Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 400: God's burial place, there is no record on the map!

Gong Mingye finally breathed a sigh of relief, but now Lin Lengyuan is only fourteen years old. After ten years, she will be twenty-four years old, and her age is not bad. The Imperial Court may use some power and arrange some coincidences to let the two know each other. , but never dare to do something forcibly tied!

Speaking of which, for a man like Gu Sen, no one worries that someone will dislike him, at least Li Ruobai doesn't believe it, and Gu Sen can naturally take down Lin Lengyuan.

Inside the Imperial Court,

Several people breathed a sigh of relief and fell silent.

Some things are really not up to them to decide. Whether the king will live or die ten years later depends on a woman.

"Intensify the cultivation of Leng Yuan and spare no effort to make her become another top figure after Emperor Yan," Ning Tian said.

"Well, there is some truth to what you said. From now on, all the abilities of everyone in the Imperial Court will be taught to her in turn. I believe she will become the second Emperor Yan in the future." Liang Yuxuan also said.

Except for the Imperial Court, the rest of the cabinet and those in the Dragon Lord's Mansion all showed a touch of envy. It is no exaggeration to say that this girl was born with a golden key.

Raised by Emperor Yan since he was a child, he has obtained all the power and inheritance of Emperor Yan, and now he has been taught by ten supreme human figures in the Imperial Court.

Such resources, it can be said that there is no one in the past, and no one has come since!

Jun Ze secretly sighed that with such resource cultivation, even a stupid pig can stand at the pinnacle of human beings, not to mention Lin Lengyuan is extremely smart, and her talent is inherently terrifying.

And it is the only body of extreme yin in the world!

An Youze showed a sour taste, "I've never been jealous of anyone, but Lin Lengyuan really made me jealous, and my face turned green with jealousy!"

Jun Ze smiled, "Hehe, who said no, I thought I was born in Jun's family, such a family has already had **** luck. Except for Gong Mingye, no one is better than me in terms of reincarnation."

"Who knows, people who are not reincarnated will receive far more resources than us!"

His words caused a burst of laughter in the arena.

Lin Lengyuan is indeed a koi. Super big koi!

Before he grew up, he already had the best and most powerful men in the world in his hands.

That man is still frozen, waiting for her for ten years!

Such luck, who does not envy.

Murong Yan smiled, "I seem to see a new star rising slowly!"

"The future Lin Lengyuan is not only the Northern God of War, the Holy Gate, and the master of the three thousand forces. According to the current trend, he will definitely become the cabinet's chief assistant or dragon master in the future!" Zhang Chengyi said.

Han Qingqing took the call,

"Not only that, if she is willing, she will be the wife of Junshang Beizhou in the future. Everyone in the Junhuangyuan is her teacher. Standing on the shoulders of giants, she may be another, emperor-level figure in the future. Emperor Yan!"

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Not only out of selfishness, but even out of public interest, they are looking forward to where human beings will go if they really cultivate a second Yanhuang-level character!

Perhaps, that mysterious, god's burial place!

It is not impossible for them to kill them.

In anticipation, Fu Xubai suddenly looked at Liang Yuxuan,

"How is Haohao's academic performance? Didn't you cause any trouble during this time?"

Now Haohao is five years old, the age of kindergarten.

Liang Yuxuan shook his head, "This kid is very naughty, and their teacher called and complained again, saying that he was learning to pee standing up and urinating on other people's beds."

"For this matter, their teachers scold me a lot."

Speaking of this, Liang Yuxuan felt aggrieved, and used to think that having children was fun.

Only later did I find out where is this child, this is to find an ancestor for myself.


His words caused a burst of laughter in the audience.

"When did the two of you have children?" Liang Yuxuan looked at Murong Yan and Han Junan and asked.


Murong Yan's face turned red instantly, "Whoever wants to give birth to a child, he deserves to be single."

Xia Xiao raised his eyebrows, "Liu Liu, you are not too young. You should consider having a child. While we are still young, we can go all out to train them."


Han Junan glanced at Xia Xiao, "Third brother, you are confused by the seal of your own for more than two thousand years. You forgot how many years it has been sealed. If you talk about age, which of you is not one or two thousand years older than the elder brother? "

"That's right, when the big brother asked you to kneel, why didn't I see you standing?" Liang Yuxuan looked at him with a smile. "When Big Brother wakes up, I'll tell him and let him cut you!"

"Cutting me? How many years have I been? I've only been over five hundred years old, and the dignified devil has been around for three thousand years. I think you kneel faster than anyone else in front of your big brother!" Han Junan snorted back in disapproval.

Fu Xubai's face was cold, "Hey, how many of you are out of your mind? I live in my twenties, so I can't care about you thousands of years old?"

"Pfft...Second brother, we are joking, how dare we not listen to your words, you say yes, I was most afraid of you since I was a child, and I was afraid of eldest brother second."

Liang Yuxuan laughed.

Han Junan glanced at him contemptuously, shameless than anyone else, and he was the most shameless of all the people present.

"You look like you don't agree with me, sixth?" Liang Yuxuan squinted and looked at him, "Brother thinks it is necessary to reason with you, I hope you will stop acting like the one five hundred years ago after you listen to it. It's the same as a single dog is forbidden to cultivate, hehehe..."

Han Junan's face instantly collapsed.

"You bullied me while eldest brother was away, didn't you? Wait until eldest brother wakes up, he will beat you to death."

Xia Xiao shook his head, these two living treasures have never stopped arguing since childhood.

"Okay, let's talk about it."

He slowly glanced at the people present, revealing a dignified expression, "During this time, the place where the gods are buried has become more and more abnormal, I have a hunch that if something in there comes out, it may be worse than the calamity of the South Ruins. Be terrifying!"

"The third brother is right. I can feel it recently. The atmosphere of the burial place is rioting. No one knows what is hidden in it. After all, it is only recorded in the fourth brother's emperor-level scripture." Liang Yuxuan frown.

Everyone at the scene showed a dignified color.

Fu Xubai opened his mouth,

"You don't have to worry, although the burial place of the gods is terrifying, you have already lifted some of the seals, enough to deal with it for a while!"

"The matter concerning the burial place of the gods is solely in charge of the Sovereign Court, the South Ruins Land is handled by the cabinet, and the Dragon Lord's Mansion manages the interior of the Xia Kingdom."

Jun Ze and An Youze stepped forward and nodded slightly.

Murong Yan asked suspiciously,

"President, why isn't there a record on the map of the place where the gods are buried?"

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