Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 170: The most romantic meeting with parents in history.


Cha Nana was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Isn't she praising the woman Gong Shao fancy? Are you not yourself?

Yan Yihan smiled, "You are the woman Gong Shao likes? Why is your face so big?"

Che Nana's face was gloomy, "Country bumpkin, who told you that I'm not the woman Gong Shao fancy? Is it not me that Gong Shao fancy? Could it be you?"

Yan Yihan stopped talking.

For such a person, talking to her would cost her.

In the distance, Qin Tianyu took out a red mobile phone, looked at the time on it, and then said.

"Master, you can set off fireworks."

Gong Mingye nodded and rubbed his slender fingers on his forehead, "Let's go."

The voice fell, and he snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the black sky suddenly burst into the sky with fireworks.

"Bang bang bang."

Thousands of fireworks flew into the sky in unison, and then exploded, lighting up the whole night with bright fireworks.

"It's so beautiful."

Murong Yan couldn't help but sigh.

She really wanted Han Junan to do this kind of romantic thing to her once.

At the scene, there is no woman who is not envious. They all sighed that Cha Nana had a good life.

Cha Nana's heart was more like riding a rocket, and she was very excited.

She was so happy tonight, so happy that she almost fainted.

Never been so happy, never been. This is her happiest day.

As the fireworks continued to explode, gradually, everyone discovered that a human face appeared in the sky.

It was exactly what Yan Yihan looked like. With the explosion of fireworks, Yan Yihan's appearance became more and more obvious.

Cha Nana's smile froze instantly.

Dongfang Qing also froze in place.

what happened?

Isn't Gong Shao confessing to Cha Nana? How does the sky look like Yan Yihan?

She didn't quite understand.

At this moment, Gong Mingye suddenly made a sound.

"Please let me go."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

In the chaos, Cha Nana was also thrown aside by Gong Mingye like a chicken.

Then, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he came to Yan Yihan with flowers in his hands.

"My princess, please get in the car."

He smiled and made a very gentlemanly gesture.

Yan Yihan smiled and took the flowers from Gong Mingye's hand, "Baby, you have a heart."

The interaction between the two fell into the eyes of everyone present.

The crowd went from shocked to cheering!

"Ahhhhh, my God, it's so romantic."

Someone exclaimed directly.

The crowd cheered like a sea of ​​people.

"Nana, don't be impulsive." Dongfang Qing hurriedly took Che Nana into her arms.

Cha Nana's heart was broken and her tears kept flowing.

She has never been so humiliated as she is today.

The girlfriends who were still flattering on the side, saw that the wind was not in the right direction at the moment, they walked away one after another, and gradually merged into the crowd, as if they were not involved in what happened just now.

Yan Yihan was wearing a white skirt and crystal slippers, like a princess in a fairy tale. She was held by Gong Mingye in her arms and walked slowly to the float.

when she sat down.

Gong Mingye became her prince, and the car drove forward slowly.

Two groups of soldiers on white horses followed the car and drove forward.

On the road, flowers fell from the sky all the way, all of which are Yan Yihan's favorite colors and flavors.

Especially the peach blossom leaves, when they fall, the whole world is beautiful.

Murong Yan was really moved.

Not to mention other people, even she was moved to cry in this scene.

So romantic and so beautiful.

There really is no woman who can refuse such romance.

"Baby, do you like it?" Gong Mingye said with a smile.

Yan Yihan nodded, "I like it, so I will give you a kiss today."

Time passed slowly.

But twenty minutes was as long as a lifetime.

The whole process is a sea of ​​flowers, and the whole process is happiness.

At the door of the banquet area, even that door is a flower passage made of trees.

Gong Jiannan and Shen Shumin came out to greet him in person.

All the relatives of the Gong family looked expectantly at the float from a distance.

"Dad, are you in such a hurry to come out to see how beautiful your granddaughter-in-law is?" Shen Shumin smiled hard.

Gong Jiannan laughed, "I haven't been so happy for a long time."

"Hahahaha, Ming Ye didn't disappoint you." Shen Shumin's eyes showed a touch of approval, "Ming Ye still has a way."

Gong Jiannan nodded, "This kid is not bad, he has the style of my past."

Gong Jiannan seemed to recall the past years, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

For this "simple" family dinner, he didn't sleep all night and was busy with Shen Shumin all night.

"The car is coming." Someone reminded.

Everyone looked over.

Gong Mingye is sitting in the driver's seat of the float, Yan Yihan is sitting in the co-pilot, and the Cavaliers are behind. This picture is really beautiful.

Shen Shumin was heartbroken when she saw it.

Although the servants in the family were quietly rehearsed several times, when Yan Yihan and Gong Mingye appeared at the same time, the atmosphere of the whole scene was sublimated.

The men in the hall all swallowed their saliva in unison.

Yan Yihan is so beautiful.

Tonight's Yan Yihan is also the most beautiful night Gong Mingye has ever seen.

"Ming Ye, I seem to have been tricked by you?"

Yan Yihan looked at the front, and the person standing in front of the flower gate said.

Gong Mingye smiled, "How do you say it?"

"Didn't you have a home-cooked meal? Why is it like a grand engagement? Now that the whole Xia Kingdom knows that I am your girlfriend, how can I find someone else in the future?" Yan Yihan said with a light smile.

Gong Mingye suddenly took her hand, "Which man would dare to covet the woman I want?"

"King Beiliang?" Yan Yihan smiled.

Gong Mingye: "!!!"

There was silence in the air.

Then, he said slowly.

"He's a fool, he doesn't understand anything about love."

Gong Mingye seemed to say confidently, "When it comes to fighting alone, I'm afraid no one in this world dares to say that he is better than him, right? But when it comes to falling in love, 100,000 Beiliang Kings combined are not my opponents, so He has no chance."

Thinking of what the old man taught him back then, "Without a woman in your heart, you can draw your sword and be natural." Gong Mingye felt amused.

Only such a fool can believe it for twenty years.

"It seems that you are very experienced?" Yan Yihan looked at him with a half-smile, "Did you steal food behind my back for the six years you left the North?"

Gong Mingye hurriedly shook his head, "Absolutely not. My relationship depends entirely on heredity. If you don't believe me, ask my grandfather."

"Okay, I believe you, you don't have to kneel on durian tonight, just kneel for instant noodles." Yan Yihan looked at him madly.

Gong Mingye: "..."

The two got out of the car.

Gong Jiannan directly greeted him, his eyes full of love, "Girl, haven't you grown so big in a few years?"

"Father, I haven't seen you in a few years, is your beard okay?" Yan Yihan looked at him with a half-smile.

"Hahahaha, all your blessings are lost." Gong Jiannan laughed three times.

Yan Yihan smiled, "Is that something you can't take off?"

Gong Jiannan nodded slightly, "Just in time, I will take you to meet one of your acquaintances."

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