Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 324: Gong Mingye, all pocket money was confiscated.

The voice just fell,

Dozens of cars suddenly poured in at the door, the roaring sound shocked the audience, and red flags were hung above each car.

The car headed by it is even more noble. It is a super luxury car built with the most advanced technology and has a full safety level.

A red flag is hung on the car, which is the symbol of the Dragon Lord's Mansion.

"Is that the Dragon Lord's car?"

In the crowd, someone exclaimed.

Li Ruolan was stunned on the spot, why did the Dragon Lord come?

She didn't report this action to Master Hei, how did the Dragon Master know?

Whoops, the car suddenly stopped in the crowd.

Suddenly, everyone knelt on the ground in excitement.

"Welcome to the Dragon Lord!"

"Welcome to the Dragon Lord!"

"Welcome to the Dragon Lord!"

All the characters in the audience shouted one after another, the lower level of the town king knelt down, and the upper level of the town king bowed to greet them.

Everyone in the Han family was very excited. The Dragon Lord, the legendary Great Summer Dragon Lord, finally came.

Yan Yihan is now dead.

Thinking of how she was killed by the Dragon Lord, Han Feifei felt that her anger would be much smoother. She slumped on the ground tremblingly and raised her eyebrows slightly to look at Yan Yihan.

It was found that she did not kneel.

Han Feifei was stunned on the spot and said coldly, "Bitch, don't kneel when you see the dragon master, are you trying to kill us all?"

"Don't kneel down quickly, or our Han family will be killed by you bitches."

She said in a cold voice.

Li Ruolan, who was kneeling beside her, was also angry, "Bitch, you kneel to the Dragon Lord immediately, or Mosha Street will make a defiant woman like you die miserably, do you believe it?"

In the whole world, there are people who dare to disrespect the Dragon Lord.

Damn this woman.

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, "It's none of your business whether I kneel or not? I'm afraid that if I kneel down, everyone in Xia will have to kneel for me."

The only person in the world who can make her worthy of kneeling is no one except her mother.

"Arrogant, so arrogant even when death is imminent." Li Ruolan laughed angrily, "I'll just wait to see how the dragon master will deal with you, this bitch."

She sneered, as if she had seen the moment when Yan Yihan's head fell to the ground.


A man in a black suit with slender legs came into view, and everyone dared not look up at him.

Just the aura of the superior person exuding from his body is enough to shock people.

Even if they were a hundred paces away, everyone in the Han family could feel the chilling killing intent.

The smile in Han Feifei's eyes gradually deepened, Yan Yihan was really dead this time, and this was the end of provoking the Dragon Lord.

Gong Mingye's face was cold, and he pushed open the car door heavily. Every time he took a step forward, his head on the ground lowered a bit.

His eyes turned to Yan Yihan, revealing the meaning of questioning.

However, Yan Yihan looked up at the sky, pretended not to see him, and ignored him directly.

He was about to speak, but Yan Yihan simply turned around and turned his back to Gong Mingye.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Everyone in the Han family was so frightened that their hearts were beating wildly. Han Feifei insulted on the spot, "Bitch, if you want to die, don't hurt us, okay? If you want to die, go to Longhu Mountain."

She had never seen such an arrogant person, who rolled her eyes at the dragon master, and even if she couldn't kneel, she even dared to turn her back to the dragon master?

That's not how you want to die.

Gong Mingye's eyes became more and more ashamed, and he walked forward quickly, for fear that he would not be able to coax this little ancestor later.

"Lord Dragon, why are you here?"

Li Ruolan stood up, her tone full of respect.

Before Gong Mingye could speak, she hurriedly said, "We have caught a prisoner here who slandered the Dragon Lord and Emperor Yan, and asked the Dragon Lord to put her to death immediately."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at Gong Mingye's expression.

At this moment, Gong Mingye's face was blue with anger, and he glanced at her indifferently, "Go away."

Li Ruolan was stunned on the spot!

He continued, "She not only slandered the Dragon Lord and Emperor Yan, but also joined the White Tiger Warlord of the War Department, the red-clothed commander of the Holy Gate, the Red Twelve Junze, and the Governor of Jiangnan, Han Qingqing, who intends to rebel, please Dragon Lord immediately Order their arrest."

The firmness of his eyes and the sincerity of his tone made Yan Yihan almost think that he was really engaging in a rebellion.

But who did she rebel against?

The entire Xia Kingdom is hers, are you betraying yourself?

"Dragon Lord, what Sister Ruolan said is right. I'm afraid this **** has already turned against her. Otherwise, how dare she ignore you like this?"

"And she also said boldly, let you, let you kneel on durian."

Han Feifei pretended to tearfully condemn Yan Yihan, and poured all the dirty water on her.

Gong Mingye's expression gradually became cold, and the anger in his eyes was about to erupt at any time, like a volcano that was about to explode at any time.

Jun Ze and others looked at Han Feifei like a fool, this stupid woman really has no brains.

"Sister Ruolan, look at this slut, the dragon's face is so angry, why don't you kill her quickly, why do you keep her?"

Seeing Gong Mingye's gloomy expression, Han Feifei said quickly.

On the surface, it was for the sake of the Dragon Lord, but in his heart he secretly wanted to see Yan Yihan unlucky.

He raised his eyebrows coldly, his eyes deepening.

"Who did you just say to kill?"

His tone was stern, killing intent enveloped the audience.

Those eyes like an emperor made Han Feifei kneel on the spot in fright.

"Kill Yan, kill Yan Yihan."

Gong Mingye's indifference made her almost breathless.

"You want to kill Yan Yihan too?"

Gong Mingye raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Ruolan coldly.

"She should be killed."

Li Ruolan frowned deeply, "This kind of pariah, insulting you, the Dragon Lord, must kill her."

"Clap clap clap,"

Yan Yihan couldn't help but clapped and looked over coldly, "Gong Mingye, this is the good subordinate you taught, I've seen it today."

"Bitch, you dare to call the Dragon Lord's name directly."

Li Ruolan became imposing on the spot and wanted to kill her directly.


The next second, something shocked everyone happened.

"Wife, listen to my explanation."

Gong Mingye looked at her with a bitter face, and was about to cry.


The Dragon Lord's wife is...

Boom! ! !

Everyone immediately understood.

Li Ruolan and Han Feifei's eyes darkened, as if struck by lightning, they were paralyzed on the spot.

Yan Huang! ! ! !

Yan Yihan is Emperor Yan! ! ! !

Han Feifei was so frightened that her speech was slurred on the spot, her heart was about to burst, and she suddenly couldn't breathe.

In the audience, everyone pressed their heads to the ground in fright.

Li Ruolan was stunned.

What did she just say, kill Emperor Yan?

At this moment, her legs were trembling wildly, unable to hold back.

Gong Mingye stepped forward to hug Yan Yihan, but she pushed her away, "Aren't your people trying to kill me? My people are here, I don't think they need to do anything, just kill me yourself."

"Wife, what are you talking about, let's go home, darling."

"Go home? Do I still have home? Is this the first time you've made a mistake?" Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows.

"I really don't know about this, baby." Gong Mingye was about to cry, he hated those two coquettish **** in his heart.

Yan Yihan said coldly,

"The Dragon Lord condones his subordinates to assassinate the emperor. It is a heinous crime! You will be punished to hand over all your property, and you will only be able to use 500 yuan of pocket money every month in the future."


Gong Mingye, his face twitched.

five hundred. . . how to use.

Seeing his hesitation, Yan Yihan's tears suddenly flowed down like a waterfall, crying and calculating Gong Mingye's small money, "Are you willing to let this emperor keep all the money?"

The word "custody" was bitten very hard.

"I am willing, baby, don't be angry, I am willing to do anything."

How could Gong Mingye suffer from the way she was crying, the baby cried, let alone money, even if the world was given to her.


Yan Yihan pouted, "Junze, bring the durian up to the Dragon Lord."

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