyan, who are flamboyantly behind, stood beside Murong Yan and looked at her with a smile.

"Miss Dongfang, Miss Jiang, Miss Che, Miss Tan, long time no see." Murong Yan greeted each other one by one.

Dongfang Qing looked at her mockingly, "I heard that you went to the Imperial Academy to study? Are you chasing after Junze?"

"I went to the Imperial Academy to study, I just wanted to study, Miss Dongfang was joking." Murong Yan nodded slightly.

Although the strength of these four families is not comparable to the Murong family, they are quite prestigious in the capital, and they are also very famous in the circle of young ladies in the capital. Murong Yan did not want unpleasant things to happen to her.

"Reading?" Dongfangqing's nostrils slanted slightly, and she sneered, "Miss Murong is too dishonest, when will you bring Junze back for the little sisters to see."

Murong Yan was stunned for a moment, then his face turned gloomy, "Whether I bring it back or not, what does it have to do with you? Do you need to worry about it?"

"Yo, are you still angry?" Cha Nana, who was on the side, took over the words and said, "I was dumped by Jun Ze, and I'm still angry with the little sisters. It's really not a crime, what's the big deal?"

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