Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 197: International car queen, Miss Leng Yuan!


what does she mean?

Everyone was attracted by her words.

Everyone in the Imperial Academy looked at her like a fool. Even Zhang Chengyi and Xu Wei ignored her.

They did lose this game, and they lost so thoroughly that they had no chance of winning at all.

"Ten golden sports cars, are you crazy, Yan Yihan?"

Ma Ruoyu laughed unceremoniously, and laughed arrogantly.

"You know seven billion cars, how dare you say such a thing?"

Yan Yihan looked at her coldly, "Why don't I dare to say such things? Seven billion is expensive?"

Saying that, she glanced at the audience lightly.

"The ten most expensive cars in the world are not golden cars, there are three more expensive cars."

Everyone was stunned, not understanding what Yan Yihan meant.

How can it be? Is there any car more expensive than these ten?

"Which three are you talking about?" Xu Wei looked at her blankly.

She really didn't believe what Yan Yihan said.

Seventy billion cars!

And it's a whole ten cars, how could there be a car that is more expensive than it?

The students of Tianqing University looked at her like an idiot, "Since you said that there are still three cars, which three are you talking about?"

"Can't tell? It's a mystery!"

Everyone sneered, and Yan Yihan at the moment was like a joke, making everyone unable to stop laughing.

On the other hand, Ma Ruoyu is quite knowledgeable.

She stopped everyone's ridicule and glanced at Yan Yihan coldly, "It seems that you are also someone who has seen the world."

"Yes, there are indeed three cars in this world, far more precious than ten golden sports cars. But so what? Can you make them appear?"

As soon as her voice fell, the audience was in an uproar!

Is there really a car in the world that is more expensive than a gold sports car?

It was a car made of pure gold.

It is a golden car built by all the top car companies in the world, not only the value of gold is expensive.

More importantly, the manpower and material resources it spends are unprecedented.

Wanting to make gold into a sports car is a fantasy in itself.

Ma Ruoyu said when he saw that everyone was interested and could show off his knowledge by the way.

"Tianzi Jialiu is an antique car from the pre-Qin period of the Xia Kingdom. It is made of bronze. It has been more than 3,000 years ago. It is the carriage that the emperor rides. Its owner is Zhou Tianzi."

"Now this car is collected in the Great Zhou Museum in the Xia Kingdom. There are thousands of people guarding it. Its value is very precious. If you really want to calculate its price, it will cost at least 30 billion!"

As soon as she finished.

The audience went crazy in an instant.

The legendary "Heavenly Frame Six" is still intact?

Xu Wei was also stunned, she muttered to herself, "The emperor's driving six, wasn't it damaged three thousand years ago? How could it be preserved in the Great Zhou Museum in Xia State?"

It's not that she hasn't been to the Dazhou Museum, after all, this kind of museum is generally open to ordinary people.

Ma Ruoyu seemed to know what she was thinking and continued, "You are right, the Dazhou Museum is indeed open to ordinary people, but what you see are only ordinary national treasures, treasures like Tianzijialiu, even at the governor level. Officials must also watch it under the supervision of a special person.”

"Unless you are the chief assistant of the cabinet, or the dragon master of the Dragon Lord's Mansion, it is absolutely impossible to watch it alone."

"I just heard about this car from my grandfather. He used to follow Zhang Shoufu in to see this car."

There was pride in her words.

The news of the death of Zhang Jujin, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was completely blocked, and few people knew about it except for high-level personnel.

"Oh? What about the second car?" Xu Wei suddenly became interested and couldn't help asking.

Everyone present looked over and asked!

Ma Ruoyu was very happy, the feeling of being so much attention made her so excited.

"The second car is the Western Continent. The carriage of the Queen of the Empire, the golden carriage, is called a palace on wheels. The value of this car is at least 10 billion."

"It is made of pure gold and diamonds. It is said that besides the queen, the only person who has ever ridden in this car is the goddess of war in the north!"

"When she went to the West Continent, the Queen of the Never Sunset Empire greeted her with a golden carriage with unprecedented treatment."

Speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause!

Qin Yue exclaimed.

Ordinary people are not even qualified to take a look at the golden carriage.

Represents the supreme power of the Queen.

"I admit that these two cars are expensive, but how do they compare to ten gold sports cars?"

someone asked suspiciously.

After all, the ten golden sports cars were built by bringing together almost all the high-end car companies in the world.

And these ten vehicles almost represent the current top technology level.

According to legend, these ten cars were built by tens of thousands of people led by the apprentice of the car queen "Leng Yuan", and it took a full five years to build.

The emperor has six, the golden carriage is worth 40 billion!

And these ten golden carriages cost a full seventy billion.

The gap between the two is still huge.

Everyone present did not think that it could be compared!


Yan Yihan remembered this name, and his heart was full of memories.

This name has been with her for a long time. When she built a car for herself, she engraved this name on her car.

"What's the third car?"

The crowd asked eagerly.

Ma Ruoyu smiled slightly and was about to continue explaining, but she hadn't opened her mouth yet.

Yan Yihan interrupted her.

"The third car, you don't deserve to talk about it, I'll do it myself!"

After she finished speaking, she walked slowly to the middle. Glancing at everyone present.

She slowly explained how the car went, why it was built, and even told a very moving story.

The people present were silent.

"The third car is called "Leng Yuan" and it was built by a woman named Leng Yuan."

After telling that story.

Yan Yihan only said this sentence.

Ma Ruoyu added it!

"Miss Leng Yuan, the international car queen, built the world's toughest car, and now the owner of this car is the goddess of war in the north!"

"This car, made of the core material of an aircraft carrier, can withstand an attack comparable to a nuclear bomb, and is also known as the hardest car in the world."

"But it's very special, and it was done by Leng Yuan alone."

As soon as she finished speaking, the audience took a deep breath!

Completed by Leng Yuan alone?

Her strength is also really terrifying.

Even people who don't drive know the name of Leng Yuan, the queen of cars, not to mention the well-informed people present who know what it means.

Ma Ruoyu smiled, "This car is worth at least 50 billion, but can you drive it?"

The atmosphere in the audience instantly became tense!

That's right, that's the car of the God of War in the North. What is Yan Yihan's reason for her?

No one took her words to heart.

Yan Yihan sneered.

"Who said I can't drive?"

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