Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 561: Defend the Qinglong Gate!

"I'm relieved if you say that!" Murong Yan said.

Lin Lengyuan is still young after all,

And he is also the successor of Emperor Yan!

They even knew that Lin Lengyuan was the fiancee of Gu Sen.

Although the two are not in a relationship yet.

are actually connected to each other.

I'm afraid I don't even know how many times I've been contacted in private.

Gu Sen's strength is terrifying. Who can't be confused by such a man, let alone Xiao Guliang, will worship her even more.

"Well, let's go, that's all."

Afterwards, she turned her eyes to the direction of the Holy Gate, "You three guard the Xuanwu Gate, remember that if you can't keep the Xuanwu Gate, you should step back. This gate is their main force."

"However, the three of you are in the realm of saints. I want to keep the Xuanwu Gate, and it's not a big problem."

Murong Yan's words caused the three of them to look at each other, and then they all showed a smile and said,

"Miss Murong, don't worry, you don't need to worry about us here. If you can't keep the three powerful saints in the holy realm for even a day, don't we lose the face of Miss?"

"You're right, Miss Murong, look at me. If I don't wipe out all the wolves in the Qingyun Empire, I'm not the King of Zhennan."

"Okay, the two brothers are right, this time we will kill him with a good laugh, and kill him to shake the ground!"


After distributing everything, Murong Yan silently walked to the fourth gate, Suzaku Gate.

She is in the realm of saints, and her current strength is even more terrifying than several heavenly kings. It is not a problem for one person to guard one door.


Time passed slowly, and a bright moon rose from the dark night, embellishing the day with a ray of light.

The stars hung in the sky, and the faint rays of light poured down, lazily scattered on the broken city.

Tonight, though the soldiers were all in good spirits.

But everyone knows,

It was a sleepless night because they didn't know what kind of horrific attack they would face next.

Talk and laugh when you leave, I'm afraid it's really time.

There are not many people who can come back alive.

The Qingyun Empire, the power of 100,000 planets, is really too terrifying. This is absolutely not something that Xia Guo's current power can resist.

No one knows their fate.

If Emperor Yan came quickly, fewer people would die.

However, one day and one night, such a decisive battle in the city, who can know.

Perhaps, most people have not seen the sun tomorrow.


The starlight fell on Lin Lengyuan's shoulders, and in half an hour, the enemy army would launch the first round of charges, and the four gates were all flat boundaries.

Their defenseless hills,

There are also no fortifications.

Just one soldier, one by one, standing at the door of the white tiger.

Attempt to use the body to resist the army!

"Sister, eat some." Looking at Han Nuonan next to her, Lin Lengyuan handed over a stiff potato.

The front line was too long, and their supply line was completely destroyed by the army of Qingyun Empire.

"I don't want to eat, you eat, I'm not hungry!" Han Nuonan turned around, grabbed a handful of snow from the ground and put it in his mouth.

swallowed hard.

She is a sniper genius and speaks less and less.

Many times in the field of meritorious service.

Before he was brought up, he was an ordinary student after all.

Look at that border beacon!

Han Nuonan murmured to himself, "I'm afraid what he faced at the beginning was more difficult than this."

"I don't know how he survived. It's really pitiful."

"Are you talking about Senior Zhao Shuo?" Lin Lengyuan's eyes widened as she looked at Han Nuonan.

Han Nuonan looked back at her,

He didn't speak, but looked into the distance.

"Well, it is."

Han Nuonan said, "No, maybe it's not him that I miss, it's just the stubborn young man back then."

"The boy who was always laughing."

"The boy who always makes me angry, but also always makes me happy."

"I think, when he died, he must have died in battle with a smile."

Han Nuonan said, tears fell from her face for some unknown reason.

Because it is winter!

The front line is too long, and their supplies cannot be delivered. In fact, the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom are now exhausted.

They couldn't hold it any longer!

No one knows if they will survive in the end.

Feeling Han Nuonan's sadness, Lin Lengyuan sighed.

If it wasn't for the death of the senior, I'm afraid Han Nuonan's temperament would not have changed until now.

Perhaps, the master will not kill her.

But she will never give her any good fruit to eat.

"What are you thinking?" Han Nuonan looked at Lin Lengyuan with a wry smile.

"No...Actually, I was thinking, you are also quite powerful." Lin Lengyuan smiled.

She didn't know what she was talking about,

Maybe it's a nonsense, but it doesn't matter.

"Wear more clothes, it will be cold later." Han Nuonan put a coat on Lin Lengyuan.

"Thank you, sister, you should wear it. I am stronger than you, and I can withstand colder than you..." Lin Lengyuan returned the coat she gave back.


Han Nuonan ignored her, speaking fiercely.

Lin Lengyuan stuck out her tongue,

"Then I wear it."

"It's not too bad. Be obedient in the future." Han Nuonan touched her head.

The bone marrow of the person blown by the icy cold wind is chilling.

The soldiers standing in the heavy snow had cold hands and feet, and their lips were covered with a layer of frost.

"Sister, what do you want to do after the war?" Lin Lengyuan asked suddenly.

Han Nuonan's eyes froze slightly.

Immediately responded, "I don't know, but maybe I will go back to being a teacher. I think being a teacher is my interest. As for family affairs, I have no interest!"

"Well, girls, all have their own lives that they want to live, in fact, so do I. I'm thinking, if I don't fight wars in the future, if the world is peaceful, I will travel the world and talk about a bland but sweet love. ." Lin Lengyuan smiled.

"I look forward to your dream come true, but I don't think my cousin will let you play it so easily. You are her successor. In the future, the burden of Xia Kingdom, and even the heavens and the world will rest on you. Happy and happy, I'm afraid it's a bit difficult..." Han Nuonan smiled.

"Yes, but I will fight for it. In the future, I will be as good as my master, and I will also support a successor, haha, let them work for me!" Lin Lengyuan fell on Han Nuonan's shoulders.

Eyes narrowed slightly!

Time passed slowly, and the army of Qingyun Empire was almost assembled.

Before a while, they will kill at the four gates.

Han Nuonan touched her hair as if looking at her own daughter.

Lin Lengyuan kept calling others Auntie.

But she called her sister because she said she was afraid of being called old!

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