Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 345: Lin Musi, have you seen hell? This is!

Everyone was stunned, this terrifying force that made them all tremble was wiped out by Yan Yihan with one sword!


Everyone was stunned in place, and they suddenly felt that they were completely victorious, right in front of them!

Emperor Yan, unprecedentedly powerful.

Lin Musi looked behind him, his whole body trembled, he was in fear, and his heart was planted with deep fear by Yan Yihan's decisive aura.

"Yan, Emperor Yan, spare your life, I don't want to fight either, this is all the emperor's order, I have no choice, I can only come to fight, I want to refuse, but I can't refuse!"

At this moment, he desperately shook his head.

He has been kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, kowtow like garlic.

He was scared.

Afraid that Emperor Yan would make his life worse than death! He is afraid, his heart is afraid, even his soul is afraid, his scalp is numb, his feet are constantly shaking.

"Can't you refuse?"

Yan Yihan leaned over and gave him a cold look, "I killed you today, you deserved what you deserved, and you died rightly."

She spoke, her tone full of murderous intent.

Just now, everything Lin Mosi wanted to do to Murong Yan and the others was in his eyes.

"No, no, no, Emperor Yan!" Lin Musi cried out, kowtow desperately, begging for mercy.

At this time, where does he still have the wind of a general?

"don't want?"

The corners of Yan Yihan's mouth evoked a hint of coldness, "Didn't you say that even the corpses would not let them go? You want to use your dog to spoil my good daughter of the Xia Kingdom. Today I will let you taste the same!"

"Life is not as good as death. I will slowly torture you to death. I will definitely make you regret coming to this world and taking every breath of air."

Her words were so cold, like crawling out of hell.

Lin Mosi's face was pale, and he sat down on the ground in fright on the spot, unable to stand up.

he hates,

I hate myself for angering this woman.

No, the devil.

Yan Yihan turned her head slightly and shouted behind her,

"Qingqing, are there any horses in the city?"

She spoke suddenly, and Han Qingqing looked at her suspiciously, "Ma? Sister, what do you want a horse for?"

"Just take it out, you don't need to know about this kind of thing that is not suitable for children." Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, "Why don't he use a dog to ruin you? I'll ruin him with a horse!"

Lin Musi was so frightened that his face turned green, he desperately stepped back, screaming as he stepped back, "No, no, no, no, you devil, devil, get out of my way!"

He roared, roared desperately.

With a wave of Yan Yihan's hand, a terrifying force fell on him.


Immediately, Lin Musi's meridians were broken!

All the dragon energy up and down his body was dissipated, and he became a complete waste.

"Take off his clothes and let me tie him to this stone." Yan Yihan said coldly.

Soon, several female soldiers ripped him off.

Lin Musi subconsciously wanted to cover it!


However, Yan Yihan didn't have the slightest chance with him at all. With a sword swing, his hand, along with the third leg, was directly cut off.

Ah ah ah!

The miserable cry came out, and Lin Musi became a **** and eunuch.

"Before you die, do I want you to leave this world completely!" Yan Yihan said coldly.

All the girls were stunned,

Some girls were embarrassed to look at it, and turned their backs to Lin Musi.

"It's so small, yet so murderous, yet so confident?" Yan Yihan looked at him dismissively.

Lin Musi's face was pale, looking at his already mutilated self, his face showed a tragic expression.

"Please, let me die happily, please, I beg you." Lin Musi begged and looked at him.

She moved forward coldly, "Let you die a happy death? Are you worthy of such a death?"

Yan Yihan smiled,

"Tie him to a stone with his face to the stone and his legs pulled away!"

She told the soldiers to speak.

Soon, Lin Musi was tied up.

The limbs were straightened and tied to the boulder.

"Qingqing, have the horses been brought out?" Yan Yihan shouted to the city.

Soon, Han Qingqing led out two horses and walked slowly to Yan Yihan with a shy look on her face, "Sister, I seem to know what you are going to do."

After all, she has been with Junze for so long, how could she not know some things, no matter how stupid people are, they also know what Yan Yihan wants to do!

This is to let the two horses humiliate Lin Musi to death!

Think about the length and width of that horse.

Take a look at Lin Musi's back, if it touches it, I'm afraid it won't be able to die any more.

Ah ah ah!

After Lin Musi heard the horse's cry, he begged for mercy, "No, no, I beg you to let me die happily, please, I beg you, I really I beg you, I beg you!"

He didn't know how many times he begged for mercy.

Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows coldly and looked at Lin Musi, "If it's just a fight, just a normal fight, I might be able to make you die happily, but when you take our captured female soldier and bring it to you At the moment when the dog insulted you, have you ever thought that one day, you will suffer the same retribution yourself?"

"You beg for mercy now, do you think I'll let you go?"

she said coldly,

"None of us are qualified to die for Xie Gu, nine million soldiers forgive you, and none of us is qualified to forgive you for the female soldiers who were insulted to death by you in Xie Gu!"

"You put them in hell, and today you will be put in **** by me, so that you will never die!"

The voice fell!

Everyone burst into tears, thinking of the brothers and sisters who were tortured to death in front of their eyes, blood dripped in everyone's heart.

If Yan Yihan hadn't arrived in time, their fate would have been the same as that of their compatriots. Yan Huang's words really spoke to everyone's heart.

None of us are qualified to forgive these inhuman war criminals for the fallen soldiers!

Immediately, Xie Gu burst out in a heart-wrenching cry.

"Long live Emperor Yan!"

"Long live Emperor Yan!"

"Long live Emperor Yan!!"

Lin Musi's face was pale and his body was shaking constantly. He could feel that they were angry for the dead souls.

"Ma'er, Ma'er, I have wronged you today, remember to make his life worse than death, don't kill him all at once, do you understand?"

Yan Yihan patted the horse's head, and then took out a pair of medicine that can make people and animals very excited, and fed it into the mouths of the two horses respectively!


The hair on the whole body of the two horses exploded!

His eyes suddenly turned bloodshot, and he desperately rushed towards Lin Musi, who was tied to the stone.


Suddenly, there was a scream!

In the sloping valley at night, the sky is full of stars, and all the armies return to the city to repair.

From time to time, Lin Musi's screams came from the boulder outside the city, one after another.

Until the breath is getting weaker and weaker!

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