Return of the War God

Chapter 1002: : The start is a bit heavy

Floating cloud, unblocker


The terrible fluctuations suddenly spread, and the endless power exploded. The ripples of power swept across the ten directions as if the stormy waves, and directly enveloped the arena in all directions!

Countless monks in Dragonbone County suddenly felt like they had become lambs watched by hungry wolves, their bodies and minds trembling crazily!

Under the collision of these two terrible forces, if they really swept away, almost thousands of people would die.

An elder of the Dragon Bone County Canglong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of sigh flashed, his right hand stretched out, and the extremely thick Yuanli light film flashed, forming a huge protective circle, covering the entire arena!

Suddenly Dao Dao force exploded, gradually rippling on the Yuanli light film, trembling endlessly!

After he was safe and stable, countless Dragon Bone County monks raised their heads again, looking up at the sky, wanting to see how the battle is going!

When they looked up, they saw that in the place where the vitality light was the strongest, a figure exploded frantically, their feet rubbed against the void, and the cracks in the space followed like a shadow, dragging a black hole that was thousands of feet long!

It was Wei Qianxiang who broke out! x more\'new|\"most\'fast k on o cool $☆smith net,

At this moment, Wei Qianxiang’s face was filled with a hint of anger. His right arm was trembling violently, his fingers were numb, and he could not even stretch and flex. The blood in his body was violently churning, and his throat was sweet. After all, he was not suppressed. Cough up blood!

"Let me go! My eyes have no flowers, right? Wei Qianxiang was injured?"

"That's just a trick! Wei Qianxiang was injured! The God of War is invincible!"

"As expected to be the God of War! This is a complete overriding!"


The voices of countless Dragon Bone County monks rang with enthusiasm and inconceivability, and the scene above the sky shocked everyone.

At this moment, on the top ten thrones, the faces of the remaining super geniuses are also different.

The Gan Gang didn't even look at Wei Qianxiang, a hot flash across his eyes, directly piercing the void, sweeping towards the tall and slender figure slowly stepping out from the center of the dazzling vitality light.

"Interesting, it seems that he is indeed a good powerhouse! Very good..."

Su Yinxiu originally sat cross-legged on the throne, her enchanting posture was extremely hot and sexy, but at this moment, a pair of wild eyes also looked at the tall and slender figure above the void, and there was a hint of sight in the depths of her eyes. Eyes with desire!

Her face was already full of wild temptation. At this moment, the red lips outlined a strange smile, which exuded a fatal charm!

"A strong man! Young and full of blood! With full potential, if combined with it, he might be able to give birth to a peerless baby!"

If anyone knew what Su Yinxiu was thinking at this moment, he would definitely be shocked by Liushen Wuzhu.

The fire king Ying Jiu Zhou was surrounded by raging flames, the flames obscured his face, unable to see, there seemed to be a magical power in the flames, and seemed to have its spirituality, like being born and raised. At this moment, with Ying Jiu's mood Burning.

A trace of warfare appeared in Guo Xiaotian's eyes, and he looked at Ye Wuque, and the corner of his mouth slowly revealed a trace of heat.

He Hongyao was the only person who didn't look up. His slightly fascinating face had a sense of indifference and ruthlessness, just repeatedly rubbing his bright red long sword.

Ke Xian, with the giant axe in his hand, smiled happily.

And the handsome minister looked into the sky with clear eyes, and there was no surprise on his handsome face. If everyone here knows Ye Wuque best, he is naturally none other than him.

Only Wei Qianxiang, if Ye Wuque thought, could easily suppress it.


When the light of the vitality above the sky dissipated, Ye Wuque's figure stepped out of the void, his whole body intact, not the slightest embarrassment, his black hair fluttered, his expression was flat, and his bright eyes were still calm.

Thousands of feet away, Wei Qianxiang half-kneeled into the void, breathing slightly, but a pair of eyes stared at Ye Wuque firmly, his heart was full of unwillingness and fear!

"Originally, you were so noisy, but you made me look forward to it. I thought you could give me a surprise. Now it seems that there is only one mouth left. The strength is...too bad."

Ye Wuque's faint voice resounded through the void, his tone indifferent, but he had a sense of incomparable dominance of the common people.


Wei Qianxiang's eyes suddenly sharpened, and his face became extremely ugly, as if he wanted to refute something, but he was already exhausted.

At the collision just now, he felt that what he was facing was not a human monk, but a murderer from the depths of hell. He could not stop it for nine days!

The terrifying power contained in that bright fist light was like a galaxy inverted, completely suppressing his Desolate Soul Burying Hand!

"Ye Wuque! Do you think you are determined to win? Just let you see my newly-trained ultimate move! Huangsha wears golden armor for a hundred battles... The world fist of the deserted sky! Give me!"

Wei Qianxiang, who was extremely angry, was extremely unwilling, inflating all the strength in his body, his fists exploded into the sky, and the boundless desert behind him was reborn again, but this time it contracted extremely quickly, all condensed in his fists!


With a big step on the void, Wei Qianxiang's mouth was bleeding, but his fists blasted directly at Ye Wuque with an indomitable force!


In the next moment, the sky tore out two cracks tens of thousands of meters in size, and two giant fists made of endless sand were protruding from them, connecting the unknown time and space, and there was an invincible figure standing upright on the sky, like a statue. An invincible hero who will never die!

Huangtianzhen Shiquan!

This is exactly what Wei Qianxiang got from Fulong County's superb fighting skills!

Although it's just a beginner's practice, the power is earth-shattering after it is really displayed at this moment!

Even the other super geniuses of time had their eyes condensed at the moment, feeling the incomparable and dangerous of Wei Qianxiang's blow.

In the arena, the two sisters Qingqiu were pale, they were obviously taken by this breath, and there was a hint of worry in their eyes.

With a smile on his face, Fulong County Shou looked at Ye Wuque with a strange light, as if watching how he responded.

"Huangtianzhen Shiquan?"

Ye Wuque's black hair was agitated, and his brows were slightly raised. He obviously guessed that this Huangtianzhen Shiquan must be a reward from Fulong County.

"Fist is a good punch, but it is a pity that it is not human."

Faintly speaking, Ye Wuque was always calm, and immediately he raised his hands, quickly forming a seal, and suddenly a thick, majestic, and simple atmosphere swept all over the place!

With Ye Wuque’s knot printing, on top of his head, a huge black shadow measuring tens of thousands of meters in size evolved, carrying a peerless power that seemed to be able to suppress everything!

The seal of the seven seals of the sky!

Do not!

After the evolution and transformation of the great power of Tianlong, the word "moving the mountain" alone can no longer describe the horror of this type of printing.

So Ye Wuque has already thought of a new name for him!

"The town is moved from the prison! The town is destroyed!"

If there is a sound of Sanskrit between the heavens and the earth, Ye Wuque's two-handed seals are unified, and it suddenly seems to be a peerless seal that suppresses the **** under the heavens and ten thousand realms!

Void support, under heavy control!


An extremely dark black mountain emerged out of the sky, as if suppressed from outside the sky, it directly hit Wei Qianxiang's Huangtianzhen Shiquan!

One town, one prison!

In the next instant, the sky broke and the earth cracked, and the sky wailed!

The imprint of the prison and the mountain directly evolved endless power, and the void bloomed with pitch black brilliance. Without any suspense, Wei Qianxiang and his Huangtian Zhenshiquan were strongly suppressed!

"Do not!"

With a miserable cry, Wei Qianxiang struggled desperately, but it had no effect. The whole body was directly blown out. The bones were broken without knowing how many bones were broken, and the void blood spurted like a lightning strike.

Falling to the ground, he passed out with a clean bang!

Above the void, Ye Wuque stood up, dissipating the power of the prison and moving the mountain seal, shook his head slightly, and looked at the fainted Wei Qianxiang with bright eyes: "Sorry, beginners have not controlled their strength well. weight."

The next moment, the arena is boiling!

In the first battle of the Ten Strong Contest, Ye Wuque faced off against Wei Qianxiang, and God of War easily suppressed the desert killer with an absolutely powerful posture! Search "" on WeChat, follow the name of the post-post work, and read the full text for free! The fastest update! Say:

Fifth more! Thanks to the brothers of "a Chenxuan Trading Co., Ltd." and "Floating Cloud Dian" for protecting the God of War! Today, five changes broke out! Laonian did his best!

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