Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 313: The consumption of the Imperial Castle will increase tenfold.


Yan Yihan slapped her down fiercely, "Shut your stinky mouth, if you don't manage well, someone will take care of it for you."

The whole place was silent.

No one thought that Yan Yihan would hit someone, and Han Feifei was also stunned.

Stunned on the spot!

She actually beat herself up!

She dazedly touched her hot face, tears streaming down her face, "Bitch, do you think you're better than others by being a little kid outside?"

"Who told you that I was young?"

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows and looked at her, staring at her like a fool.

"If you didn't make a child of the Gong family, how could Chairman Qin Tianyu fire me? Didn't the second generation of wealthy people in the capital come because of the Gong family's face?"

Han Feifei raised her eyebrows unceremoniously.

"Just for this? Do you think I'm small?" Yan Yihan sneered, "That's right, you grow up like this, and no one wants you to be small."

"Haha, on the wedding day, I want to see how many people will attend your wedding." Han Feifei sneered, she looked at Han Qingqing, "There is a little sister outside, I am afraid you will feel that there is no face on your face. light?"

"I don't want to talk to fools."

Yan Yihan frowned slightly and swept away coldly, "Unlucky."


Han Feifei's tone suddenly turned sharp, "Let's wrap up the top three floors of the Imperial Castle now, and let you guys eat ashes on the ground on the wedding day."

"Exactly, I also want to go to the Imperial Castle for a walk." Yan Yihan squinted her eyes halfway, and her tone was rare.

The imperial castle is located on a private island in the south of the Yangtze River.

It was the cabinet and the Dragon Lord's Mansion that were specially built to reward her for her military exploits in the north.

At that time, she didn't have time to come back to live, so she asked someone to build a large park outside the Imperial Castle, which was later opened for ordinary people as a wedding venue.

It's just that the rent is too expensive, and few people can afford it. Generally, the leased land is rented by floor.

But even so, renting a day would cost at least millions, and if it was all-inclusive, it would be impossible without tens of millions.

So even if Han Feifei boasted about Haikou, she would only dare to talk about the top layers of the bag.

Han Feifei's eyes gradually turned cold, "You poor **** don't even have tickets, right? You still want to go around, do you deserve it?"

"Do you know that the Imperial Castle requires a membership card to enter, and ordinary members can only wander around the island."

These words made the eyes of Huang Lu and Chen Shan, who had fallen into silence, instantly light up.

Han Feifei is right, the Imperial Castle needs a membership card. Although Governor Han has a high position, everyone knows that she is an honest official.

As for the White Tiger Fighter He Junxiang, he is a member of the military. Although he has a very high status, the salary paid by the state every month is not high. It is not very difficult to enter the imperial castle for consumption.

If you are not careful, millions will be gone.

He is a soldier, where did he get so much money?

Chen Shan's eyes deepened, "Feifei is right, I do plan to cover the upper three floors of the Imperial Castle, if you two don't mind, Governor Han can use the first floor, and Lord Zhanjun use the second floor. ,how?"

After he finished speaking, the corners of his mouth were slightly outlined, and he half-squinted his eyes to look into the distance, and stopped talking, only waiting for them to respond.

"No need."

Han Nuonan raised his eyebrows and took He Junxiang's hand, "I still have some savings, enough for marriage."

He Junxiang stayed for a while.

The dark eyes instantly brightened, and the heart was beating thumpingly.

Han Nuonan, this is recognition of him.

Although it is said in such an environment, it still has to be counted.

"it is good."

He agreed stupidly, completely forgetting what Han Nuonan said.

Then he reacted again, and quickly looked at Yan Yihan in the distance, and said with a smile, "Miss, is it time for a bonus?"

She said back then that she paid all the money for the marriage of the officers under her in order to solve the worries of the soldiers.

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows and smiled, "It's natural to make it, marriage is a big deal."

"Let's go to the Imperial Castle first, take a look at the scene, and then decide on the budget?"

These words made everyone in the Han family show disdain.

Han Feifei picked it up, "Could it be that you are really short of money, so you said that on purpose?"

"Look at the address first, do real rich people need to see the address first?"

"Then what do you think the real rich people do first?" Yan Yihan half-squinted her eyes, carrying a bit of clarity.

The temperament of the big guy is A and sassy.

"Why should I tell you this?" Han Feifei looked at her mockingly, "I told you, you can't learn the lavishness of the rich."

"It seems that you are very confident, is the Chen family rich?" Yan Yihan raised his brows slightly, slightly sketching a slight smile.

Take advantage of it, just kill them.

Han Feifei really took the bait, "The strength of the Chen family is naturally not something that a country bumpkin like you can understand. When we get married, we will definitely have the most beautiful wedding in Jiangnan."

She looked at Chen Shan, "You said yes, Brother Shan?"

Chen Shan's face was silent for a moment, then squeezed out a smile, "You're right, isn't it a few million, my Chen family can afford it, and now I'll call to reserve the top three floors of the Imperial Castle."

"Thank you Brother Shan, you are so kind to me, I don't even know how to thank you." Han Feifei didn't know, she was on the way to being pitted.

When the words fell, Yan Yihan silently sent a message to the chairman of the Imperial Castle,

"Immediately increase rental prices tenfold."

The moment the chairman of the Imperial Castle saw the news, he was instantly excited. This was the first time that Emperor Yan took the initiative to send him a message.

"Manager Wang, you immediately increase the price of the castle tenfold, declare the 15th as a special period, and relax the original price in a few days."

"Chairman, I'll do it now."

Although Manager Wang didn't know what happened, seeing the unprecedented solemnity of the chairman, he didn't dare to ask more questions.

In the Han family manor, everyone in the Han family is praising Chen Shan's lavishness and his strength.

A cold expression appeared on the corner of Chen Shan's mouth, "I order a few floors of castles, my Chen family still has the strength, elders, you can also watch me order."

"This boy, I can see it at a glance."

The people of the Han family gathered around one after another.

looked at him admiringly.

Chen Shan, this son-in-law is going to make a face for their Han family today.

Although it will cost 5 million, Chen Shan's ruthless words have already been released. He has to spend the 5 million if he doesn't spend it, otherwise he won't be able to save face.

Just as everyone gathered around, Chen Shan frowned slightly, opened the Imperial Castle App, and then clicked on the rent column.

A very conspicuous number appeared in front of him.

Fifty million! ! !

The smile on Chen Shan's face instantly solidified.

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