Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 359: Uncle, his hand is moving.

After a long time, the ice sculpture covered by ice and snow finally opened its eyes and broke through the ice.


Yan Yihan, who was dressed in blood, slowly stood up from the ground, as if his face was expressionless, and preached!

"Weapon Research Institute, Zhan Xing and all weapons are thrown into the fifth sequence!"

Fu Xubai nodded slightly, "I have an order!"

Soon, all the super weapons were brought up, and Fu Xubai controlled the button. He could throw this terrifying murderous aura at the fifth sequence at any time!

Yan Yihan looked at Xia Xiao with cold eyes and muttered, "Third brother, lead your pre-Qin army and kill the ninth sequence."

The tone was so casual, but it made everyone tremble!

Yan Huang is really angry, this is to slaughter all the people sealed in the South Ruins, even the plants will be destroyed!

a long time,

Yan Yihan looked at Liang Yuxuan dully.

"Fifth brother, you lead all the demon cultivators who broke the seal to kill the eighth sequence, and don't leave a single person behind."

Liang Yuxuan nodded slightly,

"Even for the sake of Big Brother, I will slaughter all the South Ruins!"

With that said, he immediately began to dispatch troops.

"Sixth brother, you lead the slaughtering city, the gods of Atlantis city to kill the seventh sequence, and all the enemy troops that are blocked will not be left behind!"

Han Junan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he turned to look at the army of the God-Abandoned Clan. "Everyone, prepare now!"

At last,

Yan Yihan set her sights on Qing Huang,

"Fourth brother, you lead all the human armies to the sixth sequence, and kill all of them without leaving one!"

Her words were so gloomy.

All the sequences in the South Ruins, she will forcefully remove them one by one.

Soon all the armies were ready.

Peony City has entrances of various sequences. In this cold winter, all the soldiers hugged tightly and felt the unusual cold.

"Sister, take your eldest brother and Ming Ye home." Qing Huang came over and gave her a hug.

Afterwards, the other brothers hugged Yan Yihan one after another.

Xia Xiao brushed her hair, "Leave the rest to us, all our seals will be broken, these are the countless veterans who followed me to fight!"

He comforted Yan Yihan and wanted to calm her down.


Yan Yihan nodded slightly, holding Gong Mingye in his arms,

Her heart is dead!

At this moment, she is like a killer without a soul, and everyone can feel the cold on her body.

People from the Yaoshan Organization rescued the wounded.

Yan Yihan left with Gong Mingye, Gu Sen, and King Beiliang, in Peony City.

As for the battle at the South Ruins, there was the Qing Emperor and several older brothers, and their victory would come sooner or later, and Yan Yihan didn't pay too much attention to it.

Jiangnan City.

A city with the best defense, Yan Yihan took them back to the Yan Palace.

Da Chong took the initiative to come back from Miao Village to take care of Emperor Yan.

This battle mobilized almost all the forces in the world, and all the people in the Yan Palace also participated in the battle, and none of them stayed behind.

When Gong Mingye's body was brought back, no one in the whole country dared to tell Gong Jiannan that he was too old to bear such a big blow.

The three were put in the same room by her.

"Miss, have some porridge." Da Cong cooked a bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge and brought it to Yan Yihan.

He tells her stories and all kinds of chicken soup for the soul every day, just because he is afraid of Yan Yihan's short-sightedness.

Time passed slowly, within a few months.

The United Nations sent people to request the burial of three unparalleled meritorious figures, all of which were rejected by Yan Huang.

They didn't dare to come back.

Everyone thought that Emperor Yan was probably crazy, crying and laughing while holding a dead person every day.

Inside the Yan Palace, it gradually became an area that no one dared to set foot on.

At the beginning, there were still many people who would come to visit Emperor Yan, but then there were fewer and fewer people.

During this period, Shen Shumin came several times.

He even had a quarrel with Yan Yihan, to let Gong Mingye go to earth for safety!

But she was rejected.

Shen Shumin was heartbroken and passed out several times on the road.

Gong Jiannan felt more and more that something was wrong, but the news was still strictly controlled. Even Qin Shanhai, who never dared to lie to him, kept the news a secret.

In the end, it took a while.

Inside the Yan Palace,

Peaches ripen over and over again, from spring to autumn, and from autumn to winter.

Time is so merciless.

She hasn't said a word for a year.

During this period, the second minister of the cabinet came several times to report the fighting situation in the Nanxu.

The ninth sequence was broken by the emperor's pre-Qin iron cavalry, and all the people were beheaded, no grass and no living thing.

That day,

Yan Yihan, wrapped in a single coat, stared blankly at the second prime minister who was kneeling 100 meters away, and finally responded with the word "ok".

This is the only time she has spoken to anyone in a year.

With the end of the Mowu era,

The seals of countless people have been broken, and countless people are making rapid progress. The power of human beings is far greater than three years ago.

Enter an unprecedented prosperity!

Later, Sword Immortal and Human Sovereign were treated by Yaoshan for a year and woke up.

On that day, the spring rain continued, and the second minister of the cabinet entered the palace again.

He said,

"Jianxian's seal is broken, he is killing the enemy in the eighth sequence, and he will kill ten elders within a month."


Yan Yihan's eyes finally moved slightly, and she hummed at the front.

The spring breeze was blowing, and it was drizzling outside the house.

Da Minggong wiped the bodies of King Beiliang and Gu Sen every day, while Gong Mingye was taken care of by Yan Yihan himself.

"As expected of a super expert, even a dead corpse can still be alive." Da Chui shook his head, showing a touch of emotion.

Although it is dead, except for being cold and not breathing, it is no different from an ordinary situation.

"Miss, why don't you invite a few people back. After all, it's hard for the two of us to serve you here."

On this day, Da Chong spoke slightly to Yan Yihan.

She remained silent,

Looking at the medicine furnace in the distance, that is where she refines medicine.

"As you like."

It took a long time for Yan Yihan to speak back to him.

Da Chong was overjoyed, and immediately called the front line and mobilized almost everyone to come back.

Han Qingqing, Zhang Chengyi, Murong Yan, Qin Yue, Leng Yu, Yu Xi were called to the front line and returned to the Yan Palace.

Inside the Yan Palace, there was a rare excitement.

Liang Hao is finally six years old.

"Master Liang, don't run around." Leng Yu followed behind him, for fear that he would fall.

This is the son of Demon Lord Liang Yuxuan, and everyone is afraid that he will bump into him. Don't let him run away.

"Big wise, go and boil the water."

Zhang Chengyi ordered.

Da Clung looked at Leng Yu, "Go and boil hot water, I want to play with Young Master Liang."

Leng Yu gave him a glance before slowly getting up and leaving.

Da Chong rubbed Liang Hao's head and pointed to Gong Mingye's room, "Your aunt said that no one is allowed to enter his room. Next time I do it again, be careful that I go to her and complain."

Liang Hao was so frightened that he clenched his neck, his little feet couldn't stand still, and he fell to the ground, with panic in his eyes,

"Uncle big smart, I saw that weirdo, his hand is moving?"

His voice is loud,

far away,

Yan Yihan, who was holding hot water, trembled violently.


The basin fell to the ground.

Two lines of clear tears flowed down his cheeks slowly!

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