Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 305: Hahaha, you act so well, I almost believed it!

As soon as Yan Yihan's words came out, the audience fell silent.

The Han family members of Han Tianhe's lineage were stunned. No one could have imagined that she would actually ask such a question.

Han Feifei sneered,

"Who do you think you are? Does the whole world have to tell you everything?"

"Can someone like you understand the Gong family's contract?"

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, smiled at her, and then looked at Han Nuonan,

"She is much more arrogant than you were."

Han Nuonan couldn't help but smile and didn't turn around, "Cousin, stop laughing at me, I don't dare to compare with her."

Huang Lu is crazy!

These two women, even ignoring their faces, started chatting directly.

She raised her eyebrows coldly, "What did you say, you poor **** dare to call us useless?" Huang Lu was so angry that her face turned purple, and she wanted to tear her apart on the spot.

"I'm afraid this bumpkin doesn't know what kind of existence the Gong family is, so he dares to say such ignorant words."

"Let me tell you, the Gong family's branch in Jiangnan has a market value of more than one trillion yuan and is one of the largest companies in Jiangnan. As long as any family can have a little relationship with the Gong family, it will surely rise to the sky in one step."

"How many noble families have to respectfully in front of the Gong family, because the Gong family's young master is said to be powerful in the Xia Kingdom."

"Mom, what are you talking about with these two country bumpkins who haven't seen the world? They haven't seen the world. A family like the Gong family can't be reached by them."

Han Feifei mocked directly without giving any face.

Han Tianhe still wanted to say something, but he couldn't speak at the moment, so he could only let them quarrel, and just didn't care.

In the face of all kinds of ridicule from the Han family, Yan Yihan was too lazy to argue with them.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in a suit walked quickly into the Han Family Manor.

Everyone present looked at him blankly.

"Yan Huang, the candidate for the chief executive of Miao Village has been drawn up, have you taken a look at it?"

The cabinet officials stood respectfully aside and whispered.

Yan Yihan once said that as long as the chief executive of Miao Village is finalized, she must be informed as soon as possible, so she rushed over in a hurry.

However, people in the Han family's Han Tianhe lineage were stunned when they saw this scene, and they couldn't believe their eyes.

Everyone has a question in their hearts, who is Emperor Yan?

Could it be Yan Yihan?

At this moment, Yan Yihan stood up slowly under everyone's astonished eyes. She glanced at everyone present, then turned her gaze to the cabinet officials, and said coldly,

"The emperor ordered that Miao Jiang is directly under the jurisdiction of the cabinet and is not under the management of the province. The expatriate executives need economic talents and people with clean family backgrounds."

After the cabinet officials heard Yan Yihan's words, they immediately sweated, and quickly responded respectfully, "I will report back to Prime Minister Quan."

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, "What has Governor Han been up to recently? Why didn't you come back today?"

The cabinet official bowed his head, "I don't know about Governor Han."


Yan Yihan nodded and set his eyes on Han Zhenguo, "Qingqing and Auntie I haven't seen them for a long time, I really miss them."

"Qingqing will be back today, right? She's busy at this time, and she's going to have a wedding soon."

Han Zhenguo said with a smile, "The rest are you and Nuonan who are not married yet. When you get married, I will be relieved."

However, everyone in the Han family was still frozen in place!

Still shocked by Yan Yihan's conversation just now, everyone was dumbfounded.

Emperor Yan?

When did Xia Guo become emperor?

After a while, everyone in the Han family recovered from their surprise.

"Clap clap clap..."

There was a burst of warm applause.

Yan Yihan is used to listening to flowers and applause a lot. This is the first time she has been applauded by the person who just scolded her, and she was a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Although I'm Emperor Yan, I'm just an ordinary person like everyone else. There's no need to do this. Let's all sit down to eat, right?"

Yan Yihan waved his hand and returned to his position.


When Yan Yihan was sitting down, a clear voice came out, "This pretending is too good, I will give you full marks, and I am afraid that you will feel inferior."

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows slightly, "Am I pretending?"

"Pfft... Hahahaha...I'm about to suffocate my internal injuries, hahahaha." Han Feifei laughed firstly, looking at Yan Yihan as if looking at a lunatic.

"Hahaha...Yan Huang, do you want to send officials to the Miao Village? Command the cabinet? This play is really like, if I hadn't known you were a hillbilly, I would have believed it." Chen Shan also burst into tears and hugged him on the spot. Squatting on the ground, holding his stomach, unable to stand up.

All the Han family members present laughed loudly.

Han Zhenguo had few people in his line, so Han Nuonan wanted to explain something, but unfortunately her voice directly overshadowed her words, and there was no chance for her to speak at all.

"Yan Yihan, your acting skills are so good, it's a pity not to be an actor. With your acting skills, I think you can compare with the big star Xia Xiao, hahahaha, goodbye."

"The man in the suit just now has such good acting skills. How much did he pay for it? And the suit he wears is exactly the same as the cabinet's clothes, right?"

"After a few years in prison, you became Emperor Yan after being released from prison. Do you want to laugh at us? Or do you already have delusional disorder?"

Except for Han Zhenguo and Han Nuonan, no one will believe what Yan Yihan just said, because it is too fake!

The eyes of everyone looking at Yan Yihan are even more disdainful. For the sake of self-esteem, it is really shameful to even act out such a thing.

The atmosphere at the scene instantly became active.

Han Feifei mocked directly,

"Yan Yihan, are you out of your mind? If you have neurological problems, I happen to know some friends in the hospital. I can ask him to come to Han's house to treat your brain."

Yan Yihan is speechless!

The secrecy of the Yan Palace and the cabinet about her identity is terrifying. Except for Han Zhenguo who was present in person, so she knew her identity, all the videos on the Internet and discussions on the forum, once there is any trouble, will all be banned! Tighten the modification.

She didn't bother to explain to these people, and just pushed the boat along the way, "Everyone is a guest from afar, I just want to add some fun to you."

Huang Lu glared at her coldly, "It's just nonsense, do you know what it means to let strangers in?

It means that our Han family may be stolen! Even personal safety cannot be guaranteed. You want to kill us, can't you? "


Yan Yihan responded lightly, without even raising his eyelids.

If this group of people were not related to the Han family, just these few words would be enough to send them to prison.

When the crowd laughed,

"Dong dong dong."

There were knocks at the door.

Han Zhenguo got up quickly and walked to the door to open the door.

"Qingqing, you are back."

When they saw the person coming, Yan Yihan and Han Nuonan quickly got up and greeted them at the door.

"Grandpa, cousin, sister..."

Han Qingqing got off an ordinary Hongqi H9. Next to her was Jun Ze, holding a gift.

He also quickly said hello to Yan Yihan and others.

At home, he is also called Yan Yihan and his cousin, just like Han Qingqing.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. My cousin misses you, Qingqing." Yan Yihan gave her a big hug.

"Where's my aunt? Didn't she come?"

Yan Yihan asked quickly.

Han Qingqing nodded, "My mother and Junze's mother went on a trip, so they didn't come back."

"So that's it, your wedding is approaching, right?"

"Cousin, you already know, our wedding is going to be held this year."

When the two talked, they also attracted the attention of the Han family in Han Tianhe's lineage, and they all looked at them.

Han Feifei looked up and down at Han Qingqing's car, showing a sneer.

"He's a poor man again. I thought he was a high-ranking official. How could someone who drives 300,000 cars be a high-ranking official?"

Everyone in the Han family agreed that Han Qingqing's dress was relatively simple. In their eyes, it was estimated that it was a small government employee, not an official.

Just when Han Qingqing wanted to say hello to the others, Han Feifei suddenly raised her eyebrows to look at her, and said with a smile,

"Sister Qingqing, are you getting married?"

she asked,

Han Qingqing nodded gently, "Yes, brother Junze and I are planning to get married."

"It's a coincidence. Chen Shan and I are going to get married this month. I heard that Miss Han and your mother didn't have a wedding when they got married, which made the Han family gossip a lot."

Han Feifei raised her eyebrows and looked at her provocatively.

The smile on Han Qingqing's face froze instantly, "You can do the wedding if you want. What do you ask my mother for?"

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