Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 321: Hundreds of helicopters, throwing one billion dollars!

The helicopter flew over the sky and covered the sky.

on site,

Some reporters who came to travel have turned on the video recorder to record this moment.

Everyone still doesn't know what happened. Hundreds of people brought by Li Ruolan also looked up at the sky.

I don't understand what happened, I just stared at the sky with a sad face.

what happened?

Li Ruolan was stunned, and immediately cast her eyes on it.

In an instant,

All the helicopters above the sky suddenly opened their doors.


Countless banknotes poured down like a torrential rain.

All the people are crazy!


Someone directly exclaimed, "It's money, someone is throwing money."

In an instant, the entire imperial castle was in chaos.

Where did the reporter who was filming still control the camera, put the camera in place, and ran directly to the ground to pick up the money.

clap la la,

A piece of golden banknotes fell from the sky.

Countless people joined in the money grab.

Han Feifei was stunned.

She seems to have provoked a super rich man.

Inside the Imperial Castle,

Just when a few people were stunned, the people Li Ruolan brought also suddenly started to move.

Thousands of people glanced at Li Ruolan and saw that she was in a daze.

Someone exclaimed, "Hurry up and grab the money, hurry up and grab the money."

When the words fell, thousands of people made a mess and joined the ranks of money grabbing.

Li Ruolan's face turned green with anger, and shouted loudly, "Bastard, stop for me, and come back to me."

However, no one at the scene paid her any attention. All the subordinates ignored her words on the spot.

on the road.

When an ambulance carrying a patient passed by the Imperial Castle, seeing the bills flying in the sky, all the doctors in the ambulance stopped and rushed inside desperately.

The blood-covered patient looked miserably at the nurse in front of him, "Quick, help me up, I'm going to pick up the money."


While talking, the elementary school student wearing a red scarf from the school next door passed by the Imperial Castle.

See the bills flying all over the sky,


All the elementary school students rushed in frantically towards the Imperial Castle.

The security guard at the door wanted to reach out and stop the person, blocking the front of the door.

"Without a VIP card, no one is allowed to enter."

He stopped coldly,

However, the dense crowd of elementary school students could not hear his words.

A puff of smoke filled the air.

"Don't come here!"

Someone fell in the chaos.

what! ! !

The security guard's face was stomped on an unknown number of footprints. He stretched out his hand and raised it weakly from the ground.

"Leave a little for me, don't rob it."

Immediately afterwards, when the driver of the big truck saw the money in the sky, he drove the big truck and rushed in at the door.


There was a cry from the ground.

The truck driver was stunned, "There seems to be some strange sound?"

After that, he turned the steering wheel and reversed the car again.

The oversized wheel ran over the security guard's leg again, and the screams were endless.

If it weren't for him being a dragon-level master, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Soon, countless people joined the ranks of robbing money, and the helicopter that filled the sky seemed to never run out of money, desperately throwing money down.

Han Feifei, who had just finished renting the upper third floor, was extremely uncomfortable with her bragging words stuck in her throat.

She was stunned by this crowded scene.

Aren't these people hillbilly?

Where did so much money come from?

She couldn't understand.

Jun Ze looked at her coldly, "I've lost the money, you don't seem very happy?"

Han Feifei turned back, "You, who are you?"

She trembled slightly, she had never seen such a rich man before.

At this moment, Chen Shan, everyone in the Han family, and Li Ruolan all looked at Han Feifei like a fool.

Even the money grabbers, in their busy schedules, did not forget to throw some taunts at her.

If it is said that a person who casually spends one billion is a hillbilly, then what is the Han family with a fortune of tens of millions?

Wild monkeys in the mountains?

This time, his face was lost.

At this moment, I can't wait to find a crack in the ground to dig into.

Forced, overturned.

"I'm Gong Jiannan, bah, I'm Jun Xiang... No, I'm Jun Xialin's grandson."

Jun Ze raised his eyebrows sharply, "I was almost dizzy by you, you poor **** made my mind confused."

Yan Yihan rolled his eyes at him, "I don't think your IQ is different from Han Feifei's. If you ask you to give money, just throw it away. Why are you so obedient?"

"There is so much money, go to my house, I want to pick it up another day."

He was depressed, "Miss, what are you talking about, if you are short of money, I will transfer it to you directly. Why do you need such trouble."

Yan Yihan shook his head,

"One billion, I feel bad for using yours in vain, or you should throw it away."

Junze was speechless.

In the eyes of everyone in the Han family, the conversation between the two was like a second round of lightning strikes.

Even more than a billion?

"Your home, where is your home?" A schoolbag full of money and a schoolboy holding a large handful of banknotes in his arms looked at Yan Yihan madly, "Can you tell me when you're doing it?"


"Yan Palace, you may not be able to enter."

Yan Yihan touched his head, "Little guy, where's your book?"


He blinked his big eyes, his round head raised his head and responded, "The book is thrown away, you can buy it again tomorrow."


Yan Yihan smiled, "My sister will send you a few sets of summer homework, the kind that will tear up the answers."

Elementary school students petrochemical, if struck by lightning.

Someone is bullying children.

"No, I want money to buy Kamen Rider, I don't want summer homework."

"Sister, don't scare him." Han Qingqing said with a smile.

"I didn't scare him." Yan Yihan's voice became colder, "Let them do more homework, so as not to think about Kamen Rider all day."

A group of elementary school students ran away in fright.

This woman is so bad.

After a long time, the amount of one billion was slowly distributed, and the money on the ground was also robbed.

In the war department, the officers sent by the patrol police department surrounded the imperial castle. Even if they went out with money, no one dared to **** it.

Han Feifei finally reacted, making her humiliated in public and unable to raise her head in front of the Han family. This account must be counted on Yan Yihan.

She raised her eyebrows coldly, "Sister Ruolan, I think we can deal with them now, so as not to have too many dreams at night."

She got up and stood in front of Li Ruolan with murderous intent in her eyes.

Li Ruolan's expression darkened, she took out her pistol and fired it towards the sky.

"Bang bang bang."

Immediately, the scene became a mess.

"Everyone hugs their heads and is not allowed to leave."

She said coldly, "I have a private matter to deal with now, and everyone must not leave until I leave."

"Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Immediately, thousands of members of Mosha Street pointed at Yan Yihan with guns and live ammunition.

"You guys, are you trying to break the laws of the Xia Kingdom?" Yan Yihan narrowed her eyes and said a rare casual tone.

"Xia Guo?"

Li Ruolan sneered, "Do you know who the Xia Kingdom belongs to?"

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