Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 184: An artist in the dessert industry, Yan Yihan has a new vest!

"That is, super big cake!!"

Everyone was attracted by the cake, and the audience was instantly shocked.

Very, very big cake.

It was specially customized by the chef of the palace family.

Generally only the highest-ranking people are eligible to enjoy,

Even Qin Shanhai, the housekeeper of the palace family, rarely eats it.

Because its production process is very complicated,

It's so complicated that ordinary people don't even think about it. Just from making this cake to selling it, the half-way running costs add up to a total of 100 million!

Gong Mingye is really too fond of Yan Yihan!

One million cakes!

Xu Wei was stunned, "The legendary thousand flowers all over the country."

"Teacher, what are you talking about?" A student asked with his head tilted.

"The name of the cake, the most outstanding masterpiece on the cake list, it is not food, it is art." Xu Wei responded from the shock.

Everyone present was instantly sour!


How a cake becomes a work of art.

"Yes, this is a work of art. The person who originally made it was the International Dessert Master. It was born in the International Artist Competition and completed by the International Dessert Master "Yan Qing"."

Xu Wei was in a trance, she was the young lady of the Xu family and had seen countless worlds!

But it was the first time she had seen all the flowers, and she was not even qualified to eat it at ordinary times.

Even if this Wanhua Qingguo is an imitation version, it is still invaluable.

The reaction of everyone was within Gong Mingye's expectations. He walked towards the podium with his slender legs, and then his eyes turned to the window in the classroom, and the two looked at each other slightly.

Gong Mingye showed a smile.

"This is a dessert that Yan Yihan asked ten hall-level chefs of Xia Guo to create together. All the students enjoy it."

As soon as the voice fell, the audience burst into thunderous applause.

Yan Yihan's face flushed, revealing a touch of happiness, and said in a low voice, "It's clearly your own credit, I can't think of this."

If she can think of it and do it herself, why bother those ten apprentices who are ineffective?

Han Qingqingguang smelled that smell, the blood in his body was boiling, and he felt that he could break through at any time.

Thousands of flowers all over the country, the super art of the dessert world, even just smelling it will make your blood boil.

"Sister, you are really really happy, Qing'er is really happy for you."

As she spoke, her eyes suddenly became very moist.

Yan Yihan finally got out of the pain after experiencing that inhuman pain. Finally, someone loved her wholeheartedly.

She also wants to be spoiled by Jun Ze like this!

Thousands of flowers all over the country, who doesn't want it.

Yan Yihan stretched out her left hand and touched Han Qingqing's hair, "Junze will spoil you for the rest of your life, and my sister also wishes you happiness. When will you marry him?"

"Ah, I haven't thought about it yet." Han Qingqing lowered her head shyly.

Seeing Han Qingqing's appearance, Yan Yihan's aunt smiled all the way. She slowly got up and walked to Gong Mingye's side.

A very fragrant smell came from Gong Mingye. Make her tremble slightly.

Husband smells so good.

She tiptoed slightly and let out a breath of heat.

"Thank you, you have thought of everything for me.

Gong Mingye's body trembled, resisting the urge to eat her.

After a long time, I reacted from the sultry breath, "Thank you for being willing to stay with me for a lifetime, I will let you spend every day sweetly."

Saying that, he patted her head.

Ah ah ah!

The atmosphere at the scene was pushed to the extreme, and everyone cheered.

Gong Mingye grew up in a small town, and Zhang Jujin educated him, and every word was deeply engraved in his bones.

Especially the sentence, good politicians can't treat anyone with sincerity, and everything must be based on interests.

Even so, Gong Mingye was sincere to Yan Yihan from beginning to end, and their relationship was very pure and broken.

It's just that in the eyes of outsiders, the two are just a match for each other.

But from the first time he saw her, he was moved.

That is very pure love, love without any impurities.

Yan Yihan stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

"Thank you for the surprise you prepared for me, I really like it very much, and thank you for being so considerate to me."

Gong Mingye held her in his arms, "Silly girl, I am your husband, pampering you is the greatest meaning of my life."

He touched her soft hair gently and said again.

I have reserved a private room in the Imperial Court Restaurant. The card I gave you before can be used directly. Take the cake to the restaurant and eat it. "

Yan Yihan touched the bag, "My card is still there."

She raised her little hand excitedly, Gong Mingye laughed and cried, "How come your bag is like a treasure chest with everything in it."

"Hmm, can't I?" Yan Yihan tilted her head.

In fact, there are not many things in her schoolbag. There are only a thousand tokens of power, and then there are black cards from various international banks, which have been given to her by Gong Mingye.

Are there many things?

Not much!

This is what Yan Yihan thinks. Her schoolbag is not small, and she usually carries it with her. Fortunately, she is the **** of war, and the people from the Holy Gate in Jiangnan will carry her schoolbag for him.

"Yes." Gong Mingye touched her nose. Smile on face.

Yan Yihan is so cute!

I used to think she was cold and cool when she calmed down, but since she got engaged to herself, she has become more and more cute.

"Isn't it bad to eat cake in the classroom?"

At this time, Han Qingqing said suddenly.

Qin Yue nodded, took Han Qingqing's words, and said, "Eating cakes in the classroom is a waste of money. This is a country full of flowers. Many people have never seen each other in their entire lives. I won't allow you to waste like this!"

"Then where do you want to eat?"

Yan Yihan seemed to know everyone's thoughts and looked at them with a half-smile.

The two women smiled awkwardly, "Go to the Imperial Court Restaurant."

Other students also echoed, "Yes, yes, go to the Imperial Court Restaurant, we only like the Imperial Court Restaurant."

Yan Yihan spread her hands, "Since that's the case, let's go together?"

The crowd cheered instantly!

Xu smiled and sighed, "It's nice to be young."

"If someone treats me like Gong Mingye, the old lady will marry him on the spot."

Unfortunately, such a man will always be someone else's boyfriend.

Seeing the crowd react so enthusiastically, the two smiled at each other.

Yan Yihan held his hand, "Husband, will you transport the cake to the restaurant?"

Gong Mingye took her hand, "Yes, my wife."

As soon as he finished speaking, the men behind him hurriedly walked into the classroom and started to carry cakes.

"Classmates, let's go to the restaurant first, the cake will take a while." Xu Wei said.

She walks ahead.

The whole class followed suit.

Soon, everyone arrived.

The entrance of the Imperial Restaurant.

There was a long queue at the moment.

Han Qingqing was a little surprised, "Sister, it was very quiet when we came here last time. Why does it look like a vegetable market today?"

Yan Yihan took a serious look at the restaurant and the people queuing outside, and found that most of them were not students of the Imperial Academy.

"Today is different. All the students from the three major colleges and universities have come to the Imperial Court, and the restaurant of the Imperial Court has become their check-in place." Qin Yue took over.

There were so many people in line, and they had to wait outside.

Someone's face instantly collapsed, "When will this line up, the cake won't melt."

"Don't worry, that kind of cake is impossible to melt, and there are special materials in it."

"Student Yan Yihan, your husband is Young Master Gong. Just take us to the queue."

The crowd was talking.

Yan Yihan immediately refused and smiled, "It's not appropriate to cut in line. We can't lose face to the Imperial Court. The image of the Imperial Court needs to be maintained together." Yan Yihan said with a smile.

"Sister is right, we can't be special just because my sister's boyfriend is Gong Shao." Han Qingqing took over.

"Then let's all line up together?" Qin Yue narrowed his eyes.

Everyone looked at her with weird eyes, but she was the one who never queued up. It was the sun coming out from the west.

Seeing that the classmates in the class were so harmonious, Xu Wei was very pleased, and more importantly, proud of Yan Yihan.

Yan Yihan seems to be shining, no matter where she goes, she is always a dazzling scenery.

Time passed slowly.

Two hours passed quickly.

The traffic of the Imperial Court Restaurant is really too large.

In fact, there are not many high-level cards issued, but the reputation of the Imperial Court Restaurant is so great that most people will pay for it even if they borrow a silver card.

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people lining up in front, Yan Yihan breathed a sigh of relief, "It's finally over."

"Hello, please show your membership card." The restaurant staff looked at her blankly.

Yan Yihan touched her schoolbag and searched for a long time. She had too many cards, and she didn't know which one it was.

"Hey, let the person in front make a move."

Just when Yan Yihan and the others were about to arrive, there was a loud noise from behind.

"Let me go, let me go, didn't you see Miss Ma coming?"

Several arrogant men pushed the crowd away in an instant!

Han Qingqing and Qin Yue in front were also pushed away by them!

Yan Yihan's face darkened instantly.

This is, the person who cut the queue is here?

Everything is good in Xia Guo, but the population is too large, and the bad ethos of jumping in the queue also cultivates and grows.

Yan Yihan stopped directly in front of them and said indifferently, "What? Don't you know that you will arrive first?"

Seeing this, the leading man said coldly, "Do you know who is in front of you? Why don't you move away?"

"She is Tianqing University, the granddaughter of President Ma. If you offend her, you don't know how to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a burst of exclamations from the crowd.

Tianqing University, one of the three major universities below the Imperial Academy, is Tianqing University.

Everyone sighed, what a big deal?

The granddaughter of President Ma of Tianqing University.

Such a character is equivalent to Murong Yan's status in the Imperial Academy. She is the granddaughter of the old director Mu Yi, and the girlfriend of Han Junan, the director of the Imperial Academy.

Seeing everyone's reaction, the young man smiled smugly.

Wherever Miss Ma goes, she is like a star holding the moon.

The **** of the Imperial Academy were not scared to death when they saw such a character.

"Now that you know Miss Ma's identity, why don't you get out of the way?"

"Let me go away?"

Yan Yihan looked at her slowly, then sneered, "Then let me go take a look?"

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