Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 166: The gossip of the God of War in the North.


Che Nana burst into tears when she heard the words, she looked at Yan Yihan with sympathy in her eyes, "Ten trillion, have you watched too many TV series?"

"No, no, she's read a lot of fantasy novels, and she doesn't dare to say ten trillion in TV dramas." Dongfangqing took over the words and said.

The two looked at Yan Yihan like a fool, and suddenly felt that this person was too funny.

Ten trillion, how did she think of it?

Murong Yan was also stunned, the number of 10 trillion is indeed too scary, but after thinking about Yan Yihan's identity, he felt that this number was nothing.

"Can I go in?" Yan Yihan looked at the two playfully and said.

The two of Che Nana obviously didn't want to let her go, and continued to make things difficult, "Who said you can come in? Where's your 10 trillion? Show it to me?"

"If you can't take it out today, don't even think about it."

Yan Yihan shook his head, "Why should I show it to you, who are you to me? Is it any good for me to show it to you? Two hillbillies who have never seen money."

Her words directly blocked the two of them.

"Who are you calling a country bumpkin, you came from a poor county." Dongfang looked at her coldly with a gloomy face.

"Ten trillion, oh, I still have one hundred trillion, I won't take it out, no one knows anyway." Che Nana said sarcastically.

As she said that, seeing more and more people around, she continued to brag.

"Do you know how much money our car family has? Do you think ten trillion is a lot? That's half of our car family's property."

The scene was full of exclamations, lamenting that the car family is worthy of being a super giant, and his strength is so terrifying.

On the other hand, Murong Yan was a little depressed. She had also heard about the assets of the Che family. It was definitely a super family, but the assets were less than one trillion.

What is the concept of ten trillion? It is equivalent to the sum of the annual GDP of all the countries in the bottom 100 in the world.

And Xia Guo's annual GDP is less than 2 trillion yuan.

If the car family has ten trillion, then they can rank in the top five in the capital or even the entire Xia Kingdom, but obviously not.

Yan Yihan looked at her indifferently, "If you brag about paying taxes, the car family will be fined at least 10 trillion yuan."

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone and took a picture of Cha Nana, "Do you dare to repeat that sentence just now?"

Everyone's eyes moved, and they all looked at Cha Nana.

At this minute, Che Nana's face instantly turned rosy, she really wanted to find a seam to get in, but now the arrow is on the line, everyone is looking at her, she has always been very vain, naturally can't show weakness, said: "Ten Trillion? Even less than half of our car family’s assets.”


Yan Yihan quickly pressed the pause button.

Then she made a phone call.

In the capital, the phone of the office of the Cabinet Executive Yuan rang.

"It's a call from Lord Shoufu." Someone exclaimed.

This red landline has only one function, that is, it only accepts calls from the head of the cabinet.

And only Yan Yihan has this power.

The leader quickly answered the phone tremblingly, "What is your order, Lord Shoufu?"

"The Che family is said to have assets of 20 trillion. Help me check the tax paid by the Che family over the years. If the number is not enough, it will be 20 trillion." Yan Yihan said lightly.

The person on the opposite side nodded repeatedly and said yes, "Lord Shoufu, let's do it now."

Soon, the two hung up the phone.

Yan Yihan's voice was not released, so they could only hear Yan Yihan's voice.

Che Nana gave her a cold look, "Pretending is very interesting? Dare to check my family's tax? How many people in Xia Guo dare to check the Che family's tax? Who do you think you are? Do you really think you are the President of the Executive Yuan? Or Said you were the chief assistant of the cabinet?"

"I'm the chief assistant of the cabinet." Yan Yihan responded.


As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of laughter in the audience.

Dongfangqing lost her laughter and looked at her sarcastically, "Do you know who the chief assistant of the cabinet is? According to the inside information of our Dongfang family, the current chief assistant of the cabinet is taken over by the **** of war from the north. The war department is actually led by the King of Beiliang, and the assistant commander of the Qinglong War King An Youze."

"A country bumpkin like you certainly doesn't know about this information, right? Just pretending to be Lord Shoufu here brazenly, how could the first assistant in the cabinet be installed by someone like you?"

"Oh? The cabinet chief is so powerful?" Yan Yihan looked at her with a smile.

When everyone heard that she was talking about the first assistant of the cabinet, they all became interested, and even Qin Shanhai from a distance rushed over.

The Dongfang family is one of the three major families in Xia Guo's intelligence community. Most of Dongfangqing's rumors are true. She has always liked to gossip, even Murong Yan likes to listen to it.

Seeing that everyone was paying attention to himself, Dongfang Qing began to talk with a sense of superiority, "As far as we know, the Lord of the God of War is likely to be less than forty years old."

"No way?"

The scene exclaimed. "The legendary chief assistant of the cabinet is less than forty years old? We don't believe it if he is killed."

"The law stipulates that the age of the cabinet chief must be over 40 years old."

"Dongfangqing, don't bully us and don't understand the law. It's impossible for the cabinet chief to be forty years old."

Dongfang Qing smiled, "It is true that the chief assistant of the cabinet is less than forty years old. Do you think about how old is the king of Beiliang?"

Seeing her say this, everyone fell silent and could only believe it for the time being.

Dongfang Qing continued, "Master Shoufu is now the actual controller of the Xia Kingdom, and he is in court with the Dragon Lord's Mansion. I heard that Master God of War is likely to be in love with a young master in the capital."

"What? In love?"

The people present were instantly shocked. When the first assistant of the dynasty, are you still at the age of falling in love?

"Could it be that she is only thirty years old?" Someone was shocked.

According to the habit of excellent women in the Xia Kingdom, the more excellent women get married, the later they get married.

Thirty years old?

Yan Yihan was a little speechless, how old is she?

Dongfang Qing nodded, "Indeed, Lord Shoufu is probably only about thirty years old."

As she said that, she sighed, "I really don't know what kind of man can be worthy of such a gorgeous woman. I really envy that son."

"If I were a man, I would like her too."

After speaking, everyone present started to fantasize and howled one by one.

Yan Yihan said that she really despised this group of people.

Fantasy doesn't work for me.

Murong Yan was a little speechless. The first assistant in the cabinet, the God of War in the northern realm was clearly in front of him, so what else could he imagine?

But speaking of it, it was cheaper than Gong Mingye.

to find such a good girlfriend.

Everyone sighed, and instantly looked at Yan Yihan again.

"It's not like a country bumpkin like you, you can brag all day."

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