Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 200: At the moment of shock, thousands of people knelt down in unison!

"What do you want to do?"

Han Qingqing stood in front of the cabinet soldiers and looked at her coldly.

"Please get out of the way."

A cabinet soldier headed by him looked indifferent.

"I won't get out of the way. I want to catch my cousin unless I step over my body."

Her eyes widened.

Once the opponent shoots, she doesn't mind killing it back.

During this period of time, her growth rate can be said to be very fast, and she has gradually cultivated a trace of dragon energy.

It is estimated that in a few years, the first dragon will be formed.

Although the dragon energy can only represent the comprehension ability of a certain realm, it cannot represent the real combat power.

But those who have the Dragon Qi bonus will naturally be very powerful in combat.

It can be said that it is very difficult to cultivate dragon energy.

Ordinary people have no chance to cultivate dragon energy at all, and only a few talented ghosts may be able to cultivate a trace of dragon energy.

Han Qingqing's talent is naturally not bad, it can even be said to be powerful.

Her voice just fell.

The aura of the whole body radiated directly.

On her back, there was a faint dragon energy.

Even if only looming.

The people at the scene were shocked instantly!

Han Qingqing, when did your strength become so terrifying?

Even Qin Yue, who is almost inseparable from her every day, was stunned.

She actually had a dragon spirit.

This is too scary.

Han Qingqing, are you secretly being excellent behind her back?

In front of him, the faces of the cabinet soldiers instantly fell silent.

"At such a young age, he has cultivated a dragon spirit. He is a powerful character, but if you think that you can stop the cabinet's personal soldiers, it is too stupid to talk about dreams."

"I admit that you are very strong, and I admit that you are very talented, but I advise you not to stand in front of me."

His words were murderous.

Originally, it was to send the emperor to drive six to His Highness the God of War.

Why was he stopped in front of him over and over again.

Does the cabinet lose face?

"Even if what you said is right? But if you want to arrest my sister, it is absolutely impossible. Even if I die, I will pull you back." Han Qingqing's killing intent instantly enveloped the audience!

Everyone understands how terrifying a character who has cultivated dragon energy is.

Dragon qi, people who have not cultivated dragon qi naturally have aura suppression.

"Who is your sister?" The cabinet soldiers broke out in cold sweat and couldn't help asking.

Facing the coercion of a terrifying master who cultivated dragon spirit, it is impossible for him not to be frightened.

It's really not too easy for a master of this level to take him away with one set.

Even if it is the cabinet's personal soldiers, with Han Qingqing's current strength, it will not be a problem to be one hundred.

Han Qingqing pointed to Yan Yihan in the far seat, "She is my sister, aren't you here to catch her?"

The face of the cabinet soldiers instantly collapsed.

Isn't that the Soufu-sama?

Borrowing his 100,000 courage, he would not dare to arrest the chief assistant of the cabinet.

In this world, does anyone dare to arrest her?

"Miss, you may have misunderstood." The cabinet soldiers smiled wryly, "Please make a move quickly."

Han Qingqing was indifferent, "Misunderstanding?"

"I misunderstood you? Do you know who I am? I am the fiancee of Jun Ze, the red-clothed commander of the Holy Gate. You should get out of the way, or I will let Jun Ze bring King Beiliang to clean you up."

When she speaks, it is threatening.

All this looks so cute in Yan Yihan's view.

On the spot, everyone was taken aback by her.

How could Han Qingqing invite the King of Northern Liang?

It was these words that gave everyone present a new understanding of her.

This seemingly ordinary girl is actually huge.

When the cabinet soldiers heard the name of King Beiliang, they hurriedly saluted respectfully, "Hello, miss."

See him so polite.

On the side of the Imperial Academy, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It means that Yan Yihan is fine!

Zhang Chengyi and Xu Wei looked at each other and smiled, a war was finally avoided.

And Tianqing University side.

Everyone's faces instantly collapsed.

The smile on Ma Ruoyu's face froze.

What is the situation, the cabinet will not hold Yan Yihan accountable?

It's not scientific.

With the pride of the cabinet, even if they moved out of the Beiliang King, they would take the risk of being beaten to get things done.

Han Qingqing just settled things like this?

This woman, she just couldn't figure it out.

"Miss, please let me go." After the cabinet soldiers saluted.

Then he said respectfully.

Han Qingqing's smiling face froze instantly, what does it mean? Are you going to arrest my sister?

Ma Ruoyu, who was originally depressed, laughed out loud at this moment regardless of his image.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Yan Yihan, I thought you were so powerful. The cabinet soldiers didn't buy your account. You should die obediently."

There was sarcasm in her tone.

At this time, Tianqing University also began to talk about it.

"I thought she was so hard backstage, so that's all?"

"Yan Yihan, your husband has already run away, don't you run away quickly? The cabinet will definitely not dare to go to your house to arrest someone when the old man is alive."

"Hahaha, yes, hurry up and hide in the palace, while the old man can live for a few days, there are still people who can protect the palace."

Everyone, you laughed at me every word!

The whole place, the atmosphere to the extreme!

Causing bursts of laughter after bursts of laughter.

The face of the cabinet's personal soldiers was indifferent.

"Pull those who laughed over here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the audience instantly fell silent.

Dozens of cabinet soldiers flew up at the same time, and more than a dozen students from Tianqing University were thrown to the ground.

"What are you going to do?"

Several students from Tianqing University looked at them, not understanding what they had done wrong and how they could be pulled over.

"You guys were just laughing at Miss, right?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, unable to understand what he meant.

"Miss, who do you mean Miss?"

Several people wondered, "Sir, you heard it wrong, we are obviously just mocking that **** Yan Yihan."

The cabinet soldiers were furious when they heard the words.


He looked indifferent, and in an instant, dozens of personal soldiers rubbed the necks of these dozen people at the same time.

A dozen people fell to the ground!

Everyone's souls were terrified.

Ma Ruoyu looked at the scene with lingering fears, her legs softened with fright.

Among the people who mocked just now, she was the loudest.

"Let them come over."

In the distance, Yan Yihan looked stern and glanced at the audience lightly.

She got up.

Slowly walked towards Han Qingqing's position.

Han Qingqing quickly moved away.

At the scene, more than a dozen people died tragically, vividly.

Cousin, you must die today.

The cabinet's personal soldiers carried the emperor and drove six, and walked towards Yan Yihan in a neat and uniform manner.

Everyone was stunned!

Not knowing what was in the big box they were carrying, everyone was curious.

"Send it up."

One of the cabinet's personal soldiers headed said,

Soon, large boxes transported by dozens of people were carried to the middle.


The box is opened.

Everyone present stood up instantly!

Everyone exclaimed.

That is,

The Son of Heaven drives six! ! ! !

At the moment when everyone was shocked, thousands of cabinet soldiers suddenly knelt down in front of Yan Yihan!

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