Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 395: She painted Peony City, and it was raining that day!

As soon as he said these words, everyone realized that Yan Yihan had been standing still and didn't start writing at all.

The time is only two hours. The earlier they draw, the better the chance of winning, which is why they are puzzled.

"It's over, it's over, Miss really doesn't know how to draw." Da Minggong was very anxious, and when he thought that the dignified emperor would lose face in front of the people of the whole country, he felt very uncomfortable.

Zhao Su glanced at Yan Yihan next to him, revealing a sneer, "Haha, I didn't speak very loudly just now, can't I draw it now? I advise you to get down as soon as possible if you can't draw it, and knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times for me. , say you're wrong, and I'll let you go!"

Yan Yihan's brows were always furrowed, as if she was thinking about something, and everyone's eyes were on her.

There is worry, there is ridicule, there is disdain, and there is no indifference.

Gong Mingye didn't speak, walked out of the door silently, took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Qin Tianyu, is the president of Xiayu Media Group yours?"

He opened his mouth to ask.

Qin Tianyu, who was dealing with things at the headquarters, picked up the phone quickly and responded to the other end of the phone,

"Master, it's you, you're awake!"

Hearing that familiar voice, he was about to cry with excitement, Gong Mingye finally woke up, the hope of the Gong family.

During this period of time, because of Gong Mingye's death, he was under a lot of pressure, Qin Shanhai was old and tired, and he took care of the industries of the Gong and Qin families. Speaking of which, he was very hard.

"Well, if I ask you, you answer me." Gong Mingye responded lightly.

Qin Tianyu was extremely happy, "Master, where are you, I'll come out to find you now, tell me the address quickly, I want to share this good news with my dad, and also tell Lao Gong."

"You don't need to come here. I'm inconvenient now. I'll take Yan Yihan back to the palace in a few days."

He responded quietly.

"Emperor Yan, is Emperor Yan going to go back to Gong's house too? That's great, I'll make sure to make arrangements. Mr. Gong really misses her during this time, and he often talks about you guys." Qin Tianyu responded quickly.

As soon as Gong Mingye woke up, his pressure was immediately reduced a lot.

The properties of the Gong and Qin families were all placed on him alone, which made many people covet them.

Many aristocratic families have already set their sights on the core industries of the Gong family, and in the Gong family, Shen Shumin has never managed family affairs since the death of her son.

Not going home!

Tian Tian seemed to have lost his soul, and was later brought to the Imperial Palace by Fu Xubai to live.

The two had known each other many years ago. Speaking of which, Shen Shumin was only in her thirties, and Fu Xubai was not too young.

The two are in love with each other, but Gong Jiannan is very supportive.

Being with a hero like Fu Xubai is a good home, and Gong Mingye couldn't bear to be a widow at a young age.

"Well, tell the president of Xiayu Media Group that I will go to the company tomorrow and ask him to prepare Zhao Su's contract." Gong Mingye responded.

Although Qin Tianyu didn't know what he was going to do, Gong Mingye's orders were like imperial decrees in his heart.

"Yes, young master, I will let the people from Xiayu Media Group welcome you now." Qin Tianyu ordered.

Soon, Gong Mingye hung up the phone.

He slowly returned to his position, and Yan Yihan was still the same as before, standing in the same place and never started painting, always observing.

There was a hint of ridicule in everyone's eyes, not only looking at her with disdain, but also looking at Gong Mingye's eyes full of disdain.

"I lost."

With half an hour left, Zhang Tian couldn't help shaking his head, even now it was too late to paint.

"I didn't think she would win, I just hope she wouldn't lose so ugly." Qin Momo sighed, she even started to regret making Yan Yihan and Zhao Su compare.

If he lost to Huaxian, he would be forgiven.

But losing to Zhao Su, or even losing to Zhao Su when he didn't dare to move a single sum, was even more embarrassing.

"Hurry up and persuade her, let her draw a few strokes no matter what, so that she won't lose too ugly." Qin Momo said quickly when Gong Mingye walked in.

"I trust her."

Gong Mingye sat down lightly, with no fluctuation in his eyes. Just quietly waiting for the end of the painting.

Seeing that Yan Yihan has not been writing, countless people began to sneer.

"Hehe, let this waste go down quickly, don't waste everyone's time here!"

"Yes, let her get out of the way. I think this kind of person is here to grab the heat, and he has no intention of painting at all."

"We were tricked, and we all fell for her. This kind of person is disgusting."

The crowd you said, I cursed in one sentence.

Lin Song's face was gloomy. He looked at the general manager of Heijian Division and said coldly, "General manager, are you kidding me? Although you have a great position in Hangcheng, don't just look for it. Spicy chicken, let me run away for nothing to have fun with me."

"Mr. Lin, calm down, this is something I didn't expect, please forgive me." The general manager said politely.

In the eyes of everyone, this is Heijiansi taking advantage of their fame to find traffic for Yan Yihan, a small internet celebrity.

"Heijian Division is willing to give up everything in order to support such a small Internet celebrity."

"Today's game is really nothing to watch. This rookie wasted his time in vain."

"Isn't that true? She also said that she is even thicker than the city wall."

Qin Momo simply lowered her head, not daring to look at the stage.

Da Chong also felt a little embarrassed. His dignified appearance was so insulted that he couldn't swallow it.

When he was about to scold back, Yan Yihan suddenly started writing!


A voice exclaimed in the crowd.

That was the voice of Huang Qian, Governor of Hangzhou, and everyone raised their eyebrows to look at Yan Yihan on the stage.

Her painting speed is very, very fast, and her brush strokes and charm are connoisseurs at first glance.

"Cut... what's the use of drawing it now, it's not a piece of waste paper."

"Hehe, after holding back the fart for a long time, this is what she painted? Look at what she painted, blood rain, azure actually painted blood rain, using red paint, why not use black paint."

The jeers from the crowd rang out one after another.

Yan Yihan's paintings are like a piece of waste paper, and they are not worth looking at.

But Gong Mingye, at the moment when she wrote the pen, a feeling of sourness came to her heart.

Yan Yihan painted a scene outside Peony City. It was raining blood that day, and a woman in red jumped out of the paper. She held a sword and ran desperately to Peony City.

The sky in the painting is gray, and even if it is far away, one can feel the despair of the people in the painting.

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