Return of the God of War: The Vest Boss is A and Sassy

Chapter 690: Spirit Transformation Realm is amazing!

Everyone is watching Yan Yihan's good show, everyone is watching this scene, and they all speculate on what Wang Xiaolong will do next.

Wang Xiaolong's face became gloomy: "Spiritual Transformation Realm, I tell you, don't think that Spirit Transformation Realm is great."

"In other places, the spirit realm may be the most peak master, but there are also many masters in the Tianxingfu."

"I'm telling you, Spirit Transformation Realm also has to die here."

Conflict is imminent.

The whole street was surrounded by people, and the crowd's discussion grew louder and louder.

Everyone is discussing everything that happened today, because they all know that the battle between the masters of Spirit Transformation is about to start.

At this moment, the struggle between Yan Yihan, headed by Wang Xiaolong's strength faction and Spirit Transformation Realm, is about to break out.

But if they really want to fight, do they really have a chance of winning? No one dared to play this package.

Everyone is watching a good show, and they have no way to make any judgments in this scene.

Zhang Xue was also very nervous. In fact, she told Wang Xiaolong the fact that Yan Yihan had transformed into a spiritual realm.

However, Wang Xiaolong did not retreat, and instead became a prodigy.

A trend that is bound to compete with Yan Yihan? But now she doesn't have the strength to compete with her at all.

You must know that with the strength of the Wang family, it is easy to mobilize more than a dozen masters of Spirit Transformation in this place.

There are definitely no less than 100 masters in the entire Tianxing Mansion.

And a considerable number of these people have a very friendly relationship with the Wang family, if this is mobilized.

Yan Yihan really may not be able to withstand such a large-scale battle.

But what can be done now? Now I can only watch hard.

The conflict between the two sides is imminent, and they have no choice but to bite the bullet. Now she can only hope that Yan Yihan can shock each other.

Yan Yihan said slowly: "What is the spirit transformation realm?"

"I'm here to tell you what the Spirit Transformation Realm is?" After speaking, she let go of her aura.

Although it is already the limit of the emperor, but in such a place, she will naturally not use her real strength.

Instead, it released the strength of the Spirit Transformation Realm, but even so.

The murderous aura that came out in that instant made everyone who was on the scene ready to rush to explode in an instant.

Wang Xiaolong originally wanted to struggle, but when he saw this scene.

The whole person was dumbfounded.

Everyone discussed: "What a terrible power, is this the power of the peak of the Spirit Transformation Realm!"

"And I heard that this person is actually an artifact refiner, and he still came to participate in the artifact refiner competition."

This made them even more surprised. For such a person, if she was an artifact refiner, her strength would be terrifying.

There are definitely not a few people who want to get on this thigh and have a good relationship with her, no wonder Yan Yihan dares to do this.

At this time, some people in the crowd were discussing: "This woman is not only a master of Spirit Transformation Realm."

"I heard that she also painted a good painting, and she can also play music. The future is boundless."

"It's hard to say, in the end, it's not a Wang family that can compare."

When this person said this, the rest of the people were shocked.

I didn't expect Yan Yihan to be so terrifying. Not only is he powerful, but he is also extremely talented in painting and music. No wonder he has such a level.

When he said that, the people around him instantly understood.

Wang Xiaolong's face also became gloomy, and he instantly felt that Yan Yihan was not a good master to deal with.

But now he can't back down, if he backs down, it means he will be nailed to the pillar of shame.

Everyone will laugh at him, and he will not be able to raise his head in the whole Tianxingfu in the future.

But now the situation has reached this point.

Immediately after, he rolled his eyes, looked at Yan Yihan and said, "Since you are a talent from Wusi Kingdom."

"I won't bother you too much, you can go in."

"But I have to hand over all my clothes, and I have to pay three times the compensation for the things I grabbed from my store. This condition should not embarrass you."

When he said this, the people around were surprised.

Wang Xiaolong actually softened, which was unexpected to everyone.

This Wang Xiaolong is still a master who can bend and stretch. He thought he was a stunned young man and didn't care about everyone's opinions at all.

But now it seems that Wang Xiaolong is clearly not like this, but a person who can bend and stretch.

In fact, Wang Xiaolong couldn't help it, he couldn't be hard steel with Yan Yihan.

Confronting Yan Yihan at this juncture is simply a dead end.

With Yan Yihan's strength, it's easy to step on him, and it's easy to pinch him, it's not a big deal at all.

The problem is that when he said this, Yan Yihan fell silent slightly, showing an indifferent expression: "Sorry!"

"I'm not interested in playing with you, so what I grab is naturally mine."

"What do you think you are?"

"If your waiter hadn't insulted me first, how could I have robbed you of your things?"

"I tell you, don't think I'm afraid of you, others are afraid of you, I'm not afraid of you, what you have to do with you has nothing to do with me, I don't care."

"Want to reconcile? Want to get these things back? It's okay, but"

"You must kneel down and kowtow to me, and kowtow and call Grandpa three times."

"After the knock, I may be able to let you go, otherwise."

"Today, not only will I not return the things, but I will also beat you up, believe it or not?"

Yan Yihan's remarks shocked the scene instantly, and everyone looked at her in disbelief.

Everyone thought she was crazy, this woman really was crazy.

Everyone in the Wang family felt that it was terrifying to encounter such a crazy woman.

Wang Xiaolong did not expect this to happen, this woman actually wanted him to kneel and beg for mercy.

This is a shame for the entire Wang family. How could he kneel down and beg for mercy for an outsider? It's impossible.

But now Yan Yihan's strength is terrifying.

There is no way, you can't really fight hard, right?

But do they have the qualifications for this reckless fight?

In fact, he has no choice at all, everything he has now is in Yan Yihan's hands.

What Yan Yihan asked him to do, what he had to do, what Yan Yihan did not let him do, what could he not do?

Wang Xiaolong's face was ashen, and his heart became gloomy.

He didn't expect that he had endured it, thinking that Yan Yihan would use the donkey to apologize to himself, forget it.

I didn't expect the other party to be so stinky, so hateful, and dare to say such things to myself.

This is simply daring, lawless, and daring.

It was an insult to him, a huge insult.

His face darkened instantly, and he said coldly: "Okay, very good, no one dares to talk to me like this, you are the first one I have encountered so much."

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