Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 624: I haven't been threatened for years!


The man in black smiled, "I've grown so big, and no one has ever dared to threaten me. I'm afraid I've ever been afraid."

"I tell you, be funny. You should pay quickly. If you don't have money, don't even think about going in. And you won't be able to leave today. By the way, your companion won't be able to leave either."

His eyes were on Yan Yihan, thinking that Yan Yihan. It's a hundred-dollar companion.

Bai Yuan's face darkened and he said. "You are mistaken, I don't know her at all. Don't kill innocent people. Implicate strangers."

He was afraid of these people. Bullied on Yan Yihan's head. The girl in front of her looked a little weak, and it was estimated that she was a little girl from an ordinary family.

I have never gone out, otherwise, how could it be possible to come to Kyushu City for vacation?

Seeing him in such a hurry, the man in black smiled. "Okay, I won't deal with him, but there is a condition that you must give 10,000 spirit stones. There are no 1,000 spirit stones. You can't think about it."

Bai Yuan's face was completely gloomy. "Even if there is a robbery, there is no such thing as you robbery."

"Don't talk nonsense with me, take it out quickly."

"Otherwise I will kill you."

"Look at you. You're just poor. Your woman. Not bad. If this woman goes with us now, I'll let you go."

A man sneered.

Then he walked to Yan Yihan. It's like looking at a pet. Scrutinize the eyeshadow palette with a high gaze. Yan Yihan's eyes were calm. As if he didn't take what was going on in front of him at all.

Don't say a man in black if he wants to. Even the entire city can be killed in an instant.

The strength of the emperor's limit is so terrifying.

Even the technology in this city has evolved to a terrifying level. But in the face of absolute strength, the gap is still more than a star and a half.

"Little girl. You come with us, I promise you will be delicious and spicy. I tell you. Lord is in this city. You have a house, a car, money, and a group of little brothers. You will never suffer a loss if you follow me. How is it? Are you interested? Are you excited?"

Yan Yihan gave him a cold look. "Go away!"

The faint two words, the tone is clean and neat. As if a kind of high. fairy.

Stuck with a man?

Everyone around was stunned. Hundred dollars also got hold.

They didn't expect this seemingly weak woman in front of them. Talk like this. I don't know, I thought it was the eldest lady who came out.

people around. Get together slowly. There was a lot of discussion.

They take a look. Yan Yihan's eyes were full of sympathy. Another girl. To be brutally murdered.

this group of people. Not a good bunch of people. Often trick some outsiders to go to an ancient mine. Mining.

people who have been there. No one has come back.

Look at a man, wait a moment. "Okay, very good. You **** dare to talk to me like that, do you know who I am? I'll tell you. In this city, no one can keep you, you have to come with me today. Otherwise, I will your life."

As soon as he spoke, the people around him dared not step forward.

"You want my life."

"Then I want to see how you want my life."

"Ten seconds. Kneel down and beg me for mercy. I'll just pretend this never happened, or I'll make you regret coming into this world."

Yan Yihan's eyes are cold, and his tone is full of domineering.

how many years? She had forgotten how many years ago was the last time she was threatened. Suddenly threatened, and a little uncomfortable.

Yan Yihan's words made the man in black immediately stunned. Shouldn't he say this? The woman in front of him dared to say such words to him, kneel down for ten seconds,

"good very good."

The black man's teeth were shaking.

He bit his lip, fists hard. You almost roared my teeth. "Okay, okay, for many years, no one has threatened me. I want your dog's life today."


Speaking of a few black-clothed youths behind him. He is about to rush towards Yan Yihan!

At this moment, Bai Yuan said quickly, "Brother, if you have something to say, please say something. I will give you 1,000 spirit stones. Please don't embarrass this girl."

Yan Yihan was slightly surprised by the man's words, that there was still someone here to give her a head start. Although she doesn't need it.

"Quickly, apologize to Big Brother. Don't make them angry here, otherwise you may not be able to get out of Jiuzhou City. As the saying goes, strong dragons don't overwhelm the local snakes, and Jiuzhou City is an independent boundary. You are even outside. Mixed well. It doesn't work well here."

However, Yan Yihan didn't even move his eyes, he didn't care about this group of people at all.

What local snake? In her eyes, all are chickens.

Seeing that Yan Yihan did not speak. Hundred dollars in a hurry? Quickly and patiently persuaded. "I beg you, apologize quickly, okay? He's really not something we can afford."

The man in black laughed angrily. "Damn it! Shame on your face."

"Hit me. I don't believe she can make any waves today. Hit me to the death."

"Boss, is it too cruel to beat such a beautiful woman to death?"

A younger brother asked.

A man snorted coldly. "Cruel, the brain is to be cruel. You must beat me hard until I die."

As soon as he came up, the people around him couldn't persuade him. Over the years, he has killed many people. In the boundary of Kyushu Castle. He has a vision which is very powerful. A bit similar to the small gangsters in the capital of the Xia Kingdom.

Therefore, in Kyushu City, few people dare to provoke them, but the people who can provoke them. Basically do not have any dealings with them. So he is still very influential among the people at the bottom.

The voice fell. Several men rushed towards Yan Yihan.

All the onlookers were stunned. everyone. They are all worried about Yan Yihan!

Ah, it seems that there is only one thing left to do.

Offended the man in black. There is no possibility of surviving at all.

The endless universe, all the capitals, are like this. They did not birth laws. No one controls it. Here, life and death are in power, and everything is based on strength.

Powerful, can kill at will without being blamed. So people in Kyushu City die every day. The black tiger gang where the man belongs. And killing people every day.

Offending such a big boss, Yan Yihan is completely finished.

The sharp dagger stabbed Yan Yihan Qiqi. Everyone was so frightened that they closed their eyes and dared not watch this scene. Everyone is praying in their hearts. Yan Yihan is completely finished.

But even so, he wouldn't even leave a whole corpse for himself, because these people are really ruthless.

However, just when everyone thought that Yan Yihan was about to have bad luck, all of a sudden, Yan Yihan's momentum exploded.


A terrifying distance swept out. How many men were killed? All of them flew upside down several 10m away. He hit the ground hard, smashing the concrete into a hole.

Everyone's mouths were as big as goose eggs.

Silly. They were all killed.

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