Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 621: Gu Qingcheng's choice!

Fu Xubai's words instantly made everyone excited, but Yan Yihan didn't say anything, because she was confident that there would never be fewer people signing up with her popularity, so she never worried that these people would leave, or ignore her!

Yan Yihan looked at Fu Xubai and smiled, "Second brother. I didn't expect your move to be a killer, but I underestimate you. Then I will also talk about my conditions."

What about attending Xianguo University? opportunity in the future. Let me accompany the trial. And it's a trial outside the territory.

Her words shocked everyone in an instant. I rely on, extraterritorial trials?

However, to be able to personally accompany Yan Huang, what a high talent, otherwise can he be worthy of ordinary people? Of course, none of the 7 million arrogances on the battlefield are ordinary people. They are all very confident in themselves, and no one thinks of themselves. A person who can't get anything out.

Yan Yihan's words immediately made everyone feel anxious.

After the announcement of the two universities, Gu Sen went on to announce the third university. He opened his mouth and said, "The third university, the president is the eternal emperor, the vice president is Liang Yuxuan, the honorary president, the emperor of love! Me!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, there were two kings and four people, which made everyone excited.

Suddenly, four people appeared.

The third university is Tianting University.

This configuration is very high!

For every school has its advantages,

This made the students present embarrassed one after another.

I originally thought that Yan Yihan's school was the most advantageous school, but I didn't expect Gu Sen to come up with such a mechanism in order to make up for the other schools, but Yan Yihan's Xianguo University was not so attractive.

in the crowd. There was a lot of discussion. I'm thinking about which university to go to.

"Everyone, be quiet. Next, the person who asked me to read the name, come forward and choose your school. Don't communicate with the people behind you. In case you don't have time to choose a school, you will delay your own affairs instead. Remember, you must choose the university that suits you, don't choose blindly, everyone, understand?"

Gu Sen said!

Everyone nodded, "Understood Principal Gu, if you speak, we will do whatever you want us to do."

it is good!

Gu Sen smiled with satisfaction, "Next, I read the first name. Please come forward."

Saying that, he turned his eyes to Lu Qianyu.

"Lu Qianyu, choose one of your three favorite universities!"

With a very handsome appearance, Lu Qianyu, who stood out from the crowd, walked out slowly. He was wearing a white robe. Some look like scholars in ancient Xia Kingdom.

That handsome appearance made everyone stunned.

How handsome,

Girls, especially, are nympho.

They never thought about it. Lu Qianyu is not only strong, but also so handsome.

Feel the gazes of countless gods.

Lu Qianyu's face also turned slightly red, a little embarrassed. But it was only a short moment, and he immediately calmed down.

Then he looked at the crowd and said, "President Gu, I'm my master's apprentice, so wherever my master is, I'll be there. Next, I'll choose Xianguo University."

His choice surprised everyone. Unexpectedly, Lu Qianyu chose Yan Yihan.

Normally, Lu Qianyu would never choose Yan Yihan. Because he has been studying in Yan Yihan's hands for more than ten years.

In fact, it is more beneficial for him to choose other schools.

Can take into account the strengths of a hundred schools, especially the choice. Galaxy University. can learn some. The art of agency. Even with his conditions, he can definitely get the imperial soldiers. But he didn't even have a choice, but always stayed with Yan Yihan.

His choice also moved everyone slightly. As expected of Emperor Yan's apprentice, none of them are ordinary people, and their hearts are very pure.

However, his choice fell within Yan Yihan's expectations. Yan Yihan smiled slightly. "We are a two-way choice, congratulations on becoming the first student of Xianguo University."

"Second Gu Qingcheng. Please choose your favorite school."

Everyone turned their attention to this eternity. A peerless genius who can compete with Yan Huang, there is no teacher in his realm who can teach her!


She still has to choose a school. Gu Qingcheng would never choose Yan Yihan's university. Because there is an unspoken rule that the king does not see the king, they are also two peak masters, and they will never meet each other in many cases.

Gu Qingcheng's choice. Make everyone look forward to it. I don't know what choice he will make next.

Gu Sen, looking at Gu Qingcheng, "Classmate Gu Qingcheng, please."

Gu Qingcheng walked slowly to the Qing Emperor. Then you looked at Fu Xubai and said, "Speak up. I prefer your imperial soldiers. Give me a chance to train them."

Fu Xubai smiled, "No problem."

Gu Qingcheng nodded, "Okay, Dean Gu, I choose Galaxy University."

At this time, Gong Mingye was a little embarrassed. Because everyone knows that Qing Huang has always wanted to be with Gu Qingcheng.

He went to Xinghe University, then Qinghuang would have no chance. Fortunately, it is a two-way choice.

Gong Mingye smiled and said, "Sorry, Galaxy University doesn't want to accept you, please choose another school."

His words shocked everyone.

I rely on.

This is a super guy.

It's too late for others to fight,

He didn't want to.

What's happening here!

As expected of the owner of the Taihuang Ruins, this aura is not comparable to others, and it is completely beyond the same realm.

Gong Mingye's words made Gu Qingcheng stunned.

He raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Gong Mingye, "Are you serious?"

Gong Mingye nodded,

"I'm serious, please choose another place, Tianting University or Xianguo University."

Gu Qingcheng took a deep look at him, and then turned to the Qing Emperor next to him.

"Okay, I choose Tianting University!"

The emperor quickly stood up.

You are welcome, Gu Qingcheng, and you are welcome to join Tianting University. He is very excited.

Even talking was incoherent. People who don't know what to do look at it a little strange, the emperor of love, that person who has been absolutely sensible since ancient times, there are still times when he is excited.

Longxi looked at Lianlian, "Boss, Qinghuang, it's all right, how come he sees Gu Qingcheng, it seems that he can't walk."

"I do not know either."

"He and the fourth uncle are not lovers, why? The fourth uncle will be so excited"

Lianlian does not understand.

Murong Yuan next to her smiled slightly, "Why don't you understand this? You are still too young to tell you this now, and you don't understand either."

Several people stuck out their tongues, "You understand."

Murong Yuan smiled, "What's wrong? Of course I understand. Why don't I understand?"

"The old lady is also a person who has a target, unlike you little brats, single dogs."

Several people have black lines. As if he already knew his next choice.

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