"Bitch, you dare to hit me?"

Qiu Xixi's tears fell and she touched her hot face. She looked at Yan Yihan in disbelief. She grew up so big and had never been beaten before.

"Wait for me, my dad won't let you go!" Qiu Xixi said coldly with red eyes.


Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, "Won't you let me go? I want to see why you won't let me go."

Her words instantly silenced the air, and everyone stared at her blankly, with unbelievable eyes in their eyes.

In Chang'an City, this was the first time Qiu Xixi was beaten, right?

The sun shone on Yan Yihan's face, her rosy complexion blooming like a peach blossom, so beautiful that everyone took a deep breath.

in the field,

An internet celebrity took a picture of Yan Yihan's beating, and posted it on the Internet with the text, which instantly attracted a lot of criticism.

Because her appearance has changed a lot, not many people recognize her even on the Internet.

"Sister Qiu, I've put the video of her hitting you on the Kuaiyin platform, she'll just wait for cyber violence!" Xia said softly.

Although she is the daughter of Governor Xia, she has always been ignored by the Xia family and is now a popular Internet anchor.

Qiu Xishui touched his hot face, a ruthless look flashed in his eyes.

"Today, she can't go out."

When she spoke, her face instantly turned gloomy, and she wished she could tear Yan Yihan to pieces on the spot.

"Brother Long Xuan, I was beaten."

Qiu Xixi picked up the phone and said coquettishly to the person on the other side.

Say the word "Long Xuan"!

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

Long Xuan, a well-known rich man in Chang'an City, the chairman of the Gong family's Chang'an branch, is a well-known big man. Even the Governor has to give him some face when he sees him.

In Chang'an City, if you offend Long Xuan, you are courting death for yourself!


On the other end of the phone, Long Xuan stomped on the floor and snorted, "Who? Who dares to hit you on my site?"

There was a strong killing intent in his tone, and everyone showed a sneer, as if watching Yan Yihan like a good show.

A woman who doesn't know whether to live or die, dare to offend Long Xuan?

"I'm a country bumpkin, I kindly reminded her a few words, and she hit me, woo woo woo (┯_┯ Qiu Xixie burst into tears.

It was as if he had suffered a great deal of grievance.

"You wait, I'll come right now (><

Long Xuan's tone was very cold, although he didn't like Qiu Xixi, but because of the support of the Qiu family, he had been working outside as Qiu Xixi's boyfriend.

The Qiu family also hopes to use his power to climb the Qin family and even the two big trees of the Gong family.

The phone hung up, and someone with a good heart gave Yan Yihan a color and motioned him to leave quickly.

Yan Yihan was indifferent, but looked at the cat silently.

"Boss, how much is this blue and white one?" Yan Yihan said.

The owner of the cat cafe's face sank instantly, and looked at her with a sullen face, "Miss, you are in trouble, and you dare to buy a cat, you have no chance to raise this cat!"

He looked at Yan Yihan earnestly, "You should leave here before Long Xuan comes, otherwise it will be too late, and you won't be able to leave if you want, so why bother?"

"Boss, I don't need you to take care of my affairs, you only need to say the price, how much I will buy it!" Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, "As for whether I live or die, it doesn't matter to you, does it? "

Seeing her insistence, the boss sighed, "Well, this blue and white is an excellent breed. It is lively and active, and has a round face. If you want to buy it, you can take it for 100,000 yuan."

One hundred thousand?

The people at the scene took a deep breath.

The price of a cat is even 100,000 yuan, which is indeed a top cat cafe.

"Hehe, hillbilly, do you have this money?" Xia Qingqing was obviously a little unconvinced. A woman dressed in such ordinary clothes would spend 100,000 yuan to buy a cat?

"Boss, I will use WeChat to transfer the money to you." Yan Yihan opened the QR code on his mobile phone and scanned the 100,000 yuan.

The atmosphere in the audience instantly quieted down.

The smile on Xia Qing's face solidified!

There has never been a moment, as embarrassing as today, that this country bumpkin actually spent 100,000 yuan to buy a cat.

"You can call it gradually in the future." Yan Yihan touched the kitten's head and showed a knowing smile.

It's the first cat she's ever bought, and it's beautiful and lively.

The kitten barked a few times in her arms. It was still very small, and Yan Yihan put her in the pet bag.

"Boss, bring me a few more bags of cat litter and imported cat food. It's used to eating the cat food you have here, so get used to it first."

Yan Yihan said.

Seeing that she was not in a hurry, the cat cafe owner showed a touch, "I didn't expect you to be an expert? Do you even understand this?"

She smiled, "How can you be an expert, but before buying a cat, I checked some little knowledge about cats on the Internet, and it's far from being an expert."

Xia Qing's face gradually became cold.

Long Xuan is here, she is not afraid?

In Chang'an City, there are very few people who are not afraid of Long Xuan. After all, behind him are Chairman Qin Tianyu, butler Qin Shanhai, and even the entire Gong Family.

If you offend anyone, don't dare to offend him.

In the eyes of everyone, Yan Yihan was courting death for himself. He had never seen anything in the world, and he didn't even know who Long Xuan was.

Just when everyone was talking about it, luxury cars drove in the distance, and more than a dozen black Porsches were parked at the entrance of the cat cafe.

"Brother Xuan, you are finally here."

Autumn was sparse with pear blossoms and rain, and hurriedly ran to a row of cars, his eyes were full of grievances.

As one person stepped out of the car, the crowd that had been watching dispersed instantly. The powerful aura made everyone feel scared, and behind him were more than a dozen men in suits with gloomy faces.

Long Xuan touched Qiu Xishen's face and swept the audience coldly, "Who dares to do something to my girlfriend?"

His tone became colder, and everyone took a half step back in fright.

in the field,

Yan Yihan petted the kitten silently, as if he was a normal person.

"Long Xuan is here, she's finished!"

Someone sighed.

"Unfortunately, she looks pretty, but her brain is not very good. Is it possible for Long Xuan to be offended by her identity?"

"Haha, that's not it, with Long Xuan's identity, pinching her to death is like pinching an ant to death."

Immediately, the onlookers started talking.

"Is that what you played thinly?"

Long Xuan walked slowly to Yan Yihan and looked at her condescendingly, his tone full of ill will.


Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, then looked at the girl next to him, "Yes, I hit her."

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