Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 655: You have offended Director Wang!

Officer Chen's words caught the guards by surprise.

He had no idea that this police officer would be so hard-hearted. Who does not know the strength of Butler Wang in this Tianxingfu.

Moreover, the method of tax collection at the city gate was also proposed by him. For the excess tax revenue, the city lord of the city lord's mansion just turned a blind eye. How could he really control his head?

The face of the defender turned gloomy and said to Officer Chen: "Officer Chen, you can think about some things in your heart, but don't talk about it. You and I know Mr. Wang's temper. Those who have offended him all these years. People, dead dead, wounded, rolled, crawled."

"Have you seen it before, how many of them have good endings? If you are not convinced, go to Steward Wang and say, what are you doing to make me a servant?"

After his words, Officer Chen's eyes became cold: "I'm embarrassing you. If you don't embarrass them, how can I embarrass you? And your so-called Director Wang is not a manager of Tianxing Mansion at all. Why should I listen to him, is he worthy of me to reason?"

Seeing how stubborn Officer Chen's temper was, the guard of the city said repeatedly: "Okay! Good! I remember what you said, I'll call Manager Wang right now, but I want to see, you today Dare to take care of this matter? I see your position as a police officer, and you have done it." While speaking.

The guard immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

There was an impatient voice on the other end of the phone: "I said there is nothing important, don't make this call, talk! What's the matter?"

The defender of the city immediately changed his tone and said in a low voice, "Mr. Wang, someone is making trouble at the city wall and wants to check our taxes."

Tax inspection is a very serious matter. Manager Wang naturally doesn’t dare to make a big deal out of it. Usually, the adults in the City Lord’s Mansion just turn a blind eye. Give the people an explanation.

At that time, he will definitely be stabbed out.

Manager Wang's serious voice came over: "Let him come over to answer the phone immediately. I don't know where the **** came from, and he even dares to take care of Lao Tzu's affairs."

The keeper immediately showed a playful smile on his face, and then turned his eyes to Officer Chen, still looking at him with a good show: "Officer Chen, Manager Wang asked you to answer the phone, do you dare to answer?"

Officer Chen's eyes narrowed.

The guards behind him did not dare to move forward when they heard the name of Director Wang. Everyone knew the identity of Director Wang, who was a dog of the City Lord's Mansion.

A dog is so powerful that no one can control him in this area.

Not even Officer Chen.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally answered the phone: "It's me, Butler Wang, I just came here to check taxes on a routine basis."

As soon as he spoke, there was a burst of insults over the phone: "You bastard, my territory is also yours, what do you think you are?"

"You can get out of here, you don't need to take care of this."

Officer Chen said coldly: "Let me get out, yes, but before that, I will definitely arrest them all."

When he was talking, he turned to look at the man, still didn't give face to Manager Wang, and hung up the phone.

He snorted coldly: "Someone took them all away, and they dared to prevent the refiner from entering the city. This is disregarding the majesty of Tianxingfu."

"Should kill."

The man was stunned on the spot, and his face instantly collapsed. He did not expect that this police officer Chen was so dumb, that was the housekeeper Wang, the existence of one person under the city lord's mansion, and the existence of more than ten thousand people, many big people had to give him a few Divide the thin face, because he is the red man beside the city lord.

But Officer Chen didn't even give a thin face.

"Officer Chen, you have to think about it. If you offend Director Wang, you will never want to turn around again in your life. It's okay for me to be a little wronged, but have you ever thought about your family? Have you ever thought about it? How will they be implicated because of you?"

Officer Chen jumped up and gave him a slap in the face. He, who had never used foul language before, finally made a foul language: "Fuck you, don't you know I'm a single dog? Where is my family from?"

This insult made everyone around him happy.

"Good guy!" Everyone shouted: "Good guy."

I have seen such arrogance, but I have never seen such arrogance.

Looking at this scene, Yan Yihan couldn't help but smile.

She didn't expect that the police officer was a thorn, and she didn't even care about such a powerful manager Wang, but she was a little temperamental.

"Someone will take them all away." The police officer ordered resolutely.

At this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

over the phone. There was a vicissitudes of life: "Xiao Chen! I heard that you have gone out of the city. I have a case on my side. I need you to come and take over, put down all the work, come over immediately, don't delay any time, remember Stay! I'm talking about dropping all the work."

Officer Chen frowned slightly. He had some doubts in his heart. At this time, the old chief actually called him.

The old director is also about to retire, but he has been in office for all these years and has not retired. He is his immediate boss, and the affairs of the bureau must be said by the old director.

Officer Chen couldn't help but ask the old chief: "I just arrested a few prisoners here, and I still need to deal with them."

"Will your mission wait? Wait until I lock them in the city first."

An impatient voice immediately came out from the other end of the phone: "Damn, do you know the identities of those people? Those people are the people of the city lord's housekeeper Wang Zongguan, you even dare to do it for his people, do you think Are you courting death?" A slap in the face of insults came.

Officer Chen was stunned! The old chief who had a good temper last second is like an angry old hen this second.

It didn't give him any face at all.

This made him stunned in place, not knowing how to speak.

He may not lose the face of Director Wang, but this is his old boss and the old director who has promoted him very well in his career! Officer Chen dared not not listen to his words.

But now if he returns to the city, this group of people will immediately make things difficult for Yan Yihan and others.

He really didn't want to let these girls suffer again.

Normally, no one would dare to sue these people. He couldn't get any evidence, but today someone stood up and accused them of taking such an opportunity. Officer Chen was unwilling to give up.

"Did you hear what I said?"

Just when Officer Chen was thinking. There was another abusive voice on the other end of the phone: "Hurry up and get over here. Can a **** like you handle the affairs of Butler Wang? You don't even look in the mirror to see what you are."

Officer Chen's face flushed with scolding.

The men around were suddenly amused and laughed on the spot: "Officer Chen, what did I just say? Butler Wang, it's not something you can offend. I advise you to keep your eyes on your forehead."

"Don't offend Director Wang just for a momentary impulse."

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