This woman is completely self-indulgent, Ao Kuang has no feelings for her, and naturally knows what she wants.

He ignored it, but his eyes were always on Yan Yihan. The purpose of his visit here today was to pursue Yan Yihan and confess to Yan Yihan. Otherwise, in his capacity, he would definitely disdain to participate in such a low-level banquet.

In the entire Nine Heavens Universe, or the entire Endless Universe, there are people who are qualified to let him attend the banquet, but there are only one hand, and the rest are not worthy at all.

Li Qingqing didn't think of the man he liked at all, and didn't like to take care of him at all.

After waiting for everyone to arrive, the host quickly announced: "Eldest Young Master's banquet tonight, you will organize it!"

The eldest son of Tianxing Mansion nodded slightly, Wu Siguo and Ao Kuang are both here, and tonight's banquet must be hosted by him. The general host is not qualified at all, because these two are both identities and their status is far superior. to his existence.

He looked at the crowd and said, "I am very honored to welcome everyone to this evening's banquet."

"Especially when the young master Ao Kuang and the eldest prince are invited, the entire Tianxing Mansion will flourish. Please stand up and welcome the two distinguished guests."

In fact, he didn't know what Ao Kuang's identity was, but the prince of Wusi Kingdom was very respectful to him, and he naturally didn't dare to neglect him.

Because that is definitely the top big man that he cannot reach, commonly known as the existence that cannot be offended.

After the eldest son said this, a group of people stood up collectively. Yan Yihan didn't want to move, but everyone else stood up, so she could only follow the local customs and stand up.

Ao Kuang looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Everyone must be curious about my abilities, but I'm just an ordinary person like everyone else.

"You can call me whatever you want. I hope everyone will like the next banquet. I'm looking forward to the performance tonight."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a round of applause from the audience. Although civilization has developed to a very high level, people are not equal, not to mention that such people speak in person

"Master Ao Kuang, I'm curious about your origins?" A woman asked very boldly.

Ao Kuang showed a smile: "I have nothing to say about my origin, but everyone had a good time tonight." He did not respond positively.

Immediately, he looked at Yan Yihan again: "Miss, can I ask you to dance?"

Li Qingqing, who was originally smiling, turned gloomy in an instant, and asked Yan Yihan to dance. Did this person make a mistake? However, Li Qingqing did not wait for him to speak.

Yan Yihan directly shook his head and swirled: "I dare not dance with you, a big man like you, let's ask someone else."

Yan Yihan's words made Ao Kuang's face darken instantly.

But he soon changed his face, showing a smile: "Since Miss Weiyang doesn't want to dance with me, then I have to find someone else." In the end, he could only do it.

Suddenly there was an uproar in the crowd, and everyone looked at Yan Yihan with the appearance of watching a good show.

This woman even dared to refuse the invitation of such a big man, and she will definitely have her good fruit to eat next.

Li Qingqing was originally unhappy, but when she saw Yan Yihan, she stood up and shouted at Yan Yihan: "You little bitch, what do you think you are, and you dare to refuse even the invitation of the young master of the mine, you really take yourself as your own. What's the matter? People like you should die, and it's not an exaggeration to kill them."

Yan Yihan looked at Li Qingqing lightly: "What does it have to do with you if I dance or not? If you want to dance, you can change it yourself."

"It's a pity that Young Master Ao Kuang doesn't want to dance with you."

As soon as these words came out, they offended a large group of people. Zhang Xue quickly took her hand: "Sister, don't say that, you will make Li Qingqing angry." Zhang Xue's voice was very soft, but what she heard There are also many people.

Some people couldn't help it on the spot, and scolded Yan Yihan: "Little bitch, who do you think you are? You are just a **** in the Great Wilderness State. People like you really take yourself seriously, don't you?"

"Master Ao Kuang asked you to dance to give you face. Do you really think you are a great person? You still like to pretend, what are you pretending to be?"

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was a little stiff, the eldest son hurriedly stood up and said: "Everyone, stop arguing, tonight is a good day for everyone to participate in the artifact refiner competition, we can't quarrel over a little thing, please give me this face , If you keep arguing, you won't take me seriously."

As soon as his words came out, some people naturally stopped talking, and the rest of the people stopped talking.

Yan Yihan looked at him lightly, and also fell silent. It was really unnecessary to talk to these people like this. It was a complete waste of time and not in line with his identity.

Although Ao Kuang had lost face, he liked Yan Yihan more and more in his heart. After all, a woman like Yan Yihan was the woman he had always wanted to pursue.

Such a woman has a taste. Compared to Li Qingqing, anyone can post it upside down. He doesn't like it at all. Men always like challenging things.

After the eldest son came out to adjust, the atmosphere at the scene became much more harmonious. Halfway through the banquet, Zhang Xue said slightly to Yan Yihan: "Sister, they will definitely target you next, you have to be careful."

Yan Yihan didn't look back: "Against me? What can they target me?"

Zhang Xueweiwei said: "Next is the music show. I know that although you know painting, you don't necessarily know music!"

"They will definitely taunt you at the banquet hall, come to perform later, don't agree to their request."

She knew that Yan Yihan had provoked public anger, and she must not be careless about this group of people at this time.

Yan Yihan smiled slightly and said to Zhang Xue, "What is it to ridicule me? If they really have that strength, what if I let them ridicule?"

After she finished speaking, she looked at Li Qingqing

"Okay! Music competition, I promise you!"

Yan Yihan's confident expression only made Li Qingqing stunned for a moment. She didn't know where this woman came from. Learning music in the Endless Universe is a very difficult thing. Especially playing the piano.

Only that kind of aristocratic family can get better tunes.

The endless universe does not have its own music theory like the Jiutian universe!

Their playing depends on the music to spread. The stronger the family power, the better and more complicated the music they get. On the contrary, ordinary people can't afford it at all.

There are almost no people who created Dong's songs. They are all songs handed down from ancient times. As for where these songs come from, no one knows, they only know the names of these songs.

Yan Yihan's words immediately made the people around him laugh, thinking that this hillbilly really didn't understand anything, so he dared to be so unscrupulous.

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