Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 318: Demon Lord, the legendary underground force has come forward!


The Second Hospital of Yangzhou City received a 120 call and immediately dispatched dozens of ambulances to rush on the road.

All the vehicles rushed towards the direction of the Imperial Castle frantically.

"Quick, quick, I heard that 80 people were in a collective coma due to unknown injuries." In the ambulance, the doctor said anxiously.

More than 100 people from the Han family were present, and there were only 20 or 30 people who could still stand at the moment.

After a long time, Huang Lu woke up from the coma and looked at her with great difficulty, "You guys go ahead and rent the castle, don't waste your time, make sure to do the wedding, mom is fine."

She held Han Feifei's hand tremblingly, as if she was explaining the funeral.

"Mom, don't scare me!"

Han Feifei burst into tears and hugged her on the spot.

Just when the two were sad,

Soon, dozens of ambulances arrived and quickly carried the person who fell to the ground into the ambulance. Before leaving, he did not forget to instruct him, "Be sure to rent the castle."

Chen Shan's face twitched, and he still didn't forget to take his money at this time. It looked like his mother-in-law wanted a house.

It wasn't until everyone left that Han Feifei stood up from the ground, "Little bitch, wait for me, how did you insult me ​​today, another day I will let you experience the humiliation of a hundred times!"

After finishing speaking, he took Chen Shan and walked towards Rose Road.

Before leaving, he didn't forget to look back at them, "A bunch of country bumpkins, even if I only have a fortune of tens of millions, it is not something you can afford, not to mention that Brother Shan's family has billions of assets, you will not be able to climb high in your life. ."

Han Nuonan was speechless, being scolded by Da Chong like this, and acting like a normal person, he could even refute.

"We don't want to climb high." Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, "You can do whatever you want. I'll accompany you at any time. I'm afraid that next time I'll be carried into the hospital with you."

This time, Da Chong thought that she was from the Han family, and didn't really scold her. If it wasn't for this reason, there would be more than 80 people who fell, and I'm afraid all of them would have to fall to the ground.

"The country bumpkin will only use some indiscriminate methods. People like you are useless in life and only deserve to look up to me."

Han Feifei's sharp voice was a little stronger, "Did you see that welcome ceremony? Low-level people like you will never get this kind of treatment in your life."

"You can only look up to me, you can only look up to me all your life, you can only watch me spend money, and you can only be a poor ghost."

Her voice was getting colder.

Later, Chen Shan took her to the Rose Road.

However, at the moment of stepping down.

A voice suddenly came, "Sorry, your path was not prepared for you."

Han Feifei's face froze instantly, and then slowly looked at Chen Shan.

what happened?

Isn't this a surprise that Brother Shan made for himself?

She said, "You must be mistaken. This is a surprise for me from Brother Chen Shan. I'm Han Feifei. Are you here to pick up someone named Han Feifei?"

The man in the suit bowed slightly, "Sorry, this road is for Yan Yihan, Han Nuonan, and Han Qingqing, Han Feifei, we don't know each other."

"Which is Miss Yan Yihan, please come in."

"I am."

Yan Yihan nodded slightly and walked inside slowly.


Han Feifei's face was red and hot.

She couldn't wait to find a place to get in.

"Miss, Su Dong and the senior management have been waiting for a long time. Seeing that you have been at the door, let me come to greet you." The man in the suit lowered his head and said politely.

"Let's go."

Yan Yihan threw a word lightly and walked forward.

Leaving Han Feifei a few people, messy in the wind.

Going forward all the way, after a circle, I finally reached the core area of ​​the Imperial Castle.

"Welcome Miss Yan, to the Imperial Castle."

As soon as she appeared, everyone present immediately bowed to her.

Han Feifei, who followed behind, was instantly stunned.

How could this be?

There must be a mistake, how could this hillbilly get such treatment?

Han Feifei's eyes turned red with jealousy. She couldn't understand why all the good things were taken by Yan Yihan, and these **** deserved to be struck by lightning.

"Ruolan, woo woo woo woo, I was bullied by Ruolan." Han Feifei picked up her phone and called her best friend for help.

"Who bullied you, I'll bring the sisters here immediately." Li Ruolan said with a cold face, "Where are you, tell me."

"Imperial Castle, Inner City, I was bullied." Han Feifei said tearfully while crying.

Li Ruolan's eyes turned cold, "Whoever bullies you will die. I don't care who she is, she must pay the price."

The words fall.

She hung up the phone, quickly organized the troops, and rushed to the Imperial Castle.

Like Han Feifei, Li Ruolan was one of the original hidden families. Although she had always been in contact with the outside world, she also left the country some time ago and completely entered the social life.

The property of the Li family is definitely not comparable to Han Feifei and Chen Shan, and the size is not on the same level.

This is why Han Feifei asked her to deal with Yan Yihan.

On the other hand, after the reception ceremony was completed, Yan Yihan let them go to work on their own, and did not continue to let them follow him.

"Brother Chen Shan, my best best friend Li Ruolan is here. As soon as she arrives, all these **** will respectfully kowtow to me."

Han Feifei raised her voice deliberately, for fear that Yan Yihan would not be able to hear.

As soon as they heard Li Ruolan's name, all the people around looked like they were looking at the devil, and hurriedly stood aside, for fear of angering the big devil of the Xia kingdom's underground forces.

"Ha ha."

Han Feifei sneered, "Brother Chen Shan, wait and see the good show of those bitches, wait for Sister Ruolan, and see how she shreds them."

She was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, and Chen Shan was also shocked.

She even knew Li Ruolan, the super demon king of the underground forces.

If Li Ruolan really came, then these women would definitely not be able to eat and walk around.

The legendary underground superpowers, few people dare to provoke existence, even those big families in the capital are often suppressed by them.

"Who is Li Ruolan?"

Yan Yihan was taken aback for a moment, and asked, she had never heard of this character.

Han Qingqing shook her head, "I don't know very well, but I have heard her legend that she was a school bully when she was studying, and later unified the underground forces of the Great Xia Kingdom and became a pivotal powerhouse. It is said that even the predecessor Long Sovereign Jing Ting They have a lot to do with her."

"This person is very scary. I have only heard of her, but I don't know her specific strength."

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