Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 302: Those who are willing to save the sky, please get up!

"Qing, I have looked for a way to break the Nanxu land, but I haven't seen him again these years."

Li Ruobai took out the kit and put it in front of everyone, "This is the kit left by your fourth brother, and the way to break the South Ruins is in it."

The love he was talking about was Gu Sen's fourth brother, the extremely smart young man who treated all beings as chess pieces.

He has calculated one era after another!

Take sentient beings as chess pieces and the world as a chessboard.

Li Ruobai stared at the kit in a daze, and then said slowly,

"I don't dare to dismantle the method left by Qing in those days. I am afraid that it will not work if it is dismantled too early."

Gu Sen looked into the distance, silent for a long time,

"Take a step, take a step, my fourth brother is definitely the smartest brain ever in human history. If he can't do anything, I don't think there is another person in the world who can come up with a solution."

And deep in a corner of the planet.

A young man in black is silently calculating something with sketches.

The things he wrote were almost piled up as high as a mountain!

"The 1098th method is still not perfect."

He shook his head, tossed the waste paper, and resumed his calculations.


Miao Village,

At the moment when everyone was talking, the battle above the river had reached the white-hot stage!

Eight terrifying auras frantically killed Yan Yihan and Gong Mingye.

Bang bang bang!

The sky turned discolored, and a terrifying killing intent like a mountain rose up!

In an instant, there were dozens of terrifying collision sounds.


The two of them spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time.

However, the eight star emperors are still like destroying the dry and pulling the rotten, madly killing them, and there is no trace of staying at all.


The momentum of thunder gradually rose, and eight star maps suddenly appeared on the back of the eight star queens, blocking Yan Yihan and the two together.

In an instant, in the star map, the starlight scattered!

"God, what is that???"

Everyone, their pupils shrank suddenly, and all stood up.

"Star map, it's a star map!"

Someone exclaimed, and the eight people fit together, and even evolved a star map.

"What a powerful killing intent."

Ning Tian exclaimed, "Your Majesty, if you don't help, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for Emperor Yan to survive the killing of the star map."

Still too young to dare to be two-on-eight.

The starlight emanating from the star map is constantly killing and killing! Everyone looked horrified.

At this time, even if you forcibly rushed over, it would be a dead end.

Not only will he not be able to save anyone, but he will also be strangled by the star map!

Gu Sen stared into the distance, looking at Yan Yihan's limit.

"Hehe, looking for death is not like this."

In the distance, a disciple of an aristocratic family couldn't help but said sourly, "Competing with the eight star emperors, who do you really think you are?"

Gu Sen turned around and gave the man a cold look.

That Lingren's gaze was so oppressive that he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to take another look.


In the star map, Yan Yihan, Gong Mingye and the two made a great sword light, and the sound of Xia Huangjian and dragon roar sounded.


The terrifying beams of light of three different colors around him shot up into the sky, killing the sky to the point of trembling, and the black clouds kept falling with snow and rain.


A huge black shadow suddenly appeared from the depths of the galaxy, a phantom as tall as a thousand feet, and suddenly slashed with the magic sword that judged the ages!


The eight star emperors retreated like a kite with a broken string!


He actually realized the magic.

Li Ruobai suddenly opened his eyes and looked at him blankly.

Look at Gong Mingye like a freak, and then look at King Beiliang.


"The people of this life are indeed perverted."


Just when everyone was stunned.

The Great Xia Kingdom was thousands of miles away, and a terrifying imperial aura suddenly appeared in all directions.

Then it continued to converge on Miao Jiang, and finally on Yan Yihan.

The Emperor Yu Qing couldn't sit still!

The body suddenly vibrated.

"You actually got the power of the Great Xia Kingdom's imperial vein."

He spoke aloud and looked at Yan Yihan sternly.

Everyone thought they knew Yan Yihan well enough!

She didn't expect that she actually got the power of the Great Xia Imperial Vein.

This is Yu Qing, an existence that cannot be obtained with all his strength.

She glanced at the people below and said coldly,

"This emperor, you only need to be invincible for one lifetime, and you will be the first person in history, so what if you are invincible for several lifetimes?"

The sound turned into a rolling wave, spreading far and wide, shocking the world.


The audience was shocked.

The people of Xia Guo were even more excited.

This is the Northern God of War who shocked the world, still so domineering.

King Beiliang was also excited.

Gu Sen and Li Ruobai looked at each other with expressions of admiration.

For a moment, he felt that his beloved sister seemed to have grown up.

"My sister's current strength is probably not under yours."

Gu Sen opened his mouth, looked at Li Ruobai, and smiled.

Li Ruobai nodded in response,

"Her belief in advancing forward is not as good as mine."

Yan Yihan swept the bottom lightly,

"This emperor is the leader of this Southern Ruins Tribulation, who approves and who opposes?"

The eight star emperors who were so shocked by Yan Yihan that they dared not fight back hurriedly said,

"We agree with Emperor Yan to be the master of this South Ruins catastrophe. From today, eight of us are willing to be the front and back of Emperor Yan!"

Some people who were quite critical at the time did not dare to speak any more at this moment. Yan Yihan had already proved his strength to the world, and they accepted it.

At this moment, the image of Emperor Yan is infinitely tall in the eyes of everyone.

Even surpassed the emperor Yu Qing, and the supreme Ning Tian who was invincible in the ninth generation!

Gong Mingye took her hand and slowly walked out of the broken star map.

"Baby, you are amazing."

Gong Mingye looked at her dotingly. He used to be a person who was too lazy to cultivate martial arts.

But since meeting Yan Yihan, in order to protect the woman he loves to the extreme.

He just embarked on the path of martial arts.

"Not as powerful as your husband." Yan Yihan touched his face, "Every time you want to make me stand out, you always hide your strength, don't think I don't know."

"You are the one who hides the deepest in the whole world."

Yan Yihan hugged him.

The two of them just came out of the star map, and the thrilling feeling lingered in her arms. Every time she resisted a terrifying attack, Gong Mingye always stood in front of her regardless of her life.

I was afraid she would get hurt a little.

"Baby, the three-month period is almost here." Gong Mingye touched her face and said with a smile,

Wow, Yan Yihan's face instantly turned red, and he glared at him, "Let's go home, you haven't grabbed me yet."

Just when the two were getting close, the land of the South Ruins suddenly made a terrifying vibration.


A terrifying aura swept in.

Earth cracks.

Everyone's eyes turned to the south, showing a dignified color.

"The seal on the land of the South Ruins is broken again."

Li Ruobai was worried.

The catastrophe of the South Ruins, a catastrophe that all mankind cannot escape, requires everyone to resist.

This fragment is equivalent to a sentence of life and death.

The sky is falling!

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling, and the ground of the South Ruins is broken."

Someone screamed like crazy, and there was chaos on the scene.

Everyone just felt depressed.

Yan Yihan walked slowly to the middle of everyone, and said aloud,

"I know that everyone here is a genius among geniuses. Geniuses are naturally proud. Some people may not accept this emperor?"

Her tone was somber,

"Now that the Great Calamity of the South Ruins has come, this emperor is the highest official of the United Nations and the initiator of the Great Calamity of the South Ruins. All of you here with strength have already seen it. Since the Great Calamity of the South Ruins has come, then we can't wait to die in vain!"

Everyone looked at her with burning eyes, her eyes seemed to glow, as if giving everyone hope.

"Once the seal of the South Ruins is completely broken, it means that all human beings will suffer. At this time, all of us must unite and madly improve our strength before we can get a chance."

As she spoke, the earth continued to vibrate!

In the Nanxu, the roar like a wolf howl was shocking.

Everyone's heart is filled with a haze.

Yan Yihan raised his long sword and walked slowly to the top.

Every time she took a step, everyone's eyes moved up.


Yan Yihan took out his long sword and stroked his arm, a drop of blood dripped into the wine.

She raised her glass, facing the 100,000 Tianjiao, the thousands of miles of the Yangtze River, all the creatures on the planet, and all the heroes who died in the five thousand years of China,

shout out,

"Those who are willing to save the sky, please get up!"

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