Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 376: Yanzi battle flag, sweeping the world!

Long Xuan's brows trembled as he looked at the people who were killing all over the world.

Han Susu, Qiu Xixi was stunned!

All the onlookers at the scene were stunned.

What did they see?

These big men, who are only in the legend, actually knelt down in front of this hillbilly?

And they are calling her Emperor Yan!

"Yan...Yan Huang..." Qiu Xishen's face turned pale, and his legs were broken on the spot!

A click.

Her body was powerless to stand, and she fell directly to the ground, while the rest of the people were even more frightened and knelt down.

"Long live Emperor Yan, welcome Emperor Yan!"

All of them knelt on the ground, their feet trembling uncontrollably, just now they were watching Emperor Yan's jokes, but now Emperor Yan is standing in front of them!

They actually saw the hero who survived for the sake of mankind.

The moment when Emperor Yan appeared!

In Chang'an, people in countless places walked out of their homes one after another, kneeling on the street consciously, with tears in everyone's eyes.

This is their hero! Human hero.

If there is no Emperor Yan, one can imagine what kind of life they would lead.

An ordinary family in the city.

A little girl was carried out by her mother and knelt on the street.

"Mom, what is Emperor Yan?"

She, who had just started to speak, tilted her head and asked.

The woman wiped away her tears of excitement, "Yan Huang, Yan Huang is faith!"


She looked at the front with a milky voice, and the woman wearing a light-colored skirt showed a hint of doubt, "Faith, can faith be eaten?"

Gradually, the streets of Chang'an City were filled with people kneeling, and the eyes of countless people were full of gratitude.

They burst into tears, and when they looked at the figure, they were so excited that they almost fainted.

Qiu Xixi, Han Susu, Long Xuan and the others were even more frightened and their hearts kept beating.

What did they do? Want to kill Emperor Yan?

Thinking of this matter, the three of them showed a deep sense of fear.

For the common people, Emperor Yan is faith!

She is the belief of everyone and the soul of Xia Guo.

And they threatened to kill the beliefs of everyone in the Xia Kingdom? This is simply a great sin.

Looking at the overwhelming army and the people kneeling in the streets, they had no doubt that if Emperor Yan was not here, they would have been torn apart by these people!

In Xia, the rich bully the poor, and the poor will endure it.

But if someone dares to slander Emperor Yan, the people will kill her without hesitation, and there is absolutely no way to survive!

Their hearts were trembling and they were afraid.

The three of them knelt there neatly, waiting for the anger from all the people up and down the Xia Kingdom.

Only then did Qiu Xixi realize that Meng Changan was protecting her just now.

If she pleads guilty in advance, there may be a chance of life, but now, it can be said that there is almost no life at all!

"Yan Huang, Yan Huang, Yan Huang..."

The people in the whole city were struggling to shout the name of Emperor Yan, and everyone was excited.

That graceful and peerless figure is their Emperor Yan.

I don't know who spread the news of Emperor Yan's humiliation in Chang'an City. On this day, people from all provinces across the country took to the streets to march!

They carried the "Yan" word battle flag.

Everyone is a soldier of Emperor Yan, she does not need military power, Xia is her, she is Xia!

The governors of the provinces received orders from the Dragon Lord's Mansion and all rushed to Chang'an City.

If this term of the Dragon Lord's Mansion and the cabinet can't come up with a statement, the demonstrations and demonstrations in the whole Xia Kingdom will never stop!

"An Youze, go down!"

"An Youze, go down!"

"Junze, go down!"

"Junze, go down!"

It was like a storm, a violent storm unleashed by the people. Everyone was swept up in it. Yanzi battle flags are hung all over the country, and every household and every household is holding the battle flag.

Scream in the streets!

In Chang'an at this moment, An Youze and the others were so frightened that they knelt on the ground, and no sound came out.

This incident even alarmed the sixteen countries of the Eastern Continent and the seventy-two countries of the North Continent!

Almost all countries in the world have sent condemnation orders, directly hitting the Dragon Lord's Mansion!

If they don't come up with an explanation, all the countries in the world will announce the severing of diplomatic relations with the Xia Kingdom.

This incident even alarmed the Imperial Court!

In the Dragon Lord's Mansion, Jun Ze was so busy that he still didn't know what happened.

Jun Ze suddenly slammed his fist on the desk and scolded the people around him, "Which of the information you sent is true and which is false? Tell me clearly."

His nose is crooked!

At this time, no one dared to look up at him.

Everyone knows that Junze is now being held accountable by the Imperial Court, the United Nations, and even people all over the world!

If he can't come up with an explanation, it will be difficult for him to retreat.

"Don't worry about other things, go to Chang'an City first, and meet Emperor Yan. Now the crowd is furious. Only Emperor Yan can settle this matter, so let's not waste too much time!" Shaofu Ling grimaced. said.

He just became such a high-ranking official, and his **** hasn't even gotten hot yet, when such a big thing happened.

The leaders of countless forces all over the world are almost about to blow up the phone of the Dragon Lord's Mansion.

At this moment, Junze is grilling in hell.

However, Emperor Yan in Chang'an City was unaware of his own influence, but Leng Feng watched the whole world in chaos.

He quickly reminded, "Miss, would you still have a few words with everyone?"

Yan Yihan walked slowly in front of everyone in the cabinet, looked at the people kneeling on the ground, and shook his head, "Get up, it's really hard for you."

Her voice was so sweet, but everyone in the cabinet didn't dare to get up.

An Youze burst into tears,

"Miss, it's our incompetence that made you feel wronged. I didn't expect that you would not be able to get a peaceful recuperation in Chang'an City."

He is sad and sad!

An Youze wanted to help Yan Huang from the bottom of his heart, but the reality was so difficult, and someone always bullied Yan Huang.

"Okay, okay, let's all get up, a big man, what are you crying and crying for?" Yan Yihan raised her eyebrows, it's all light wind and light rain, what's the point?

After he finished speaking, he looked at Leng Feng, "Don't you help the chief assistant of the cabinet up? The second-in-command of the dignified Xia Guo, kneeling on the ground and crying, like what?"

"Master Shoufu, you better get up, you should listen to what the lady has to say." Chief Leng Feng said comfortingly while supporting An Youze.

An Youze then slowly stood up from the ground.

"Miss, the whole world is out of control!" An Youze looked frustrated, "I'm incompetent, I can't manage such a big country."

"Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. Even if it's a trivial matter, you must consider it carefully. This matter is also a test for you."

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