
This scene directly made everyone explode, and everyone's scalp was numb.

Looking at this scene one by one, what the **** is this?

All the villagers were shocked, looking at Yan Yihan with horrified eyes.

The county magistrate was also stunned.

These gods actually knelt down in the direction of Yan Yihan, and shouted in unison: "Welcome to the return of Emperor Yan!!!"

Who is Emperor Yan? They don't know who Emperor Yan is?

They have absolutely no idea who Emperor Yan is, because the name Yan Yihan is only famous in the realm of the gods.

And they don't know at all, or they are not qualified to know, and Yan Yihan lives here under another name.

Everyone was shocked and shocked. They never thought that such a terrible thing would happen.

The villagers looked in Yan Yihan's direction with hesitant eyes. They didn't know why these people knelt down.

They don't know why they knelt in Yan Yihan's direction and called Yan Huang?

I don't know what this means, all the gods knelt down, they never imagined such a thing.

What kind of concept is this? God, let the gods kneel, this is to make the gods kneel, what does it mean for the gods to kneel.

Everyone knows what it means for God to kneel, which means that in the history of the heavens and the world, there is probably only this person who can make God kneel!

Who else is qualified to make all the gods kneel together?

Except for Emperor Yan who has such qualifications, there is no one else.

Seeing the shocked look on the village chief's face, and the shocked look of the whole village.

Yan Yihan showed a faint smile, looked at everyone kneeling on the ground, and said softly, "Get up!"

Hearing Yan Yihan's words, all the gods slowly stood up from the ground.

And this scene, the county magistrate was also stunned, and his face was pale with fright.

The group of troublemakers who followed the county magistrate had their faces full of astonishment. They had never seen such a terrible thing before.

What would you do if someone told you one day that someone around you suddenly became the master of all gods, and that you bullied her?

At this time, they were so scared that their faces were pale, and they didn't dare to speak at all. They didn't dare to make a sound. If there was a dog hole, they must have burrowed into it.

The county magistrate couldn't believe that he saw it. He quietly pinched his thigh, which was very painful.

He still can't believe it, he thinks this is not a dream, what is going on?

He felt that this kind of thing was absolutely impossible, and he didn't want to believe it at all.

The county magistrate stood up tremblingly, with a trace of unwillingness in his eyes, he felt that Yan Yihan must be playing tricks.

He didn't know where these people came from, but he knew that these people were all gods, and he didn't dare to say anything.

But he felt that it must be Yan Yihan who was tricking, it must be Yan Yihan who was tricking, because they came over because of some tricks Yan Yihan played.

The county magistrate stood up desperately, looked at everyone around him and said, "My dear gods, she is not your Emperor Yan, have you admitted wrong?"

"How could this **** be the Emperor Yan you know?"

"The Yan Huang you know must be a god, but she is an ordinary person, an ordinary person."

"She's definitely not, she's definitely not, you guys are taking a good look."

The county magistrate was already desperately ill and went to the doctor at this time, and he could only hope from the bottom of his heart that she was not Emperor Yan.

He wants all this to be false, none of this to be true.

If all this is true, it would be a bolt from the blue for him.

If it is true, then he must have no time to live and die.

Seeing this man's indignant expression, Emperor Changsheng and Emperor Wuji immediately went crazy.

The two of them had long wanted to send this county magistrate to hell, and they were really courting death over and over again.

The two walked to the county magistrate and punched him.

This punch directly made him vomit blood, and the county magistrate gushed out blood on the spot, and the whole person coughed wildly.

He never imagined that one day he would offend the gods, or a creature of this level.

Emperor Changsheng didn't exert any force at all, he just took a light touch, otherwise he wouldn't bleed, but just whimper.

Yan Yihan looked indifferently at the county magistrate who fell on the ground, and said coldly, "You deserve it."

"You have done a lot of evil in your life, and you never take other people's lives seriously."

"Do you think the bad things you do are not known to the sky? The bad things you do are also known to the sky."

"It's not that you don't report it, it's time not yet."

"Now, it's time for you to taste the evil you've sown."

As Yan Yihan spoke, the five suns on her body suddenly burned.

The whole person is burning with boiling flames, and the five suns around the body are burning enthusiastically.

Five suns, six full suns, this terrifying burning sensation terrifies everyone.

This terrible burning sensation made everyone tremble.

What does five suns mean? Means destructive energy.

And Yan Yihan has already cultivated more than five suns. She killed a mortal and accidentally mobilized the power of five suns. How terrifying is this.

Everyone was stunned to mobilize such a terrifying power to kill an ordinary person.

The reason why Yan Yihan released such vast energy is not to deal with the county magistrate, but to declare his strength, to declare his strength from the experience of the world.

No one knows what terrifying level her strength has entered through this experience in the world.

But everyone knows that this woman has reached a limit, a limit that no one can imagine.

With a wave of Yan Yihan's hand, the county magistrate died tragically on the spot.

The rest of the people who followed were all killed by the aftermath, and no one was alive.

Yan Yihan is a ruthless man after all.

Although as her status became higher and higher, as her children grew up, she became a lot gentler, and she became a lot more tolerant.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't have a temper, and it doesn't mean he doesn't kill people.

With Yan Yihan's strength, it's too easy for him to kill anyone, and he can kill whoever he wants.

The county magistrate also bumped into Yan Yihan, and he deserved it.

The people who followed Yan Yihan had already given them a chance, but they wanted to die themselves, so Yan Yihan had to give them a ride.

They killed themselves, no one else could blame them, only their own choices were wrong.

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